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Piibu K-Beauty Subscription Review + Coupon – February 2019

Megan K.
ByMegan K.Mar 9, 2019 | 4 comments

Piibu March 2019

Piibu Box
5 overall rating
1 Ratings | 0 Reviews

Piibu Box is a subscription box for Korean face masks that sends 8-10 face masks each month.

Piibu March 2019 open

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

Piibu March 2019 all masks

About Piibu K-Beauty Sheet Mask Subscription Box

The Subscription Box: Piibu Box

The Cost: $20 a month + free shipping. Save with 6 and 12-month subscription plans.

The Products: 8-10 Korean sheet mask facials

Ships to: US

Piibu Box February 2019 Review

Piibu March 2019 white tea mask front Piibu March 2019 white tea mask back

Dewytree Blooming Face Mask White Tea - Retail Value $3.00

The design on this mask's pouch is really pretty. I love tea masks, so I was excited to try this demure white tea formula. It smells heavenly, like tea leaves and some florals. It felt so hydrating! My skin was calm and had a little glow when I removed this sheet and patted in the remaining clear serum.

Piibu March 2019 peach mask Piibu March 2019 peach mask back

Puclair Cocktail Peach Crush - Estimated Value $1.80 (Buy 10 here for $11.00)

I tend to enjoy peach things, so I did like this mask. The scent was very soft and subtle and the pouch had a ton of extra serum so I also applied it to my neck. This was more sticky than some of the others this month, but my skin was radiant after I removed the sheet, so I will forgive that.

Piibu March 2019 mojito mask Piibu March 2019 mojito mask back

Berrisom Cocktail Recipe Mask in Mojito - Retail Value $1.00

This sub loves cocktail masks. This mojito flavor did smell pretty much like a mojito, booze included. It also smelled a little like kitchen cleaner, but I always think that when it comes to the bolder citrus flavored masks. The clear serum was refreshing and left my skin feeling pretty energized.

Piibu March 2019 kahlua mask Piibu March 2019 kahlua mask back

Berrisom Cocktail Recipe Mask in Kahluamilk - Retail Value $1.00

Ugh, I can't handle anything with a Kahlua scent. This mask also smells literally boozy. Clear serum, overwhelming scent, and a decent mask fit. I will admit that I didn't/couldn't leave this one on as long as I normally would. No stickiness, but I did have to shower to get the smell off my face.

Piibu March 2019 vitamin mask Piibu March 2019 vitamin mask back

Dewytree Blooming Face Mask Vitamin - Retail Value $3.50

I can't help but love this cute packaging covered in lemons, neroli, and blue butterflies. It screams spring. It has vitamin c, sage, and chamomile, along with more botanicals that should help brighten up my skin. The clear serum was light and had a faint lemon scent. My skin felt very hydrated and dewy after this one, and there was no film or stickiness.

Piibu March 2019 yellow squeeze mask Piibu March 2019 yellow squeeze mask back

Bombee Fruitables Yellow Squeeze Mask - Retail Value $1.00

This mask smelled so good! Much more herbal/spicy than fruity, but still like a fruit salad. This clear serum has Yuja, mango, pineapple, loquat and ginger extracts which are meant to brighten dull skin. My skin wasn't super bright after, but it did feel great! A little stickiness was left behind but my light daily moisturizer made that a non-issue. The mask ft well and there was a ton of serum!

Piibu March 2019 vitality mask Piibu March 2019 vitality mask back

Bombee Fruitables Pink Squeeze Mask - Retail Value $1.00

Same clear serum and mask fit as its friend above. This one is also super fruity! It has peach, grapefruit, lychee, dragon fruit, and fig extracts to calm your skin and give it a radiance boost! It smelled like an acai bowl and was also a clear serum. A little bit of tackiness left on my skin after, but nothing major.

Piibu March 2019 collagen mask Piibu March 2019 collagen mask back

Ebanel Hyaluronic Collagen Sheet Mask - Estimated Value $1.00 (Buy a set of 10 here on sale for $9.99)

This mask kind of smelled like Olay products, a sort of clean/soapy/creamy scent. It has hyaluronic acid and collagen, and I am pleased to see both of them together in a mask. Collagen needs that acid to bind to your skin effectively. This mask wasn't super sticky, which is also good because both of those ingredients can be! I used this before bed and found it very soothing. 

Verdict: This month's Piibu Box had a ton of $1 masks, which I really don't like to see as this means our value is going to be lower. The retail values this month comes to about $13.30, which is way less than the $20 cost of this sub per month. I find that pretty disappointing. You could argue that the convenience factor adds to the value, which it does, but that is still a pretty big deficit. I did like most of the formulas this round, with all the fruit, flowers, and herbal influences, but I really wish there has been more value here.

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No. You would get the March box. From Piibu Box:

Every month, the last day to subscribe changes. Usually, it’s around the 20th through the 22nd of each month. Therefore, we ship around the 21st through the 23rd of each month.

Coupon – Use code MSA10OFF to 10% off your first box!

Value Breakdown: This box costs $20.00 + free shipping, which means that each of the 8 items in the box has an average cost of $2.50.

Check out all of our Piibu reviews and the Beauty Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

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Starting at $18.00
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Piibu Box is a subscription box for Korean face masks that sends you 8-10 face masks each month. 1 Month plan starts at $15/mo, 3 Month plan starts at $14.50/mo and 6 Month plan starts at $14/mo.
Megan K.
Megan K.
I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.

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Dani G

Thanks for the honest review! I agree, this is a terrible value. I myself don’t have much faith in skincare that cheap, but you never know. Still, if I was a paying subscriber I think I’d have to contact customer service about almost paying double for a bunch of cheap dollar store masks. They could’ve at least thrown in a couple of $4-7 ones to break even.

With all the beauty reviews you do, you must have to try a mask out almost every day!

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Megan K.

Oh man, my Piibu and Facetory 7 both came the same weel this month so it was MASK CITY. I did around 2/day, and sometimes an afternoon one which made 3. My skin was almost TOO pampered. I never ever put up a review without literally trying the product though, so it was worth it to make sure you guys got an accurate review. <3

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Wow, dedication! Thank you for all you do. I’ve been eyeing these reviews closely as I’m thinking of ending one of my make up boxes (I just have way too much stuff) but, this one is not going to be it. I have a little while to decide as, I have purchased a few mask sets from Ipsy daily flash deals.
Just wanted to say thank you for all you do and your honesty.