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No Make No Life Subscription Box Review – March 2020

Taryn Lowman
ByTaryn LowmanMar 12, 2020 | 17 comments

4.7 overall rating
77 Ratings | 61 Reviews

No Make No Life (nmnl) is a Japanese & Korean beauty subscription box. "The name itself stands for: *no makeup no life*, since beauty and makeup products are some of the essential aspects in our daily life."

nomakenolife is a subscription-based service that delivers you a box of Korean and Japanese cosmetics plus skincare. Each box, curated personally by our in-house beauty consultant, includes 8-9 high quality, exclusive and limited edition beauty products in several categories including skincare, bath and body, hair care, makeup, tools and accessories, masks).

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

About the No Make No Life Box

The Subscription Box: nmnl

The Cost: $35.00 a month + free shipping. Save with longer subscriptions.

The Products: A mix of 8-9 full-sized Japanese & Korean beauty items from 6 different categories - skin, body, makeup, hair, bath, and tools.

Ships: Worldwide for free

March 2020 No Make No Life "Beauty and the Beasts" Review


The booklet gives you detailed information on each item, as well as instructions on how to use certain products. This month's theme is 'Beauty and the Beasts.'


Animal Hot Eye Mask - Retail Value $1.86 (currently out of stock)

This mask is so funny! You could have received it in black cat, Shiba Inu, polar bear, or panda bear. Once you open the mask and get it set onto your face it heats up to provide a relaxing eye mask. Can we talk about the handy dandy ear loops? This mask fits nicely but didn't sit as close to my face as I would have liked. I have been suffering from major sinus pressure and have found that applying heat to my face really helps so I was genuinely excited to give this mask a try. It got pretty warm, a nice temp, nothing uncomfortable, but as I said before, it could have fit a bit closer to my face. The booklet says that it has a lavender scent to it but I didn't get any smells while I had mine on. Did anyone else notice a scent with their mask? This isn't something I would buy for myself or ever again really, but I thought it was super cute to look at and fun to try!


Puorella Aqua Animal Sheet Mask - Retail Value $2.99 (currently out of stock)

You could have received this fun animal sheet mask in brightening and moisturizing panda, a nourishing and skin elasticity-improving cat mask, or an anti-aging and moisturizing tiger mask. I received the cat to help with my skin's elasticity while nourishing with the help of the main ingredient, Alaskan ice water. How cool! This mask had a ton of serum on it, providing great nourishment that felt cool when applied. The mask wasn't anything too out of the ordinary in terms of other nourishing masks that I have tried, but it left my skin feeling soft with a lovely glow that my skin really needed right now since we are nearing the end of winter.


Country & Stream Oil Block Gel - Retail Value $7.52

This product, unfortunately, is not something I am able to use. My skin is so so dry year-round that I don't have any excess oil that I need to block. I am that person that adds oil to my face, hahaha! This gel is made to absorb sebum by adding it to your T-zones. It creates a smooth look to your skin without any shine. Call me crazy, but I like a little healthy shine or glow if you will. If you have an extra oily T-zone then this is the product for you. It is just not something that I will get any use out of, but I am planning to hold onto it to gift to a friend.


Jigott Cat's Eye Mascara - Retail Value $6.84 (currently out of stock)

I wear mascara every day, no matter what, it just makes me feel awake. So I was really excited to see this product because who doesn't love a full-size mascara to try? I received the Perfect Volume, but you could have received that, Power Curling, or Super Lash. This mascara gave me nice coverage, going on smoothly, and lengthened my lashes. I didn't see any flaking or smudging which are all good things in my book! I will be getting lots of use out of this mascara!


Dodo Cat Blush - Retail Value $7.80 (currently out of stock)

This little blush comes with three different shades and arrived in either pink or orange. I keep receiving orange palettes which typically don't work with my skin tone. All shades go on with a light shimmer making them great to mix together or use on their own. I passed this blush along to my sister-in-law who loves orange-based blushes. She is already getting a ton of use out of this little guy!


Cute Cat Rose Bath Bomb - Retail Value $2.22 (currently out of stock)

Who doesn't love receiving a bath bomb? I am on a mission this year to finally use my beautiful bathtub that has gone unused for far too long and receiving products like this helps me achieve this goal. According to the booklet, you could receive this bath bomb in black, blue, yellow or pink and if you receive the pink you are super lucky. So consider me lucky! I received this lovely sparkle pink bath bomb that smelled like a rose garden! It looked beautiful once it dissolved in the water and left me smelling and feeling great!


Holika Holika Pig Nose Clear Black Head 3-Step Kit - Retail Value $2.90

I was about to use this kit on myself until I noticed that my husband's nose really needed it! How have I not noticed this before?! This 3-step kit is meant to help you get rid of blackheads while minimizing pores. I'm not entirely sure what steps one and three did, but my guess is maybe the first step cleansed and the last step moisturized. Let me know in the comments if you know more about those steps! Let me tell you though, step two had amazing results for my husband! It was the harder nose strap that went on sort of like tape and stayed on for 10 to 15 minutes. Once you pulled it off you could see, and I mean really see, all of the yucky buildups that came right off! OMG, it was amazing, it looked like those old '90s Biore commercials! His pores looked smaller, but I was most impressed with how many of his blackheads had cleared. He said his nose felt clean and super soft. Now my goal is to help him keep all of those clear and never to return again!


Animal Headband - Retail Value $5.11 (currently out of stock)

Maybe I have a big head or maybe I'm not good at using hair accessories, but I could not get this to fit on me properly. I had to put it over my ears because if I put it behind my ears it either slipped off or my ears and hair stuck out like crazy. So, as you can see in the photos, I decided to try it on my two kids! Aren't they so cute?! You can tell they were not feeling the look either, even though I think my son Fox could totally pull it off. The fabric is super soft and I was excited to see that I received the black bunny version because I usually am wearing black. I just can't see myself wearing this out and it didn't work well enough to use at night when I am doing my skincare routine, basically since it took me so long to get it in place and even still it wouldn't stay in place. I am going to keep this around for my kids to use, maybe my daughter Philomena will fit into it a bit better soon!

Verdict: No Make No Life Box was super fun this month! I loved all of the animal-themed products, even though I'm not super into cats I still thought the items were cute. The mascara and bath bomb were my favorites hands down! The heated eye mask was super fun to try and the nose kit was amazing because it worked just so well! Honestly, I was shocked by the results. The oil block and headband were solid misses for me, but that's totally normal to not love every single item. I thought this month was just all-around fun because the curation had a fun theme that you saw throughout every product. The total retail value came in at $37.24 which is only slightly above the $35 monthly cost of the box. I am not thrilled with the value and it makes me feel as though maybe we got smaller, cheaper items this month and the value is coming in on the curation alone? Let me know your thoughts on the products and overall value from this month in the comments since it seems to be a lot lower than previous months! 

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, you'll receive the April box.

Value Breakdown: At $35 for this box, here’s what you are paying approximately per item:

  • Eye Mask: $1.74
  • Sheet Mask: $2.81
  • Oil Block Gel: $7.06
  • Mascara: $6.42
  • Blush: $7.33
  • Bath Bomb: $2.08
  • Nose Kit: $2.72
  • Headband: $4.80

Check out all of our nmnl reviews and some of our other favorite beauty subscription boxes!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think of the March No Make No Life box?

Starting at $35.00
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nmnl is a subscription-based service that delivers you a box full of unique japanese beauty products from tokyo to straight to your doorsteps. our aim is to introduce japanese culture via beauty products that not only look good but make you feel good. each box, curated personally by our in-house bea... read more.
Taryn Lowman
Taryn Lowman
Taryn's passion for subscription boxes started when she was gifted a monthly Birchbox. She is excited to discover more Mom and baby boxes to share with her family!

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Thank you for all your reviews and pictures! You’ve made me fall in love with this box, I’d be happy with all the cute and weird products! But since the overall price of the subscription has increased because of delivery costs, the value of the items just isn’t worth it, :/ maybe when things get back to normal I might try this sub!

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Me pueden aclarar en que divisa están los precios? Porque buscando en internet el símbolo “$” corresponde a varios países sudamericanos y africanos. Gracias.

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Is it gross that I wanted pics of the nose strip with all the gunk on it? LOL.

Also, anyone else notice the spam comments from Meredith P on multiple posts?

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I almost added a picture but ultimately my husband said he thought that was too far hahhaha

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He’s totally right! 😆


The headband may not have worked for you, but you look absolutely amazing in that pic!

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Aww thank you so much!

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Agreed. So pretty! And your kids are adorable ❤️ loved your review.

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Thanks so much, the kids love when they can model products!

Ashley B

Step one on the pig nose mask opens up the pores and the third step makes pores smaller. Also I have bought these several times at TJMaxx and Marshall’s . I usually pay about $4 for a pack of 5. Hope that helps!

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That is super helpful, thank you!

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Your kids (like mama) are adorable! Good to know about the power strip and the oil control. I’ve been preaching to my sister about the Korean skin care methods and considering getting her a gift sub. Not super impressed with the value though. I think my money would be better spent just choosing individual products for her.

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Thank you so much! I love this box but I would agree if she’s just getting starting individual products are the way to go!

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Love the name Philomena! We gave that to our baby as her middle name!

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That’s awesome! It was my great grandma’s name and fits my daughter very well!

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The headband on the baby is so cute!!

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Thank you! She had just woken up from her nap and I was super confused hahaha