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What’s In the Box: A New Unboxing Video Series with Naomi Pandolfi

ByMSAMay 20, 2021 | 21 comments

4 overall rating
1814 Ratings | 301 Reviews

Ask anyone who loves subscription boxes, unboxing is the best part.

There's nothing like the excitement of tearing open a box or bag and seeing all the goodies that await, which is why we're bringing you a new video series called "What's In the Box."

Join Contributing Writer Naomi Pandolfi as she unboxes and gives you all the scoop on some of her favorite beauty subscriptions. From swatching to real, honest takes on products, let Naomi be your guide through the world of beauty boxes.

You already know Naomi from her reviews of Ipsy, Brown Sugar Box and Nourish Beauty Box among many others. Now watch as she gives all you the details about what loves most about subscription boxes.

Naomi kicks things off by unboxing the April 2021 Ipsy bag — read the full review here. You can catch more episodes of "What's In the Box" on our YouTube channel.

Let us know what you'd like to see unboxed in the comments below!


Starting at $14.00
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IPSY Glam Bag is one of the most popular and affordable subscriptions around, and our readers have selected it as one of the top beauty boxes for the last 5 years running! IPSY Glam Bag connects members with five makeup, skincare, hair care, and other beauty sample... read more.

At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.

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Awesome 👌

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Expected so much better from this video. Been a fan of MSA for almost 10 years. What is happening now?

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Definitely not.

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Love this video! I got the shader brush too. I looked up “Beau Gachis” and it’s pronounced “bo gashy” – it means “A fine mess” lol =)

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Whitney Earl

How cute is she?!?! Loved watching her do an unboxing ( or unbagging, lol). I already am subbed to Ipsy Glam bag, Ipsy Glam bag Plus, and Ipsy X and I LOVE THEM ALL…….if you can’t tell already. 😄

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Hmmmm, why did the negative comments disappear? Not that i have an opinion about this either way yet but the one or two comments that didn’t care for this have been removed. Interesting.

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Thankfully, some of us DO have an opinion either way. Being mean to others on what is supposed to be a fun forum is completely unwarranted.

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Mary L.

The deleted comment was an unkind comment about another person. The deletion was warranted in this case. The comment policy specifically says that comments that include cruelness to others will not be posted.

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Cool! Love seeing swatches and the actual texture/consistency of the products.

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Love the items in the bag and love your positive vibe!! I definitely will try some of these. You rock!!

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Definitely a positive vibe!! I need some of that in my life 😆

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Jeanette Brown

Wow! This is so cool. Thank you Sis appreciate the info. I’m def signing up and telling my friends. #readytoslay 🙂

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Would prefer more reviews, spoilers, other subscription box news that used to be here, etc.

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Umm, I don’t know what’s wrong with these people, but if they were smart, what they would have said was, “YES, PLEASE.” I love watching unboxing videos and Naomi’s beautiful, glowing face and brilliant, clever commentary is exactly what I like to see. I hope she keeps it up with MSA and unboxes ALL the boxes.

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Nubia DW

I have never heard of the twisted sister curl spray but I have Black “mixedish” curly hair and def want to try this now—Naomi’s curls are on point, love her look in this video! Also, omg never thought about having dead skin!! Glad she made that point!

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Shruti Sadana

Omg whatever this girl is using, I want it!! Her skin and makeup is flawless! She has such a presence too. Def getting my subscription!!

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Love this!!! This is so cute! I def going to try this bag because I like that can sample the products !

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Omg this is so cute! I gotta get a bag
I like that I can sample the stuff with this bag!!!!
Super fun!

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I don’t think this post made it to the copywriter

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no thanks

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