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There’s a Subscription for That: Finishing Salt

Lindsey Morse
ByLindsey MorseAug 27, 2021 | 2 comments

Different types of salt. Sea, Himalayan and kitchen salt. Top view on three wooden spoons on black background

There's a Subscription For That is a new series spotlighting subscriptions the team at My Subscription Addiction finds interesting and is excited to share with readers. 

Ask any chef: salt is the most important tool in the kitchen. The perfect level of seasoning can make an otherwise bland dish sing, and a pinch of finishing salt can elevate basic cooking into something truly magnificent. Sure, basic table salt will usually do the trick, but specialty salts can inspire creativity and introduce flavors that will take your cooking to new levels. With its high mineral concentration, pink Himalayan salt makes a delicious rub for fish and steak, smoked salt can introduce complex wood-fired flavors without the need for grilling, and black lava salt is a great way to introduce complexity and add visual interest to everything from butter to roasted chicken. Looking for a way to stock your kitchen with a new set of finishing salts every month? Well, you're in luck. There's a saltscription for that!


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The Salt Cellar specializes in all kinds of salty goodness: finishing salts, bath products, novelties, and more. Those in Portland, ME, Portsmouth, NH, and Newburyport, MA can visit one of The Salt Cellar's brick-and-mortar locations, but there's also an online store that ships nationwide.

If you're super into cooking (or eating) and want to try all of the different finishing salts you can get your hands on, check out the Monthly Finishing Salt Subscription. Signing up for a recurring shipment of finishing salt from The Salt Cellar means a new trio of salts will land on your doorstep every single month. If you need some inspiration for how to use your salts, you'll find recipes and informational guides featured on The Salt Cellar's blog.

The Details

  • Monthly Finishing Salt Subscription sends three finishing salts every month.
  • Shipping is free, and each delivery costs $18.95.
  • You'll receive three 1.5 oz. jars each month for 12 months.
  • Expect to see selections from the entire range of products; The Salt Cellar's selection includes Black Truffle Sea Salt, Applewood Smoked Sea Salt, Ginger Root Sea Salt, Ghost Pepper Hot Salt, Icelandic Licorice Sea Salt, Lemon Infused Sea Salt, and many others.

If you'd like to receive more than just finishing salts, there's a subscription for that too. The quarterly SaltScription costs $69.00 and includes a range of products from the entire collection. Expect to see culinary salts as well as salt-centric products for the bath and spa.

What do you think of The Salt Cellar? Would you sign up for a subscription? Let us know in the comments.

Lindsey Morse
Lindsey Morse
Lindsey is a professional baker, cold brew coffee addict, and rosé aficionado who loves writing about food and wine. When she’s not sharing her love of subscription boxes with the world, you’ll find her in the podcasting studio, perfecting her cake decorating techniques, or cursing her way through the New York Times daily crossword puzzle.

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The first link up top- The Salt Cellar- brings you to it.

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I couldn’t find anything on the site about a salt sub, just the big variety sub.

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