Loot Gaming, from Loot Crate, focuses on gaming with its monthly themes. You can expect licensed figures, collectibles, apparel, accessories, and more.
This month's theme was 'Apocalypse'.
This box was sent to us for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
About Loot Gaming
The Subscription Box: Loot Gaming
The Cost: $28.95 (plus $5 shipping)
The Products: 4-6 premium items, including wearables, most items will be exclusives.
Ships to: Worldwide!
January 2019 'Apocalypse' Loot Gaming Review
You'll get a large fold-out information sheet. One side features a 28×22 fold-out poster of a Fallout Power Armor helmet! I am all here for Fallout gear!
The reverse side will walk you through the items in the crate.
Loot Gaming Pin
The box always has a themed pin. I am not sure what franchise this steering wheel is from but it reminds me of Mad Max.
The Last of Us Mug
Full disclosure, my husband and I are an Xbox kind of couple, so we were unable to play this PlayStation exclusive game. This didn't stop us from watching someone else play through the entire game, which is weirdly wonderful and cinematic, even as a bystander. We highly recommend it, especially if you like realistic survival games. He was really thrilled with this slick black mug that features the bold logo of the game. I love that it is wonderfully minimal, and works well in my kitchen without being too over the top gamey.
Borderlands Claptrap T-Shirt
Even though I have yet to play Borderlands 2, I really loved this shirt. It is industrial, edgy, and just a little steampunk with the large cog. The robot reminds me very much of Mister Handy from Fallout. I never really got into Borderlands mainly because the Fallout series seemed to have much more of a storyline, whereas Borderlands was more action based. It might be worth visiting though! Do any of you have a preference between the two?
Rage 2 Sign
Gosh, they really NAILED the theme this month guys. This cool sign referenced the post-apocalyptic game Rage 2, which really reminds me very much of both Borderlands and the Fallout franchise. The Goons mentioned on this really cool sign are the most prominent clan in the game, and also the most colorful. Known for their neon hair and need for mayhem, they are really iconic when it comes to this game. This metal sign is a really fun way to bring a little end of the world vibe to your bedroom.
Fallout Figurine
I nearly squealed with delight when I opened this guy because I knew my husband would just love it! We are diehard Fallout fans (though truly 4 was a disappointment) and while we don't keep many super "in your face" pieces of game memorabilia in the house, I love anything that references Power Armor. This guy is the Nuka-Cola suit, and the red and white paint is realistically weathered. He now lives on my husband's desk next to a Codsworth figure. The shiny vault door base was a thoughtful touch!
Verdict: I absolutely loved the 'Apocalypse' theme this month and they truly nailed it! Nothing like including Fallout items in a Loot box to make me truly fangirl all over the place. The Power Armor statue is just so good! I also loved the inclusion of the sleek black Last of Us mug and the really cool t-shirt. The metal sign was a very cool and subtle nod to the Rage 2 crowd. I thought this box was filled with a really wide assortment of items, each very different and unique for collectors. If you love post-nuclear or end of days survival games, you probably loved this box as much as I did! This box does tend to arrive late though, which may be a turn off to some. I recommend tracking of all of the delays and shipment schedules for sure on this one.
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No - You'll have until the 27th of each month to get that month's theme! Check out our latest spoilers here!
Coupon – Use coupon code SAVE3 and save $3 off of your first box or ADDICTION to save 10% off (saves more money on longer length subscriptions)
Value Breakdown: Each of the 5 items in this $33.95 ($28.95 + $5 shipping) has an average cost of $6.79
Check out all of out Loot Gaming Reviews to get more information on this subscription. Check out all of our Geeky Subscription Boxes in the Subscription Box List.
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