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Yumi Baby Food Subscription – Should We Review It?
At this moment, your baby's brain is growing faster than it ever will. By the first year, the brain doubles in size. The foundations for motor skills, social cues, emotional development memory, attention, temperament, taste preference and more are built during this time.
Your baby’s tastebuds form in the first 2 years. The science is clear: the food choices you make now will help your child make better food choices later. That’s why we introduce them to over 100+ real, nutrient dense foods. It’s simple: real food is fresh food.
No Synthetics. Never Fortified. No Additives. No Concentrates.
We not only use organic and fresh ingredients, we collaborate with a team of doctors, nutritionists, and chefs to continually develop the most nutrient dense purees available. We first balance our menu to make sure we include a wide range of fruits, legumes, greens, grains, root veggies, spices, and fats. Then, when developing each flavor we continue iterating on each recipe until we have at least 5 micronutrients. (20% of your child's recommended daily allocation) Lastly, we make sure your baby has sustained energy by balancing the amount of sugar and fiber in the blend. We also use Modified Atmospheric Packaging to make sure our fresh fruits and veggies maintain their nutritional value whereas most big brands use heat and dangerous preservatives that destroy the nutritional content of the ingredients. The result is simply smarter babyfood.
Balanced Fructose to Fiber
Fiber helps slow down the absorption of sugar, which is why we balance our blends with fibrous veggies and proteins. In the short term, you'll notice fewer energy dips, which makes for a less fussy baby. In the long term, you're setting them up to reach for veggies over candy.
Nutrients Paired to Maximize Absorption
Your babe's tummy is like a tiny tank and it only has so much room to take in the nutrition it needs, so we aim to use the space efficiently. By pairing nutrients together we ensure maximum absorption.
Over 100+ Ingredients
Studies show that early exposure to a wide variety of texture, tastes and vegetables can reduce fussiness and instill a love of healthy food later in life. That's why we introduce your babe to over 100+ ingredients, including superfoods and spices from around the world.
Range of Textures
We learned early on that it takes time to get used to solid foods. Babies go from super smooth liquids to chunky, grainy, silky to everything in between in a matter of weeks. That's why we stage our blends, to help you help your little one adjust.
Here's a look at the different stages available and a few example meals.
Smooth Singles Single Ingredient Purees (4+ months) :
At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.
At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.
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Just started but so far I’m impressed with the company Yumi. They have excellent quality customer service. Can tell They really care.
It’s definitely worth it because not everyone can easily gather up all these unique ingredients separately and make large batches at home at a time but still want the best nutritious food going into their baby.
Not to mention there are No preservatives, fillers , Lengthy shelf life and the best part is it’s fresh with a blend of fresh food and spices your family is not going to find in a baby food anywhere else in one place
Don’t know how we will reasonably continue with it financially without extending ourselves but I do know with the way they have treated me this far I’m going to try and keep it as long as possible.
Amanda Drinkward
Just started but so far I’m impressed with the company Yumi. They have excellent quality customer service. Can tell They really care.
It’s definitely worth it because not everyone can easily gather up all these unique ingredients separately and make large batches at home at a time but still want the best nutritious food going into their baby.
Not to mention there are No preservatives, fillers , Lengthy shelf life and the best part is it’s fresh with a blend of fresh food and spices your family is not going to find in a baby food anywhere else in one place
Don’t know how we will reasonably continue with it financially without extending ourselves but I do know with the way they have treated me this far I’m going to try and keep it as long as possible.
I’ve used this company for several months and it’s been fantastic. The flavors are really different, I would absolutely never have time to make baby food at this level. For my own cost/benefit analysis, it was worthwhile for me and my baby now eats anything.
For my babies I fed them only what my husband and I ate. Using only organic meats and vegetables and holding the seasonings, I put some of our food in a blender and poured it into ice cube trays to freeze. Then just took out two cubes of food and heated. Their very first food was beef stew and they loved it. They grew healthy and strong and we saved lots of money.
Wow… there really is a sub for everything LOL
Looks like pretty candles.
Sharon in SE TX
They also remind me of sand art kits for kids.
Math is off. This is $4-5 per a tub which half the price of a daily harvest smoothie so sounds like pricing is right in line with organic for packed meals. I think it is definitely interesting
My 7 month old loves it and the freshness but it’s too expensive and you can’t really customize your orders so if there’s something you’re little one doesn’t love, you’ll have waste.
Sharon in SE TX
Did you mix it all together or serve it to your baby layered?
I would love to see this reviewed – and I can volunteer to write the reviews myself if needed 😛
I would give it a try if it was more affordable.
Annie S.
It’s organic, people! LOL
They actually look like candles. I think that someone should try it to see how it tastes but I can’t imagine spending all that on something baby might not like.
It’s organic…and? Organic is truly not any better, just more expensive. And this sub looks like a ripoff, honestly.
Oooo, way too expensive. No thanks.
I don’t have kids but yowza this sounds EXPENSIVE!
Pretty containers, interesting flavors, but at that price, no way.
Throw some fruits and veggies in the blender, Moms! Healthy food at a fraction of the price!
No meat whatsoever. Expensive. Looks like it’s catered to rich vegetarian parents. And that’s fine. I’m sure someone would love it! Just narrows the target customer.
Soooooo expensive. No way I would buy for my son.
Laura B
No thanks!
$7 per tub of baby mush? No thanks
Our reviewers research, test, and recommend the best subscriptions and products independently; click to learn more about our editorial guidelines. We may receive commissions on purchases made through links on our site.
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