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Loot Crate ‘Cosmic’ Review + Coupon – March 2019

Megan K.
ByMegan K.Apr 19, 2019 | 6 comments

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019

Loot Crate
3.2 overall rating
221 Ratings | 79 Reviews

Loot Crate is a monthly subscription box for geeks and gamers and collectors of all ages. Each month they include themed collectibles and shirts that are exclusive items/variants at the time of shipment.

FYI - Loot Crate has shipping issues. We only recommend subscribing to any of their boxes if you are OK with boxes showing up late. (Possibly months late.) 

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 open

My Subscription Addiction pays for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 all contents

About Loot Crate

The Subscription Box: Loot Crate

The Cost: $19.99 plus $5 shipping a month

The Products:

  • 4+ items from your favorite pop culture franchises
  • A t-shirt every month and more licensed and exclusive items
  • Collectibles, gear, figures and more – $45+ value in every crate

Ships to: 27 countries including US, Canada, Australia, and the UK!

March 2019 Loot Crate 'Cosmic' Review

March's theme is all about cosmic themed characters and franchises.

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 box pieces Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 box figurines Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 box build

The box this month comes apart into pieces that can be turned into a spaceship and occupants. I dig this space dog!

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 indo sheet front Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 info sheet back

Instead of our normal booklet, we simply have a card with our item info.

Let's dive into our items!

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 pin on backing Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 pin

Cosmic Pin 

This little space pin features a rocket flying by a glow in the dark moon. Although this doesn't seem to be from any specific franchise, it fits the 'Cosmic' theme this month perfectly!

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 tshirt Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 tshirt detail

Overwatch Winston T-Shirt

(These shirt designs vary per box, so yours might be different!)

I had to grin seeing an Overwatch item in this month's box. Although I have never gotten into this game (not a fan of shooters) but my husband loves this game and my brother-in-law actually works for Blizzard! My husband will love this shirt because he enjoys playing Winston and he loves anything grey.

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 cap marvel figure box Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 captain marvel figure detail Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 cap marvel side view Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 cap marvel detail

Captain Marvel 3D Standee

We received a Hulk version of this last month, but this time it features Captain Marvel herself! This highly detailed sculpture is a really cool addition to your Marvel collection, and the design is incredibly unique!

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 towel Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 towel detail Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 towel back detail

Alien Facehugger Face Towel

I love stuff like this because it is useful and clever! This face towel features that super creepy Facehugger that gave me legit nightmares s a kid. The tail is even transformed into a helpful hanging look for after you are done washing the dirt and alien goo off of your face.

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 notebook Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 notebook back Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 notebook open

Lost in Space Jupiter 2 Notebook

Use this handy notebook to detail your space exploration missions or grocery list. It is small enough to tuck into your purse or spacesuit pocket.

Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 cap marvel poster Loot Crate Cosmic March 2019 poster detail

BONUS: Captain Marvel Mini Movie Poster

This poster is really beautifully done, in striking colors and detail.

Verdict: Loot Crate was super fun this month! That Facehugger towel cracks me up and my husband is stoked about the Overwatch t-shirt. I like that they sent another one of those super unique hero standee figures and the little Lost in Space notebook is well done and handy! This is a great box for someone with well rounded geeky interests, as it has a nice mix of old and new, comic and film.

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, You’ll see the current them on the landing page – theme cutoffs are the 19th of each month at midnight EST.

COUPON – Save 10% off any length subscription, or $3 off month-to-month with coupon code ADDICTION or SAVE3

Value Breakdown: This box is $24.99 ($19.99 plus $5 shipping a month) meaning each of the 5 items included has an average cost of $5.00. I did not include the bonus poster in this breakdown.

Check out all of my Loot Crate reviews to get more information on this subscription. Be sure to check out even more of our fave geeky subscription boxes!

Rate, review, and follow this subscription on the Loot Crate profile page.

What did you think of the March 2019 ‘Cosmic’ Loot Crate?

Starting at $29.99
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Loot Crate is a monthly subscription for geeks and gamers. Each month they send 4+ items from your favorite pop culture franchises - including a t-shirt every month and more licensed and exclusive items. Expect collectibles, gear, figures and more – $45+ value in every crate

Megan K.
Megan K.
I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.

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Frustrated Looter

Company seems to be going way down hill. Overcharged a couple weeks ago on my yearly subscription. Charged twice and nothing in the invoices as to what the charges were for. Been a subscriber for 5 years and my time with Loot Crate is coming to an end. Poor costumer service. Takes days for them to respond & they don’t even answer the questions asked. Very frustrating and sad.

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They are one of the worst companies for customer service I never realized how much so until I started this group

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I also received a t-shirt I already had from a previous crate. Not cool.

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Had a supscription for around 3 years before I finally cancelled. Quality of boxes just seemed to be dropping. Ordered this box because I thought I was ordering the May box. Very disappointed in this one. Got a shirt I already had and wasn’t crazy about to begin with. The other items were definitely not worth the price

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We also got an overstock shirt and unfortunately it’s one we already have so that was annoying.

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That tee shirt is overstock they are getting rid of by sending it out again. I have not had Late Crate (opps I mean Loot Crate) in over a year and I still remember getting that shirt. Kind of a bad sign that they are once again sending old stock in their boxes.

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