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Ipsy Glam Bag June 2021 – Choice Time

ByMSAJun 7, 2021 | 53 comments

The envelope packaging from the Ipsy Glam Bag May 2021.

4 overall rating
1813 Ratings | 300 Reviews

It’s time to pick the first item for your June 2021 Ipsy Glam Bag.

Summer is just about here and along with sunny days, we’re welcoming our boldest, brightest beauty looks. Why? Because this month, we’re embracing everything that makes us feel happy, like multicolor eyeliners, shimmering highlighters, and super satisfying skincare. Your June Glam Bag has everything to make you shine inside and out.

Here are your June 2021 Glam Bag options:

Here’s the cosmetics pouch that, we previously revealed, you’ll also receive with your June 2021 Glam Bag, designed by Joanne Wong!

And here’s Wong’s pouch for Glam Bag Plus subscribers!

Ipsy June 2021 Glam Bag Plus

“I wanted to design a colorful bag that brings positive vibes—a bag that will make you smile when you look at it,” explains Wong. Mission = Accomplished. With icons like hearts, stars, and rainbows, the June Glam Bag is reminiscent of the carefree years being a kid. Think: Sticker sheets, pin-adorned backpacks, and doodles in the margins of your notebooks. Oh, and the details are instant mood lifters. We double dog dare you not to smile when looking at the rainbow zipper.

While your inner child is obviously stoked, your outside #adulting self will be equally happy, because this bag is crafted with a durable (key word here) faux leather. It resists dents and dings from being tumbled around in your purse and spills wipe away easily, so it’s charm will stick around for the long haul.

If you’re new to the regular Ipsy, it’s a $12-a-month beauty and makeup subscription box. Check out all of our Ipsy reviews to see what’s been in past boxes. And check out our Ipsy Spoilers to see what’s coming up in future boxes.

Which product are you choosing for your June 2021 Ipsy Glam Bag?

Starting at $14.00
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IPSY Glam Bag is one of the most popular and affordable subscriptions around, and our readers have selected it as one of the top beauty boxes for the last 5 years running! IPSY Glam Bag connects members with five makeup, skincare, hair care, and other beauty sample... read more.

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Martine Morin

I guess I’m the only one here who picked the concealer. 😉

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Anyone here have experience with Ipsy customer support?

I ordered Ipsy Plus, but package arrived damaged and missing items.

Ipsy customer service sent a replacement bag (which they said would include replacements if Ipsy and my picks).

The 2nd bag arrived yesterday — but filled with low-value, sample-sized substitutions.

Contacted Ipsy support. They responded that they never issue refunds.

Any advice on how to respond? Is Ipsy allowed to send whatever they want, even if it’s different from what I picked?

Thanks so much!

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Ahhh…Canceled in the knick of time, I did CHOICE without even checking spoilers…this looks more pride inspired than summer and not at all what I envisioned.

IPSY should really look into opting-out of the bag the same way the GLAM X lets you choose.

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Could the bag be any uglier?

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Elle, I’m in a similar boat having to inject immunosuppressants and low dose chemo weekly, and unfortunately those of us who have to depend on others for our safety and protection from covid-19, know just how important it is for the majority of the population to get fully vaccinated, but when I see such blatantly selfish comments like Michelle’s ALL over social media (and elsewhere, like comments on articles in news apps) it’s sooo unsettling to me. It starts to make me think I’ll never be able to go back to a somewhat normal life without fear again. The science behind and efficacy of these vaccines is sound, they could do some research to learn some actual facts, but they’d rather just get their info from conspiracy theorists and misinformation memes.

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You ARE the research

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This question is unrelated to Ipsy but I see no chat board to ask questions on here. I was wondering what the difference is in using crate joy or getting the subscription box directly from the company?

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@MSA I come here to read about cosmetics, sub boxes, and the like. This thread and people being catty and hateful regarding some off-handing comment is just very Facebook. I have loved having a place to come to that didn’t engage in this kind of stuff. There are still a few comments that are not kind or respectful would love to address those as well so we can get back to why we come to this page in the first place.

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Yeah, whenever people comment that they miss the MSA forums, all I can think of is, do you really want Facebook 2.0? Nobody will want/be able to moderate that content 24/7 to eliminate the trolly type behavior that is completely unnecessary and adds nothing to a conversation about subscription boxes.

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Second that. Some comments got removed, but some rather blatantly rude ones were left.

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Hi ladies, my question has nothing to do with June or spoilers. It is about contacting Ipsy Support or Ipsy CAre, I guess they are the same. I used to be able to email them. Now it seems this option isn’t available and contact has to be made via a social media platform. Is this correct? I’m missing an item in my May bag which just arrived today and it’s not loose in inner packaging. Since I’m not on social media much but do use Facebook occasionally, I went to their page and posted a comment about the missing item and also sent a private message from their page. Has anyone had any good luck contacting them for problems using their FB page? Thanks.

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Patsy, I don’t use social media, so when my June Plus bag was lost/stolen, I just emailed the same old support @ ipsy dotcom. I got a “we received your email” reply almost immediately and they are re-sending my box.

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Oops, I meant my May Plus bag. Don’t want to get anyone too excited about me somehow receiving my June bag in May, 😂


I have the best luck with Ipsy customer service via Twitter. I send a message to @IPSYcare and they chat me back pretty swiftly.

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You can go to their website or app and contact them through the help feature. Behind the scenes, that is equivalent to sending them an email (you include your email addy, and they email you back). Alternatively, you can email them directly at support (at) ipsy (dot) com. I have always contacted them via the help feature, I’ve never emailed them directly, but theoretically it’s the same thing.

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Marlo Taylor

Wow Michelle way to go. I couldn’t imagine caring so little about the life around me. Thank goodness you put your 2 cents in on msa we may have gone our whole lives without your selfish input.

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Yes, you certainly seem to be, Michelle.

I don’t think Marlo is saying you are selfish for not getting the vaccine, but you are selfish for choosing not to wear a mask in public when you are unvaccinated. If you don’t want to be immunized, that’s your right and prerogative, but please put on a mask so you don’t unintentionally infect some poor immunocompromised person who can’t get vaccinated and could die from COVID.


Selfish for not getting an unproven, untested shot for an illness that has a 99.98 survival rate…sure ok. And you can still get Covid even after the shot…Take care of your own health, I’ll worry about mine. Y’all are Wild. Not to mention BrainWashed!

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Getting a bit tired of Ipsy and considering cancelling again but I chose the mascara as I’ve never used that brand.

I too wear a mask even though I’m half vaccinated (soon to be fully). I am vaccinating to protect me and others but especially because I have an elderly father with health compromised. Wearing a mask has surprisingly kept ME from having multiple colds this winter so might be wearing one every winter, lol. Must say i love the lady’s comment about masks and anonymity. Me too!

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I’m only half vaccinated as well. My son was born with a rare genetic disorder and we are really talking to the doctors about him getting vaccinated. (Or at least the first dose) so I cannot express my thanks enough to people like you that wear masks and get shots. Thank you so much! 👍👏

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Thanks, Ziggy! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who enjoys the anonymity provided by my mask! I’m really enjoying not picking up any other illnesses. My husband has had two heart surgeries this past fall and winter, so I’ll continue to mask for him as well. Don’t want to brig anything home, as I’m still working.

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Really appreciate your care for your father and others who are immunocompromised. (Wrote a longer comment below). 😊

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I did also!

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I picked the liquid blush, but then I paused my sub lol.

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Autumn P

Not getting this particular bag, but if I was -The YC Collection Cream Blush, & Callyssee Vanilla ☁ Bod Cream looks interesting…(I 💓 Vanilla!) As well as the Tony Moly Serum, & I still haven’t tried any Tarte mascara. Actually coulda been a decent bag.

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I skipped this month since I wasn’t into the bag design, but the Context balm in “Back for More” looks pretty! Hopefully that will show up in future add-on sales or bags.

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I was really drawn to two items, this month. YC liquid blush in Fresca and also Context Skin lip balm in the shade Back For More. I chose the lip balm… I would love if I also received the liquid blush. This month had some really nice choices.

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I picked the Benefit Pores Setting spray. It’s a brand new product and definitely want to try it before buying the full size.

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That is a great choice, Mandi! I almost picked that but them chose the Glamglow mask. Guess I was thinking about pending hot and humid Chicago summer so wanted to try the mask.

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I chose the Creme Shop cleansing towelettes. They are full size and I figure they will come in handy this summer at the beach or wherever. I only had a dark brownish Context nude balm to choose from and that’s a nope for me.

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The blush wasn’t an option for me, which was a bummer (though I don’t think the color would have worked for me).

I picked the ABH lippie – I’ve never tried that formula before, and the color looks really pretty. Plus, I’m excited to get back to wearing lipstick again now that I’m fully vaccinated and can go mask-free.

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I also chose the lippie cuz I’m unvaccinated and have never worn a mask 🙂

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AC, rather be me than be brainwashed like you. Scary….


Choosing not vaccinate is different then choosing not to like something on social media. Vaccinating is to protect one’s self and others. The pluses outweigh the negatives of getting vaccinated

Initially when the vaccines first came out I was hessistant to. Yet was extremely happy when I was able to get both vaccines. I stood 2 hours in line to get mine. It was the best 2 hours spent. My side effects annoying yet not bad at all.

A few of my friends had covid and ended up in the hospital. They felt their immune system was strong enough not to get covid. Unfortunately it can happen to anyone. The vaccine is like gold. It does not protect someone 100% yet it does protect them from the more serious side effects of covid

I hope you will consider at least getting the first vaccine. Or wear a mask. To protect not only yourself but everyone else around you

As far as lipsticks. I miss wearing lip products. Yet I m happy with my chapstick which at times I do wear under a mask. Even though the world is slowly getting back to the new normal I ll still be wearing my mask. I ve gotten used to that fashion trend.

Marlo Taylor

Wow Michelle way to go. I couldn’t imagine caring so little about the life around me. Thank goodness you put your 2 cents in on msa we may have gone our whole lives without your selfish input.


Wow, Michelle. You’re quite self-centered, smug, and uncaring about anyone other than yourself.


I had a bone marrow transplant when I was younger. People like me have a 35% chance of dying from covid, not to mention the risk of even more disability if we survive. My transplant friends still in school in states with low masking / vaccination have had to endure isolation and feeling like their community doesn’t value their life. Before covid, I wore a mask in higher infection risk situations like flying, but the *low prevalence* of infectious disease meant we could have a life after enduring so much chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. I got the vaccine but didn’t make antibodies — so I’m depending on my community to reach herd immunity before I resume my pre-Covid life.
Thank you to everyone on this thread who have empathy and care — we in the transplant community are so grateful. Really appreciate the some of the life-affirming comments here.

Simran @MSA

Hi Charlotte. Your last comment was deleted because it violated our community policy. You can review it here – https://www.mysubscriptionaddiction.com/where-is-my-comment.

Simran @MSA

Hi Michelle and Charlotte. Your last comments were deleted because they violated our community policy. You can review it here – https://www.mysubscriptionaddiction.com/where-is-my-comment.


Good for you Karen oh my bad I meant Michelle


I’m fully vaccinated and will wear a mask for an undetermined length of time. (FWIW, I had Covid early 2020 and I never want to go through that again,nor spread it to others…respect.) I love so many things about wearing a mask; the main thing I love is protecting myself from not only Covid, but the myriad other air born disease being spewed by humans. Since donning a mask, I haven’t had even a sniffle. I usually pick up several bugs during the span of a year, and some serious illnesses such as sinus s infections, strep, flu. A mask protects. Love that. I also love the anonymity of it!


To each their own, but I value the life of others. Enjoy your lippie.


I chose the liquid blush.

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I chose the liquid blush, too. Looks so pretty! Can’t wait!

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I chose the FAB arnica relief mask. Nothing else really interested me.

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I chose the liquid blush. It’s full size and it had amazing reviews on their website.

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I picked the lippie from ABH but this was my second choice! I am kinda regretting not picking it lol

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Jen R

Me too! Plus the color looks right up my alley, and it seems like an interesting company to boot.

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I wished I had picked this after doing some research on it. I chose the Glamglow. I am hoping this will be in add-ons


Picked the TonyMoly. 🙂

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so did I!

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Me too!

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