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The Clean Beauty Box Review – August/September 2019

Marne Orenich
ByMarne OrenichAug 6, 2019 | 13 comments

Clean Beauty Box Review August 2019

The Clean Beauty Box
4.4 overall rating
19 Ratings | 2 Reviews

The Clean Beauty Box delivers full-size, clean, conscious, and cruelty-free skin, hair, and body care every month. There is always a theme with a featured brand (or two) that follows strict guidelines to ensure you get the best in non-toxic beauty. Since this box is bi-monthly and only contains 2 products, it's a nice way to discover brands without suffering from product overload. 

Open Clean Beauty Box with info card on top

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

two featured pinkl light products surrounding clean beauty box

About this Clean Beauty Box

The Subscription Box: The Clean Beauty Box

The Cost: $41.95/box with free shipping (minimum commitment of 2 months, billed $83.90 every other month). 

The Products: 2-3 full-size organic, natural and cruelty-free beauty items.

Ships to: U.S. for free and International for $15.00.

Good to know: The Clean Beauty Box recently switched from monthly to bi-monthly (every other month). Read more about the details here.

The Clean Beauty Box August/September 2019 Review feat. Pink Light


You'll find a booklet inside that talks about the featured brand, Pink Light, created by Amber Woods. The box and info card design was created by artist Zoe Wodarz.


Pink Light Crystal Facial Tonic, 1 oz. - Retail Value $80.00

My word, I am taken aback by this pretty-in-pink packaging! I know I have a million facial oils right now, but I can't help but love this one. Its golden color and light delicious scent make the act of using this a wonderful experience. It's packed with favorite oils like red raspberry seed, jojoba, sea buckthorn, and rosehip seed along with vitamin C, calendula flower, and comfrey leaf. Together they protect, heal, and balance out the skin without being too oily when using the proper amount. What I love is that the website (and info card) both suggest a tip: "Adding a water element to your routine such as a toner or a water-based serum will increase the hydration and efficacy of your oil." Great advice! This makes me happy that I always use a facial mist after cleansing and before adding any oils to my face. This one is too yummy to pass up, so I'll be adding it to my rotation!


Pink Light Rose Petal Enzyme Masque, 1 oz. - Estimated Retail Value $37.50 (Buy a 2 oz. jar for $75.00)

I am pretty much obsessed with the smell of this jiggly gel mask! It's extremely rose-forward but with sweet fruity notes as well. If I could drink it, I would. As a mask-lover, getting one as soothing and delicate as this is a welcome to change to all of the powdered clay and serum-soaked sheet masks. I used the scoop I got with my Sunday Riley Tidal (check it out here) to retrieve some of the thick juice out of the jar and began to slather it onto my face. Because it's a gel, it immediately felt cooling and nice. Once I got a thin layer on, I set a timer for 10 minutes and went about the rest of my morning routine. When the time was up, I used a washcloth to remove the gentle mask to reveal soft perky skin. How dreamy!!

Verdict: The Clean Beauty Box delivered the perfect box! I love the packaging, scent, and formula of both products and they hit my faves by including a facial oil as well as a mask. Both are pretty and delicate to give my skin a little treat each time I use them. I think I'm in love!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? There is currently a waitlist for August. Sign up here to be notified when a spot opens up!

Value Breakdown: At $41.95 for this box, here’s what you are paying approximately per item:

  • Facial Tonic: $28.56
  • Enzyme Masque: $13.39

Check out all of our reviews of The Clean Beauty Box or keep track of your subscriptions by adding this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

Want even more clean beauty? Check out the best niche & specialty beauty boxes to see who else makes the list!

Are you impressed with the featured brand from The Clean Beauty Box this month?

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The Clean Beauty Box is a themed bi- delivery of 2-3 full-size, clean, conscious and cruelty-free skin, hair and body care. Each product is carefully vetted with the intent to create a meaningful self-care experience, from unboxing to application. Working with both established and rising brands they... read more.
Marne Orenich
Marne Orenich
Marne is a lipstick connoisseur, record collector, and twice over cat mom. She loves discovering new clean beauty brands and has quite the collection of beautifully packaged serums and moisturizers.

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Cindy M.

It’s vague to me whether this is vegan or not…I don’t think it is, just thought someone here might know for sure the website does not come out and say it is though for the most part besides animal ingredients it looks good to me but not enough so if it’s not vegan. I sent a question and ask here also of whomever from there posted but maybe someone will happen across this and know for sure.

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Cindy M.

Never mind, I signed up after messaging someone in customer service I was pleased with the response.

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Cindy M.

I really like the August box and that is why i would sign to start but it looks like it’s no spot openings and it’s no guarantee to get this box… so I wait and see what comes next box, maybe it will be as appealing as this one.

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I just got this yesterday as my first box. I was a little disappointed that i got a facial oil ( I have very oily skin and hate the feeling of oils) but once I tried it I was also in love. It smells heavenly and absorbs right away and I like the consistency better then Sunday Riley’s C.E.O glow oil. I’m going to use this every nite since it’s so awesome and didn’t wake up feeling like a grease ball lol. I also tried the mask and was very impressed with it! Im an esthetician and I’m obsessed with skincare and esp masks. This one made my skin extra smooth and felt better then a lot of masks I’ve tried recently! I really am not too keen on rose scented products but this one is very special and I love it!!

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Marne Orenich

Thanks for weighing in, Cheyginger! It’s great to hear what others think and I’m especially interested in what an esthetician thinks! 🙂 Glad this worked out for you.

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Dani G.

Thanks so much for the timely review! I was just asking Luna if she’d seen the spoilers after I searched last night with no luck. I needed to figure out whether to stay subscribed or not. These products look lovely but I already have several similar ones so I think I will take a break for now.

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Hi Dani! Maybe MSA saw us talking and thought let’s put up the spoilers for them 😉 JK! 😀

I haven’t read the review yet (just woke up; day off.. woo-hoo! but gotta go to a dental appt soon.. boooo!!!), so while I’m sure the products are lovely (they look pretty!), I’m feeling good with cancelling the box. 🙂 Even though I’m trying to be good with my subs, a part of me still hopes that October’s box makes me want to re-sub. 😀

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This looks great ! I am surprised they are ok with this being posted early… I think they normally like to spoil it on their Instagram first.

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Marne Orenich

Yep- you’re so right, Jen! We accidentally posted this too early, so thanks for catching that. Apologies if I spoiled it for you! 🙁
Anyway- now that the cat is out of the bag, others can enjoy this review! 😉

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Cindy M.

This box is not strictly vegan is it? That is what I am looking for as I have been vegan going on 18 years. At first I assumed it was but looked at the web site and now I think it’s not vegan. I sent a question via the web site but the addy came up was “organics” something or other.


Thanks for re-posting the review Marne! I didn’t get a chance to read the review when it was originally posted (when I’m rushed, but still need an MSA fix, I tend to just look at the pics & read the comments, lol), so I was bummed I couldn’t read about your experience with the products when the post was removed. They sound lovely!


I was thinking the same thing. I remember something like this happened with a Beauty Heroes review earlier this year that was reviewed before BH did their own reveal, and MSA’s review was taken down (and I don’t think ever put back up). I know Clean Beauty Box likes to send their boxes out early to ambassadors to give them time to really experience the products so they can give an in depth review and not just a first impressions. I appreciate seeing the spoilers early though, so hopefully this review won’t be going anywhere. 🙂

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