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GoldieBlox Box Subscription Review – October 2019

Brandi D.
ByBrandi D.Nov 1, 2019 | 0 comments

GoldieBlox Box
0 overall rating
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GoldieBlox Box is a monthly STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subscription for girls ages 8-12 that strives to inspire confidence in themselves and their abilities for $24.99 (+$4.99 shipping) per month. This box was created through a partnership between GoldieBlox & JOANN to provide hands-on projects that encourage creativity and curiosity.

Reviewed by popular demand!

My Subscription Addiction paid for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

About GoldieBlox Box

The Subscription Box: GoldieBlox Box

The Cost: $24.99 per month + shipping

The Products: "A fun, creative STEM activity that comes with exclusive Goldie video content. The recipient can share her experience with Goldie as a new, official member of the Goldie Squad."

Ships to: The US for $4.99

FYI: This is their first box and it looks like it has already sold out!

GoldieBlox Box "DIY Aroma Shower Fizzies" Review October 2019

It looks like we are now officially part of the Goldie Squad and in case you're wondering what that means, "The Squad is a group of makers who use creativity to engineer a solution to any problem."

So let's start with: who is GoldieBlox? I certainly have never heard of her, but I was delighted to discover that she is a young girl who refers to herself as an engineer and has a great flair for the dramatic that makes her DIY projects and hacks fun to watch! She's goofy, silly, confident, and intelligent, all traits that I see in my daughter and hope to continue to see as she grows up. Plus she has curly hair just like my girl (check out those curls in this past review)!


Our project this month is to make DIY Aroma Shower Fizzies. Our box lists the contents as well as the ingredients for each of them.


Everything inside was packaged neatly and organized well.


We received a coupon for 20% off our next in-store purchase at JOANN and a great tip about how we can repurpose our boxes!


We also received this fun card with facts about shower fizzies and the olfactory system on one side and some great hacks for really making our shower fizzies our own on the back.


The directions came in this booklet with detailed step-by-step instructions and pictures illustrating them. 


First, we got set up with two bowls and a piece of wax paper from home. They listed spoons, but we ended up not using them since they provided these sticks for mixing instead.


They provided a set of gloves that my daughter put on before we got started.


Next, I filled up this spray bottle with water.


We received two packs of citric acid and two packs of baking soda. They were marked A and B so we could easily identify them. My daughter added one packet of each to our bowl.

She gave it a good stir with our craft stick.


They provided two bottles of GoldieBlox signature essential oil blends. The first was Focus: 75% Lemon, 25% Peppermint which smelled very nice and the second was Relax: 75% Sweet Orange, 25% Patchouli which also smelled nice and was the scent that my daughter preferred.


We added the entire bottle of Relax to our mixture a drop or so at a time, using the stick to blend it in. Once we had emptied the bottle, we then divided our mixture evenly between the two bowls we had out.


Next, we were able to add these packets of colorant powder to our bowls. She chose pink and purple for our first round. We emptied the packets into each bowl and stirred them up.


Then I began spraying the mixture with the water bottle while she stirred. We only added about 7 sprays, just enough to get it moist enough to pack together a bit.


Once both of our mixtures were moistened, it was time to pack them into our molds. They provided this cute mold with six shapes: two hearts, two unicorns, and two flowers.


We began filling up each shape using both colors in each one for a more exciting look. They provided a few different suggestions for unique ways to pack them such as swirling the colors together. We went until we ran out of the mixture and then we made sure to pack down each shape compactly. Now it was time to set them aside for a few hours to harden up.


In the meantime, we got to work writing out our labels that they had provided to place on our finished shower fizzies.


We went ahead and wrote Relax on six of our stickers so we'd know which blend was inside.


They provided these colorful pieces of foil to use to wrap up our shower fizzies. I had my daughter select her six sheets for them once they were dry.


They turned out really cute! Especially the flowers!


We wrapped them all up and then secured the back of the foil with our stickers. I love that they included this extra step for us! It made the project feel much more complete and it turned these into a fun gift idea, too!

We did go ahead and test out one of our shower fizzies and it looked pretty fun when we added some water to it with plenty of fizzing bubbles! It also gave off a nice aroma for us to enjoy. I can see how pleasant it would be in a shower and I might even make some of my own adult versions now that I know the process!

The only item in our box that we didn't actually use because it wasn't referenced in the instructions was this plastic measuring cup. It's definitely a useful little cup, but I'm just not sure of its intended purpose here!

While we didn't get to them just yet, I love that we have an entire set of ingredients and supplies so that we can make another batch of 6 shower fizzies again soon in a different set with different colors.

Verdict: This was the debut of the GoldieBlox Box and I think these DIY Shower Fizzies were a safe choice and a great way to break into the world of STEM for girls. There was both science and creativity involved and my daughter really enjoyed making her fizzies. Those cute molds and the idea of mixing the colors is what really added to the experience for her! I love the mission of this box and how they hope to inspire curiosity and instill confidence in young girls through what they teach them. It's always difficult for me to determine the value the first time we receive a new box, but I think that $29.98 ($24.99 + $4.99) seems on par with other STEM subscriptions and our experience was certainly a great one, so I am really looking forward to what else they have to offer!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, unfortunately, this box has already sold out.

Check out the best kid subscription boxes for more kids' activities!

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What do you think of the GoldieBlox Box for girls?

Starting at $24.99
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GoldieBlox Box is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subscription for girls ages 8-12. Each subscription GoldieBlox Box includes a fun, creative STEM activity that comes with exclusive Goldie video content. The recipient can share her experience with Goldie as a new, official member of... read more.
Brandi D.
Brandi D.

I am a homeschooling mom to 4 kids; 1 girl and 3 boys. While I have been reviewing boxes since 2018 and I love the luxury of trying new products, I'm also balancing it out by dabbling in a little bit of homesteading, too. We now have 4 chickens and a rabbit and my sourdough starter is going strong! I love learning about new brands and sharing the great things I find with others in hopes that they find something new to love or to fit their needs!

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