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CatLadyBox Subscription Box Review – April 2021

Ragan Buckley
ByRagan BuckleyApr 22, 2021 | 8 comments

4.4 overall rating
36 Ratings | 4 Reviews

CatLadyBox is a monthly subscription box for cat ladies (or anyone who is crazy about cats)! The $34.99 per month CatLadyBox has 2-3 cat-themed items – wearables, items for the home, books, etc. The $39.99 per month Crazy CatLadyBox contains everything from the CatLadyBox plus a few items just for cats.

This is a review of the $39.99/month “Crazy” CatLadyBox.

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About CatLadyBox

The Subscription Box: CatLadyBox

The Cost: $39.99 per month + free U.S. shipping. Save with longer subscriptions.

The Products: Unique and exclusive cat lady finds, from cat-themed jewelry and clothes to accessories, home décor, books, and more.

Ships to: The U.S. (free in the contiguous 48 states), U.K., Canada, and Alaska and Hawaii ($12.95)

CatLadyBox April 2021 Review

CatLadyBox is always full of fun, cat-themed lifestyle items. Let’s see what was in store for April:


I love how the information cards have custom artwork every month, with the backside including more information about the items in the box. This month has a "Neon Vibes" theme. There was  also a theme spoiler for next month:


On to the items:


Neon Cat Umbrella – Listed Value $24.99

It’s been awhile since we’ve received an umbrella from CatLadyBox. This one is a totally different style than past umbrellas. Also this is timely because, after working from home for over a year, I removed the previous umbrella from my purse, and put it somewhere and now I don’t know where it is. This one did have a bit of a chemical smell and needed some airing out.

Pumpkin was also very interested in the umbrella. (She is in a pen because she had one knee surgery a few weeks ago and needs another on the other side before freely roaming again.)

Neon Meow Shirt – Listed Value $22.99

This is a very soft and comfy shirt, which I know because I slept in it last night, am wearing it today, and will be exercising in it later (working from home has meant lots less laundry because I am lazy and wear the same clothes for 24 hours straight). It’s a bit oversized, which is a great fit for how I am dressing these days - it’s all about comfort. I may even wear this when I head out on the 18th (of April) to get my second Pfizer shot!

Neon Cat Zipper Pouch – Listed Value $12.99

I haven’t actually received a makeup bag for awhile since I don’t subscribe to any of the beauty boxes that regularly send them. This one is handy because I can see through it so I know if it has the things I am looking for (I don’t often get in my purse zipper pouches these days). When COVID cases are down and I go back into the office, this will be nice for holding lipstick because it will be impossible to miss in the depths of my purse.

Rod the Lightning Catnip Toy – Listed Value $6.99

This is a catnip plush with a soft texture that Monkey wanted to rub his face all over and Sneaky was quite interested in as well. Although the name makes me laugh because it always makes me think of this song, which is totally unrelated to CatLadyBox in any way, whatsoever, and probably dates me quite a bit because I listened to it in high school (although apparently it came out when I was 6 years old).

Totally Tubular Neon Wand Toy - Listed Value $6.99

This was 100% a success. It is just a ribbon on a stick but even Madison got in on the action (and Monkey and Sneaky liked it as well). You will see a lot of pictures with it below.

Gratuitous cat photos:


(Madison is the black cat, Sneaky is the calico, and Monkey is tan and white (I was asked in another review which one was which).

Verdict: I calculated a value of about $74.95 for the April 2021 "Crazy" CatLadyBox.  This was a wonderful month for us from CatLadyBox. Madison had fun with a toy, the shirt was soft and comfy, and every item was useful. I had a lot of neon stuff as a kid so this is a bit nostalgic as well (I was born in 1977, so most of my childhood was in the 1980s). I can get over the umbrella smell because I know it will be gone in a few days (although I understand that might be more difficult for someone who lives in an apartment and doesn’t have a garage or deck for airing it out).

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? You're likely to receive May's box. From CatLadyBox:

The cutoff day to order each month is at midnight EST on the 26th. If you order before the cutoff time, we'll ship you the next month's box. If you order after that date, your first box will be one after that. For example: Order by December 26th to get the January box. We'll ship the January box at the very end of December so you get it in the beginning of January!

Way back when I signed up, I was contacted to say there were a few past boxes leftover and asked if I’d like one of those. So it may be worth inquiring if you're interested in this particular box.

Value Breakdown: At a price of $39.99 for this box, you are paying approximately the following per item:

  • Umbrella $13.33
  • Shirt $12.27
  • Pouch $6.93
  • Lightning toy $3.73
  • Wand toy $3.73

Check out our other CatLadyBox reviews and find lots of other great boxes for cats, along with the best subscription boxes for women.

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think of April's CatLadyBox? Do you subscribe to any cat boxes?

Starting at $34.99
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Treat yourself to a monthly box of the most unique and exclusive cat lady finds. Cat-themed jewelry, clothes, accessories, decor, books and more for you, delivered in a box your cat can keep (of course).

Ragan Buckley
Ragan Buckley
Ragan stumbled across My Subscription Addiction in late 2013 and immediately subscribed to way too many beauty boxes. She's now focused on boxes for her cats and dog, vegan/vegetarian food boxes, and craft subscriptions (and she didn't give up beauty boxes entirely).

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Boxy Fox

The art on the card is to die for. I wish I had one so I could frame it!

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So happy to see the pic and update on Pumpkin! Hopefully she heals up quickly.

I received my 2nd Pfizer shot yesterday. So far, just the same as the first one. My arm is sore and I’m quite tired. (both normal so I’m not worried about it)

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I liked the shirt in this one, except I also didn’t because after being a subscriber for a long while now my closet is overflowing with cat t-shirts! I don’t want any more! The pouch was SUPER meh. BUT I did really like the umbrella!

The t-shirt situation is going to be why I don’t renew on my next billing cycle.

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Amy in KC

I loved this box. The shirt is sooooo soft. I was so happy! My cats went wild (haha) for the leopard wand too, and it reminds me of Lisa Frank so that made me smile.

Thanks for the kitty pics as always and the bonus of Pumpkin!

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I. Need. That. Umbrella. I should buy two, because I’ll never see something like this again.

I hope you were fine. After I got the second dose of the Pfizer, I developed a fever and bad muscle aches. I get a flu shot every year and nothing like that happens. My husband is older and diabetic and he actually developed loss of muscle power exactly after the second dose of the Pfizer. He’s in the hospital now with complications. I’m the biggest advocate of vaccines; just sending warm wishes for every cat parent to not experience bad side effects. Our kitties need us.

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That wand was a huge success with your cats. It made for some great action shots from all of them. Love it!

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Also you can skip a box….I skipped this as it never rains here in CA. Customer service were very helpful

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Anita F

I just got my box today and loved everything! I have 3 cats and they loved the neon wand toy! The umbrella had a smell like blow- up pool toys when you first open the package. It’ll pass.
If you email them and they have any April boxes left they’ll start with it which is what I did.

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