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NSFW Heart + Honey Queen Bee Box Review + Coupon – February 2019

Megan K.
ByMegan K.Feb 28, 2019 | 10 comments

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019

Heart + Honey
4.3 overall rating
18 Ratings | 3 Reviews

Heart + Honey is a subscription box that aims to embrace sexual health as a component of whole body health. Natural, important, and vital to the human experience. Their monthly subscription boxes are carefully curated to underscore the value of prioritizing your sexual health - and reaping the benefits of the efforts.

(FYI - not all the contents of the box are suitable for viewing at work. Some are adult products. Just a heads up!)

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 open

Heart + Honey offers three subscription options: The Bumble Bee Box is $55.00 and contains a quality sex toy/accessory plus 2 to 4 sexual and lifestyle products. The Queen Bee Box is $69.99 and contains a luxury sex toy/accessory plus 2 to 5 premium sexual and lifestyle products. The Heart + Honey Couple's Box is $129.99 and contains luxury items that stimulate sight, smell, taste, and touch. All boxes have discounts available for 3, 6, or 12-month subscriptions. Single boxes are also available for one-time purchase. 

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 open inside

This review is of the Queen Bee, $69.99 a month, box.

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 all contents

About Heart + Honey

The Subscription Box: Heart + Honey Queen Bee Box

The Cost: $69.99/mo + shipping. Save with 3, 6, and 12-month subscriptions.

The Products: A mix of handmade, small brand, and quality sexual lifestyle products that promote holistic sexual health. 

Ships to: Worldwide, prices vary. (Shipping to PA was calculated to $7.18)

Good to know: You can also purchase single past or current boxes (unless sold out) for a slightly higher price than the subscription.

Heart + Honey Queen Bee Box February 2019 Review

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 card

This month's Heart + Honey theme is "Kama Sutra".

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 product list

On the back, you'll find a description of the theme and a little about each item.

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 book cover Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 book back cover Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 intro pages Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 pages Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 page examples Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 illustrations

The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra - Retail Value $10.95 (found here for $9.86)

I found this book to be a much more approachable book than the actual Kama Sutra, especially for someone who is admittedly a little more vanilla than this box. This is also a lot more discreet! The illustrations are modern and very pretty, featuring positions for you and your partner to try out! If the Kama Sutra has always been something you wanted to try out but seemed too complicated, this is a perfect book for a beginner.

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 bullet in box Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 bullet back of box Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 bullet Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 bullet side view Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 bullet batteries

Rocks Off Truly Yours Pleasure Bullet - Retail Value $34.69

This is possibly the most discreet toy I have ever gotten from this sub. It easily fits into the palm of your hand and is a beautiful deep metallic red color. Don't let its demure size fool you, this little thing packs quite a punch! It has 10 different strengths and patterns and is waterproof! It also comes with a battery, so you can enjoy it right away. The on and off button is a little difficult to use, but I actually think this is a good thing, as if you choose to travel with it you won't be that person at the airport with a vibrating suitcase. 😉

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 caramel Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 chocolate caramel Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 caramel detail open

Mayana Cloud 9 Chocolate - Retail Value $3.99

Oh, this was good guys. SO good. This large chocolate is filled with marshmallow, caramel, and fleur de sel. I didn't share this with anyone, and I feel no shame. I need about 5 more.

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 glass dil Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 glass dil out of box Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 glass dildo side view Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 glass dil detail Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 glass dil end detail

The Pillar of Earthly Pleasures by Glas - Retail Value $12.88

This toy, admittedly, makes me uncomfortable. That is one of the great things about this subscription though, in my opinion. It is meant to open your mind to new and healthy ways to enjoy sex. That being said, I am not sure glass toys are for me. I feel like out of all of my options, glass seems so cold and hard! It kind of reminds me of an icicle. One of its main draws would be the easy to clean part. This has a few different textures going on, such as the swirl and bumps, meaning you can try a few different things to see what you like. It also has a round end that is meant for posterior play, if you are so inclined!

Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra kit Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra back of package Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra box kit open Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra all pieces Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra flavor balm Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra edible powder Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra massage oil Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra lubricant Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra feather duster Heart and Honey Queen Bee Box Kama Sutra February 2019 weekend kama sutra flavored edible oil

Kama Sutra Weekender Kit - Retail Value $18.21

This little kit is so cute! It would actually be really fun for someone who might not even be into Kama Sutra. Inside the kit is everything fun you could want for a romantic getaway, including a feather duster, edible body powder, massage oil, lubricant, kissable body oil, and a balm. This particular kit is strawberry flavored!

Verdict: Heart + Honey is always going to be one of my favorite subs, even this month, which pushed me WAY out of my comfort zone. Though I prefer the cuter/prettier months (last month's Dragonfly box was one of my top box experiences ever) this was a nice change of pace and introduced me to Kama Sutra in a totally new way, especially with the modern little black book version included. While I am pretty sure the glass toy is not for me, I love the little red bullet, and I am so shocked at how powerful something so small can be. The chocolate was EVERYTHING and the weekender kit is something I will be saving for a getaway. This month's value totals $80.72, which is higher than the $69.99 cost of the box, including free shipping. All in all, I enjoyed this expertly curated month very much.

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Normally your subscription will start the month following the month you subscribe, but if there are current boxes still available you may be able to snag one! Heart + Honey will usually reach out when you first subscribe if you have an option.

From Heart + Honey:

Subscription orders are taken from the first day of the month, until the last. Renewals occur on the 15th of the month.  Month-to-month subscriptions will renew on a monthly basis, and 3, 6, and 12 month subscriptions will renew in the correlating time frame.  So for example, if you were to order a month-to-month subscription on the 12th of April, your first box will ship between the 1st-5th of May.  Renewal will happen on the 15th of May.

Coupon – Use code MSA10 to save 10% off any subscription!

Value Breakdown: This box cost $69.99 a month plus free shipping, which means you are paying approximately the following per item:

  • Book: $9.49
  • Bullet: $30.07
  • Chocolate: $3.45
  • Pillar: $11.16
  • Weekender Kit: $15.78

Check out all of our Heart + Honey reviews and other adult boxes in the Adult Subscription Box List!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think of this month's theme from Heart + Honey Queen Bee Box?

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Heart + Honey aims to embrace sexual health and intimacy as a component of whole body health. The 3 tiers of Subscription boxes are carefully curated to be interesting and unique, with monthly themes that underscore the value of prioritizing passion and self care. The contents of Heart + Honey su... read more.

Megan K.
Megan K.
I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.

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Believe it or not, a cold glass toy is a lot of fun. You can also warm the glass though. And you do not have to worry about it breaking. Plus it’s super easy to clean and you don’t have to worry about using the wrong lube or about needing a fresh battery in the middle of your play session.

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Great box curation. Every month I think, “Man, I should’ve signed up last month!”.
Tip: You can actually heat up the glass toy in hot/warm water. Or try it chilled. 😉 Game changer.

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Megan K.

You guys are making me feel a lot more adventurous with the glass with all your tips!

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Yes for glass! it’s one thing when a doctor sticks an ice cold speculum up there. Totally different when your really hot…

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Megan- nice. Any chance you could compare a queen bee and a bumble bee box in the same month so we get a good comparison?

in this box vs most others some items arent readily swappable. I subbed for one mo and got item very similar to the glass dildo, but it came in a velvet bag and not sealed in plastic so I can’t imagine any swappers wanting it

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Megan K.

I can certainly ask Liz! We only get the Queen Bee, but let me ask. I love this box, so I certainly wouldn’t complain! 🙂

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I am sure the glass is really sturdy but me fear is it breaking.

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Michelle, that’s always been my thought. But then it is thicker than a regular drinking glass or glasses in your house.

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Glass is really nice material for a toy. It is typically made from glass similar to pyrex, so it wont break. You can use silicone or water based lubricant. You can also put it in warm water to heat it up for a nice warm sensation; or conversely, refrigerate it for a cold sensation. I would NOT however recommend this toy for anal play. For safety sake, you always want toys for your posterior to have a flared, or very wide base so as to have a “stopping” point. Very basic rule for anal play. I am a sex educator. Just want all of you to have fun and be safe while doing it😘 I think this box is great, by the way. Wonderful curation and a nice way for people who may be too shy to shop in public to experience new things.

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Megan K.

This was such a thoughtful comment Trish! Since so many of the things from this box are more than a little adventurous for me, I really appreciate your knowledge and insight. Thanks so much for reading. <3

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