Darn Good Beads of the Month is a monthly subscription for jewelry makers from Darn Good Yarn. (You don’t have to be able to knit or crochet for this subscription!) Every month you’ll receive materials to complete a quick beading project. You will need some basic tools of your own (pliers, crimping pliers, glue) but they provide all the findings, beads, and stringing materials!
In addition to their Bead of the Month Club, Darn Good Yarn also offers a Yarn of the Month Club, Fabric of the Month Club, and Sock of the Month Club.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
About Darn Good Beads of the Month
The Subscription Box: Darn Good Beads of the Month
The Cost: $20/month plus shipping
The Products: Materials and instructions to complete one beading/jewelry making project.
Ships to: The continental US for $4; Hawaii, Alaska, US territories, and international for $13
Darn Good Beads of the Month February 2020 Review
I’ve been receiving Darn Good Beads of the Month for a few months. I expect to get a simple project with instructions that will be easy to complete in under an hour or two, but the projects have been pretty varied:
The project came in a small box and included a detailed information booklet with project instructions.
Over the Rainbow Beaded Bracelet
This was a stringing project but I did it in a couple of chunks so it wasn't too bad. Sorry you get all the seed beads in the baggies for the first picture but I didn't really want to put them out and then have to pick them up again! Also the beading wire did not stay in a nice circle when removed from the bag.
Anyway, first you cut the wire into 12 parts. I was not super careful about this because I have small wrists and knew I wouldn't need all of it. Don't forget that the jump rings and clasp add a little bit of length as well. After you cut the wire, you add jump rings to both sides of the clasp. Sorry about the state of my skin but after obsessively washing my hands and using hand sanitizer for at least two weeks, they're not in great shape. Anyway, once the jump rings are added, you crimp several pieces of beading wire around each jump ring and string beads on it. No particular pattern is required and you can do whatever you want but I basically followed the directions from the box, with one modification -- they said they used 7 beads of each color before moving on to the next, and I only used 6, since I have small wrists. It worked out well for me, and there were enough that you could probably do 8 or maybe even 9 of each color if you needed to add a bit of length. Anyway, then you crimp off the other end of the wire on the other side of the clasp and trim the excess.
A couple of notes: this box was delayed quite a bit; Darn Good Yarn said they were having trouble getting materials from China. And these seed beads are definitely Chinese; Chinese seed beads are very irregular and sometimes you'll get a few that don't even have holes. They're not good for beadweaving because of the irregularities, but they lend a certain kind of charm to stringing projects like this, and more of a handmade feel (I mean that in a good way).
Also, 24 crimps were needed and 25 were provided. I think it would've been a good idea to include a few extras. I broke one and I was excited that I still had enough to finish and then I dropped the last one on the carpet, never to be found again. I had similar (possibly identical) ones in my stash so it wasn't a problem, but if you don't have a huge stash that might delay finishing the project.
The only tools needed are crimping pliers and wire cutters.
Here is the finished bracelet.
Verdict: I did not calculate a value for Darn Good Beads of the Month because the materials were unbranded/not labeled and items like this generally can't be purchased in such small quantities. This project was a little different from past projects except I will say that Darn Good Beads sure does like crimp beads. I think last month's project had a lot of crimping as well. I definitely got a chance to practice my technique here but there are several other ways you could implement this if you don't want to crimp, like stringing and using knot covers, or using memory wire. Anyway, I like how the bracelet turned out.
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, you’ll receive the April box. More from Darn Good Beads:
If you place your order by the 1st, then your box will ship on the 20th (or the next business day during weekends). If you place your order after the 1st, then your box will ship the next month.
Check out my past reviews of Darn Good Beads of the Month and see the Craft Subscription Box List for more great beading, craft supply, and DIY project boxes.
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
What did you think of the February 2020 Darn Good Beads of the Month? Do you subscribe to any beading or craft boxes?
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