Little Feminist Book Club is a monthly book subscription box for kids ages newborn to 9 years old. Each month you will receive one to two books to help diversify your bookshelf. Plus, you will also receive hands-on activities and tools to help bring your book to life. Subscriptions are offered for ages 0-2, 2-4, 4-7, and 7-9. From Little Feminist:
Only 31% of children’s books feature a female character, and only 13% feature a person of color.
This review is of the Book Club for ages 0-2 years.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
About Little Feminist Book Club
The Subscription Box: Little Feminist Book Club
The Cost: $23.75 per month + $2.95 flat-rate U.S. shipping. Save with longer subscriptions.
The Products: At least one book (sometimes more) and hands-on activities and tools to help bring your book to life.
Ships to: The U.S. for $2.95 and worldwide for varying rates.
Little Feminist Book Club Ages 0-2 March 2021 Review
I received this welcome sheet introducing this month’s books. They go over a few details about the books and how you can share your thoughts with them after reading the book with your little ones.
On the back of the welcome page is this month’s activity, which is “The Power of Choice.” Ronan has become quite an opinionated little man. It seems like overnight he isn't as easy to corral; he always wants to explore and do what he wants to do! Although this is typical for a 16-month-old, it is important to give him boundaries while also providing him opportunities to make decisions. This month's activity suggests providing the babe with some choices to make, like choosing his outfit for the day, etc.
I Love All of Me (Wonderful Me) by Lori Ann Grover – Retail value $9.99
This book is incredibly cute. Self-love is so important to teach kids early on, and this book is a perfect way to address all the different parts of the body, their functions and why we should love them. Ronan made me read this 10 times, each time pointing out his licky tongue, blinking eyes, waggle rump, etc. We both chuckled every time we got to the belly bump part as we both played our bellies like drums, his favorite activity. This book is so easy to read, and the book is also colorful with an illustration of a different character on each page.
Baby Loves Political Science: Democracy! by Ruth Spiro – Retail value $8.99
I never grasped the concept of voting fully until I was eligible to vote; I knew the process and the parties, but I never understood how important it would be to me and how proud I'd feel after casting my first ballot. We instill so much trust into our parents when we are young, and even though that is a beautiful thing, I envy our youth today for being in the know and forming/voicing their own opinions. This book defines democracy and what that should look like in this country. It is an awesome book to promote questions and general awareness, even though Ro won't be able to understand for quite some time.
Discussion Questions
Little Feminist Book Club includes discussion questions for each book every month. These bookmarks follow the book's themes and provide questions to discuss with your little reader about their reading experience and other topics to consider. It is easy to read a bedtime story and say goodnight without going any deeper, but to have questions at the ready to help your kiddo understand the intent of the book is gold. Ronan is too young to understand any of this, but to prolong the peaceful moments of storytime, we often go through a book several times picking out different pictures to describe and feelings each character might be facing.
Verdict: Little Feminist Book Club provided two cardboard books with diverse characters and topics. The two books they sent are adorable! The thought of teaching my baby about political races and democracy makes me so excited for the future, but for now, we have this cute book to examine at a superficial level When he is developmentally ready to learn and understand the concept, this will be a great tool. I Love All of Me is a blast to read with the babe; we love reading it over and over, pointing out parts of each other and acting out actions in the book that make us both laugh. This month's shipment provided two books I know will get a ton of use that I might not have found on my own. I love that this subscription sends out books that are inclusive that show Ronan, who has never really had any experiences with his peers, that not everyone looks like his family.
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? If you order today, your first box will be the March box. From Little Feminist:
Once you purchase a book subscription your first box will be shipped within a week. From then on, your book box will be sent the first week of every month.
Check out all of our Little Feminist reviews and our list of the best book clubs for kids!
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