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CatLadyBox Subscription Box Review – April 2020

Ragan Buckley
ByRagan BuckleyApr 11, 2020 | 14 comments

4.4 overall rating
36 Ratings | 4 Reviews

CatLadyBox is a monthly subscription box for cat ladies (or anyone who is crazy about cats)! The $34.99 per month CatLadyBox has 2-3 cat-themed items – wearables, items for the home, books, etc. The $39.99 per month Crazy CatLadyBox contains everything from the CatLadyBox plus a few items just for cats.

This is a review of the $39.99/month “Crazy” CatLadyBox.

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About CatLadyBox

The Subscription Box: CatLadyBox

The Cost: $39.99 per month + free US shipping. Save with longer subscriptions.

The Products: Unique and exclusive cat lady finds, from cat-themed jewelry and clothes to accessories, home décor, books, and more.

Ships to: The US (free in the contiguous 48 states), UK, Canada, and Alaska and Hawaii ($12.95)

CatLadyBox April 2020 Review

CatLadyBox is always full of fun, cat-themed lifestyle items. Let’s see what was in store for March:

I love how the information cards have custom artwork every month. And the back has more information about the items in the box. This month has a garden party theme.

There was also a card with a spoiler for next month's theme.

Garden Cat Outdoor Decor - Listed Value $17.99

This is metal and heavier than it looks. Although it is listed as outdoor decor (in fitting with the garden theme) I rather like the idea of putting it in my office (whenever I happen to go back there, haven't seen it for over three weeks at this point). I have a few other CatLadyBox items in there and have gotten compliments (as well as having been asked where I got them) and I am kind of building up a theme. Plus I haven't had the office for long so there aren't many personal touches. This is tasteful for a law office but still offers some information about my personality.


Happy Cat Silicone Wine Glasses - Listed Value $19.99

These come with a little carrying bag. I don't drink wine but they are perfectly fine for juice or iced tea or something else. I am not sure I could convince my husband to drink out of one of them because of the colors, but pink and purple work for me just fine. It is nice to have an environmentally-friendly, unbreakable alternative to paper cups. I don't remember seeing washing instructions but they are silicone so they are probably fine in the dishwasher (although I can't say whether the decoration would be dishwasher safe).


Meow Hat - Listed Value $19.99

There's usually one wearable item in this box. A lot of times it is a shirt, sometimes a hoodie, or sometimes jewelry. I think this is the first baseball cap. This one is adjustable with a mesh back (as you can see). I am sorry you do not get to see a picture of me wearing this but I haven't brushed my hair or put on makeup for three weeks, nor have I worn anything but pajamas and once or twice, yoga pants. Anyway, this will come in handy for when I am walking Pumpkin around outside in the rain.

(This is Pumpkin. She was born on January 22 and is 9 weeks old in this photo. Pumpkin will be a hilarious name when she weighs 100 pounds. In case you were wondering, Sneaky has smacked her in the nose three times and Monkey has once and she now has a healthy respect for kitties.)

Wiggle Worms Wand Toy - Listed Value $7.99

This has a telescoping handle that gets kind of long, and the string part is nearly invisible, and there are three attachments. I just used the default one so far, but you can keep the others in reserve in case your cat is a little violent with them, or attach more than one at a time. Sneaky thought this was awesome (she didn't allow the other cats to play with it).

Velvety Succulent Catnip Toy - Listed Value $5.99

This is a small catnip plush, a good weight for tossing around. Or, if you are a teenager like Monkey and Madison, apparently it is also good for rubbing your face on. Well, whatever works.

Kitty photos!


Verdict: I calculated a value of about $71.95 for the April 2020 (Crazy) CatLadyBox. That is about $30 over the month-to-month cost of the box, so even if you think one of the values is a little high, you are still getting your money's worth. I thought that maybe this box was a little different in terms of content mix from past boxes but then again, I don't need a new T-shirt every single month, and I appreciate that they mix things up a little bit.

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Officially your subscription would start with May’s box, but way back when I signed up, I was contacted to say there were a few of the current month’s box left over and asked if I’d like one of those. So it may be worth inquiring.

Value Breakdown: At a price of $39.99 for this box, you are paying approximately the following per item:

  • Wire decor cat $10
  • Wine glasses $11.11
  • Meow hat $11.11
  • Wand $4.44
  • Succulent $3.33

Check out our other CatLadyBox reviews and find lots of other great boxes for cats, along with the best subscription boxes for women.

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think of the April CatLadyBox? Do you subscribe to any cat boxes?

Starting at $34.99
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Treat yourself to a monthly box of the most unique and exclusive cat lady finds. Cat-themed jewelry, clothes, accessories, decor, books and more for you, delivered in a box your cat can keep (of course).

Ragan Buckley
Ragan Buckley
Ragan stumbled across My Subscription Addiction in late 2013 and immediately subscribed to way too many beauty boxes. She's now focused on boxes for her cats and dog, vegan/vegetarian food boxes, and craft subscriptions (and she didn't give up beauty boxes entirely).

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Amy in KC

Congrats on your addition of Pumpkin! I love Rottweilers and am pleased you got another one so I can see more Rottie pics! 🙂

This box was a big hit for me. I love gardening and have been suggesting a garden theme for a long time. I am super excited about the outdoor sculpture and agree that it can work as inside decor too! My hat was fine in terms of quality. They did send a ballcap another time, maybe a couple of years ago? It was had a “cat camo” pattern. It wasn’t mesh like this one, so I appreciated that it was a different style this time. CatLadyBox is always so good (in my opinion) in making sure repeat items are always at least a bit different.

My two cats are OBSESSED with the wiggly worms toy. It’s fantastic. They didn’t seem to care about the succulent, but it sure is cute.

Great review, as always!

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Hi Ragan, thanks for the fun review. The kitties seem to give this box a big tick. Great to meet Pumpkin – she’s gorgeous, and probably realises she’s hit the jackpot with her new and very caring family.

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aww Pumpkin is so cute! Another rott!

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Ragan Buckley

Yeah, I was talking to our HR guy at work back in January about how I was thinking about getting another dog and he recommended his breeder as he knew my last dog had been a Rottweiler. When I contacted her she had one female puppy available and it seemed like a sign. (I preferred a puppy because it is important that the dog learn to behave around cats while still small. Although she is at least twice the size of any of my cats at this point.)

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oh Ragan Pumpkin is adorable so happy for you!

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Pumpkin is adorable! Congrats!

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I cancelled CatLadyBox a few years back and I do not have FOMO. I like reading the reviews for the animal pics and your new puppy is so adorable!!!

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Clicked for the cat pics! What a lovely surprise to see that sweet baby puppy too!! Glad he’s learned to respect the cats while they’re still bigger than him lol

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The new puppy is adorable. I always think this company does a good job of keeping this box fresh.

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The info card art is so cute!

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The mesh cap will do you no good in the rain! I wish they would have made it a solid cap of higher quality and maybe in bright colors. Mine was awful. The ‘MEOW’ print was faded…my cap looks as if the print had been through the wash dozens of times. Not a fan of this item; super cheap inclusion. The glasses…meh. they’re much smaller than this photo illustrates and so flexible as to be almost impractical. The open sculpture was nice. I love CatLady boxes; however, this one was a disappointment for the price.

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Ragan Buckley

I just want it to keep water off my glasses and it will work for that.

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Sure! I’ve got dozens of great ball caps. I’m donating this one.


Congrats on the new puppy!!

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