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Universal Yums “Brazil” Review – March 2020

Becca Peterson
ByBecca PetersonMar 25, 2020 | 17 comments

Universal Yums
4.3 overall rating
43 Ratings | 33 Reviews

Universal Yums is a snack subscription box that sends out snacks and candies from a different country each month. Choose from the Yum Box for $15 a month, the Yum Yum Box for $25 a month, or the Super Yum Box for $39 a month.

This review is of the Yum Yum box, which is $25 a month.

This month’s box takes us to Brazil. Let's dive in and discover what Brazil has to offer!

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About Universal Yums

The Subscription Box: Universal Yums

The Cost: $25 a month + free US shipping

The Products: The contents of the boxes change each month as they highlight the best snacks from each featured country. However, you can always expect a mix of flavors: salty, sweet, spicy, fruity, and more. Only authentic snacks from the featured country.

Ships to: The U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, and Israel

Universal Yums “Brazil” March 2020 Review

Universal Yums is a blast! We always look forward to receiving this box in the mail because not only do they send delicious snacks, but also information that makes it an entire learning experience for me and my family. Especially now when times are so uncertain, it was a welcome sight to see this blue and white package sitting outside of our door!

Upon opening the box, you are greeted with a bright, fun, animated sheet that welcomes us to the wonderful country of Brazil! On the backside, they include "The Official Yum Awards." This ballot is where you can cast your vote for your favorite and not so favorite snacks in the box. If you post your ballot on social media, you could win more of your favorite snacks!


Next, we have a detailed pamphlet that is packed with information about this month's snacks, trivia, a matching game, a recipe, and a clue to next month's box! I noticed this month they also added nutritional information for each snack as well.


Mandioca Chips Cebola

One of Brazil's most popular vegetables is the cassava, which is a nutty-flavored root vegetable, and this month we received a bag of these onion and parsley flavored cassava chips. I was really impressed with the flavor of these chips. While they were a bit harder than a traditional potato chip, they were very crispy and packed with flavor. I found the onion flavor to really shine through, and thought I picked up a slight garlic taste as well. I wasn't able to detect the parsley flavor, but enjoyed them through and through. I did notice that these chips had very sharp edges compared to a potato chip, so take it easy when chewing!


Bib's Morango Extreme

Before reading the pamphlet I didn't know that Brazil is considered the white chocolate capital of the world, but I can definitely see why after eating this! I am a sucker for strawberries and when paired with white chocolate I found my new favorite flavor combination! The sweetness and creaminess of the white chocolate completely balanced the tartness of the strawberry pieces and almost reminded me of a very sophisticated Crunch Berry cereal flavoring. This chocolate bar was incredibly impressive, and while only being 2 snacks in, hard to beat!


Pacoquita Original - Buy a 50 piece pack here for $24.99

My kids loved the packaging of this peanut candy and couldn't wait to open it. That being said, Charlie was excitedly holding one package, which turned into nothing but crumbles, as you can see above. The package that was still safely tucked in the box shows its true shape. While both bars look very different, they both were absolutely delicious. We loved the peanut flavor, and the fact that we could detect chopped peanuts throughout to add volume to the texture. These treats were wonderfully balanced with sugar for sweet and nutty perfection, but as you can see are very crumbly! The taste of this candy reminded me of the buckeye cookies I make, minus the chocolate.


Delicitos Sabor Pimenta

These crunchy little squares of wheat are like little pillows with hollow centers. I was a little worried these snacks were going to be spicy as they feature a pepper on the package, but I found them to have the absolute perfect amount of heat from the chili pepper seasoning (which isn't much.) The mild pepper and salt taste left me with a slight salsa taste in my mouth that had me going back for more. These would be a great addition to chili, but are also amazing on their own.


Salsitos Sabor Pipoca

How cute are these clover-shaped popcorn puffs?! These corn puffs are similar to ones we have in the US, but have a more prominent butter flavor than other varieties I have tried. I love the way these puffs melt in your mouth. These were perfect for snacking on while binge-watching Netflix on day 7 of being homebound! Hank did want to point out that while they tasted so very good, they smelled really bad when the bag was first opened...


Pipoca Doce Bilu

Now, this sweetened popcorn is different from any popcorn I have ever tried, and we had mixed feelings about it. At first glance, I thought these were mushrooms, while my younger son was hoping they were marshmallows. The flavoring was sweet and salty with a bit of a foamy texture. They definitely gave me a Corn Pop vibe taste-wise, but were a lot softer. Charlie was obsessed with these, while Hank and I weren't 100% sold.


Bib's Flocos

Yay!!! More Bib's!!! After the white chocolate and strawberry bar, I had really high expectations from this dark chocolate and crisped rice bar, and I tell you what: it delivered! While it tastes similar to a Crunch bar, I found the chocolate to be a lot more complex, and I think the rice in this bar is more crispy as well. My kids don't love dark chocolate like I do, but they kept sneaking back from another piece! If the rest of this bar lasts until the weekend, I plan on using it to make some epic s'mores!


Fruit Full Sabor Abecaxi

I love full-sized snacks, so to see this entire package of pineapple fruit chews was like a little ray of sunshine! We are all about Starburst in our house, so we were really excited to give these a try. These super chewy, juicy squares are packed with pineapple flavor! I feel like I could also detect a hint of salt, which kept it very well balanced. I found the waffle-like texture quite charming! I'll take these over orange Starbursts any day!


Delicia Queijadinha Superiore

Another large package?! Hooray! I was really excited to receive this huge roll of cookies, until I saw the flavor combo...Parmesan cheese and coconut?! While these two ingredients I don't think of going together, the cookies weren't awful. I could definitely taste the coconut flavor at first, with the Parmesan cheese flavor coming through at the end. The cookie itself was crunchy and simple looking, and for some reason reminded me of cookies my grandma would have liked. While they weren't my favorite item in the box, they definitely weren't awful!


Cory Pao Dimel

This Yum definitely wins the award for being the prettiest! I love how perfect the cakes are, the smooth chocolate coating, and the addition of chocolate sprinkles. This fluffy honey bread had the perfect chocolate flavoring and was very decadent and chewy. I was very happy to receive 8 of these beauties!


Tropical Chocolate Branco

More white chocolate!! Creamy, crunchy, and melt in your mouth is definitely how a person can describe this chocolate. And I have to say, I was a little hesitant to try this because not only is this white chocolate, but it is combined with real bananas, and sweet butter caramel. I don't love bananas, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from giving this a shot, and I am so glad I did because the flavor combination was top notch. I felt the caramel overpowered a lot of the banana flavor, but in a good way. My husband and I agreed this would be epic melted over vanilla ice cream!


Caramelos Premium Torta de Limao

We received 4 of these lime pie flavored milk caramels as part of our "Yum Bag." I love the bright green and shiny wrapping! Do they taste as good as they look? I sure thought so! I loved the zingy lime cream flavoring paired with the sweet caramel. I found the two flavors to balance each other out and create a lovely fruity caramel!


Caramelos Premium Mousse de Maracuja

Because I liked the lime pie version so much, I had really high hopes that these passion fruit flavored milk caramels would be just as good. While they were okay, I found the passion fruit flavoring to be way too strong. I feel if the ratio of caramel was higher, these could be a contender to the deliciousness of the lime pie version, but until then I will send these with my husband to work.

The Verdict: We love Universal Yums, and with everything going on in the world, it was a breath of fresh air, especially this month. Each day my kids and I have been identifying positive things in our lives, and one of Hank's positives today was being able to learn about a new country even when we are stuck at home. While we enjoy every month, this month's Brazil box has been one of our favorites! We really enjoyed almost everything in this month's box, and didn't have to spit out a single snack! I'd consider that a win for sure! We can't wait to find out where the April box is coming from! Our clue is this: Our next destinations are famously cheery- "How come?" you ask? Well, we have a theory! It's not the colorful skies or castles - it's the incredible Yums, with cookie dough and licorice, how could anyone be glum? Any guesses on where this might come from?

Scorecard picks:

  • Best Yum: Bib's Morango Extreme
  • Runner-up: Delicitos Sabor Pimenta
  • Worst Yum: Caramelos Premium Mousse de Maracuja
  • Most Unusual: Delicia Queijadinha Superiore

To Wrap Up:

Can I still get this box if I sign up today? No. Each month they ship your box no later than the 15th day of the month. The first month you will receive a box varies based on availability and may depend on the size that you order.

Value Breakdown: This box is $25.00 a month (including shipping). I received 20 individually wrapped snacks, which averages out to $1.25 per item.

Check out all of our Universal Yums reviews and the best snack subscription boxes!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

Which Universal Yums snack would you most like to try? 

Starting at $18.00
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Universal Yums is a monthly snack subscription box that delivers a variety of international snacks from all around the world. Each delivery brings an unforgettable experience that mixes the fun of food, travel, and learning in one tasty box!

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Becca Peterson
Becca Peterson

I am a wild and crazy mom of 2 boys and work in the public education system as an Indigenous Support Advocate. I love all things outdoors, beauty, crafts, and food. Living the simple life in the country, we spend a lot of time hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting. Oh, and I absolutely adore my high school sweetheart aka my husband of almost 17 years!

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Do you ship to Brazil?

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Does anyone get the super yum box? I was wondering if it’s worth getting the super size. I love your reviews, and this sub always makes my mouth water.

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It really depends! Some months I would say the super yum is worth it (like the France month), but I have seen spoilers for other months and it didn’t seem as worth it.

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I’ve been thinking about getting this box for awhile, but I live in LA and there are so many ethnic markets that it’s easy to pick my own interesting snacks to try anytime. When my son was younger, I gifted him a subscription to another global snack box and he loved it–it was so fun for us to get every month and I loved how happy and excited it made him. Then he moved out and it never seemed worth it just for me.

Fast forward to quarantine and I am so bored—I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a one time Scandinavia mini box (they were sold out of the larger sizes) and a Yum Yum subscription, with UK as my first box. I’m SO excited and looking forward to even reading the booklet!

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My kids have been eating everything in the box without giving me a taste this month!
I am going to guess Finland for next time.

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This was definitely one of our family’s favorite boxes – I love sweet things, and the last few boxes have skewed towards sweet. This one was far more savory, and the rest of my family appreciated it lol. We loved almost everything but the Pipoca Doce Bilu, I thought it tasted exactly like Honey Smacks cereal (which I hated as a kid!) and no one liked those! We loved the pineapple chews, the cassava chips, and the steak flavored puffs!

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I agree this was one of my favorite boxes! The chocolates were so good!!! I still have the Delicitos Sabor Pimenta and now I am very excited to try them out!

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I’m sold! I was really tempted to sign up last month, but I wanted to see what this month was. I liked the France box better-mostly because I’m not a big fan of white chocolate. I was glad to see others say that they were able to choose between the two boxes so I signed up for the France box. I wonder if that means that I will get Brazil next, or will it just skip to Scandinavia?
Thanks for another great review, Becca!

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Victoria D

Great review! This box was a fun one to try and i kept making comparisons with other things. My son’s favorite was the cassava chips–which tasted a lot like Funyuns to me. My favorite was the Sabor Pimienta. The sweetened puff snack reminded me of Honey Smacks, which are not my favorite things in the world. And the peanut butter bites, while messy, reminded me of Butterfingers without chocolate. I love all things peanut butter, so I was happy.

The only complaint was while I love large versions of things in our boxes, I wish they hadn’t sent a “weird” item in such a large quantity. My son said they were okay (parmesan & coconut) but I couldn’t try them being allergic to coconut. And they weren’t good enough to keep eating so the rest got thrown away. It’d be nice if the large item was something more general, since weird items are inherently risky choices at any point.

We love UY and can’t wait for the next box! And yes–this was perfect timing. We are not *bored* yet, but being able to learn about another country definitely kept us entertained for a good bit. Next month’s will likely be even more appreciated!

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Charlenne Alexander

I was very sad seeing this box. They said is Brazilian snacks but it’s not. I’m Brazilian and besides the sweet popcorn I never seen nothing of those other things in my whole life. I got very excited when I saw the box. Even thought about making a subscription.

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Thank you so much for taking comments last month to heart. I sincerely enjoyed this review. Thank you for focusing more on flavors and textures. 🙂

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They just revealed the next box is from Scandinavia. I skipped this box, but got a few items from the Yums shop.

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I was thinking next month might be Denmark- one of their tourism slogans is “Happiest Place on Earth”, they have tons of licorice snacks as well as castles and northern lights! Curious to see what other people think, I actually found this one kind of tough.

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How fun to try food from a new country each month!I

I just signed up and got a choice of France or Scandinavia. I picked the second one. Maybe they will have those daim chocolates like Ikea. 🙂

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Well done, Becca! This review was a joy to read and I was right there with you on how much fun it was to try everything.

I actually liked the sweetened popcorn snack with the strawberry flavoring, but as a one time try and not enough to purchase separately. It was similar to how lucky charms puffed cereal tastes lol. The Bib’s Morango white chocolate was awesome!!

I thought the parm cheese and coconut wafers tasted boring and smelled awful, like stinky cheese. I was bummed because it was a big item and kind of a waste for us. They weren’t terrible tasting but that smell!

Again, great job Becca! : ) You reviewed like a champ, girl!

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This box looks great! I signed up a couple days ago and got a choice of my first box being France it Brazil – we chose France. It shipped next day. We’re in a state with stay at home orders, so this will be a welcomed treat in the mail while working/living/everything at home.

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That mango white chocolate was the bomb! Our little peanut butter candies crumbled too. We thought they tasted like the filling of Nutter Butters. Overall, I really enjoyed all the sweet treats in here while the savory/salty ones were just ok. We think next month is Sweden.

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