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Little Passports: Science Expeditions Review – Bubble Science

Becca Peterson
ByBecca PetersonJul 10, 2021 | 0 comments

Little Passports: Science Expeditions
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Little Passports is a subscription box that helps kids explore the world through fun and educational activities. They offer Early Explorers (recommended ages 3-5), World Edition (recommended ages 6-10), USA Edition (recommended ages 7-12), Science Junior (recommended ages 5-8) and, Science Expeditions (recommended ages 8+). Along with monthly subscription options, Little Passports also offers "Individual Activity Kits" that can be ordered along with any subscription at the time of purchase.

Little Passports is one of the best subscription boxes for kids as voted by MSA readers.

This review is of the Little Passports: Science Expeditions Bubble Science for $27.95. 

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About Little Passports: Science Expeditions

The Subscription Box: Little Passports: Science Expeditions

The Cost: $27.95 per month + free shipping (save with longer subscriptions) 

The Products: Science experiments, plus a comic book related to the monthly theme, designed for children ages 8+

 Ships to: the U.S. for free, Canada for $1.50 per month, and Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K. for $2.50 per month.

Little Passports: Science Expedition Bubble Science

Not long ago, I discovered South Beach Bubbles and we became bubble obsessed. When we received this month's Little Passports Science Expedition Bubble Science box, the kids couldn't wait to dive in. Read below to see what we discovered this month and if it was anything like the name-brand bubble concentrate.


Little Passports: Bubble Science Comic and Activity Book

Each month, Little Passports creates and distributes a wonderfully colored comic and activity book that pertains to the monthly theme. Because this month's theme was bubble science, we learned about the science behind the creation of bubbles and were walked through the process via comic book style. Not only did we learn about bubbles, but we also learned about surface area, 3D shapes, and volume. This was a great pre-cursor to our 3rd grade geometry section, and Hank was very intrigued with the information!

Hank and Charlie enjoyed reading the comic together. Charlie is a beginner reader, so Hank helped him through the easier speech bubbles - no pun intended...while he took on the more challenging ones. It's so fun to watch them work together and learn through fun. And I must say...I learned a few new things from this comic too!


Bubble Science Instruction Guide

After discovering the science behind bubbles through our comic book, we moved on to the experiment section. This month we received instructions for five experiments. This illustrated guide includes very well-written instructions and includes pictures that are easy to depict and follow to complete the experiments. Also included are video links, and tips. I would like to mention that this subscription does not include all necessary items to complete the experiments. Each individual activity has included materials listed along with the items needed from home. Some months require more items than others. This makes reading the instructions before starting very important!

Experiment #1: Bubble Solution


Our first activity ended up being one we needed for almost all consecutive activities. While it was one of the easiest it was also the most important. To make our bubble solution we were sent two bubble wands and a vial of glycerin. Needed from home were a resealable container, measuring tools, and liquid dish soap.


To make our bubble solution, we measured out our water into a quart mason jar and added dish soap. The instructions call for liquid dish soap, but of course, we only had 1/4 cup of that....instead, we had to veer off the path and add some Dawn foam, and another type of soap. Thankfully it still worked! After the soap was mixed, we added the glycerin and slowly mixed it together. The instructions state that the longer the bubble solution sits, the better the bubbles would be, so we let it rest until we got back from our South Dakota vacation to try it out. How did it work you ask? Read below to see!

Experiment #2: Bubble in a Bubble


For our next activity, we were instructed to re-use our bubble wands. Also needed was the bubble solution we created in the first activity, along with a smooth work surface that can get wet.


This activity was messy and all sorts of fun! Using the bubble solution, we smeared a handful on our table. (I recommend doing this outside on a patio as it is quite messy.) Once the table was coated in solution, we sucked up a bit more solution in the wand and gently blew into the dry end, an inch above the dampened surface. Again dipping the wand into the solution, we inserted the wand into the bubble, and blew again...creating a bubble inside of a bubble! It was a bit windy the day we did this, so the bubbles kept flying off of the table, but as you can see in the second picture - it worked!!! Pretty darn neat if you ask me!

Experiment #3: Big Bubble Experiment


The next activity was the one the kids were most excited about. Like I mentioned above, we have tried out the South Beach Bubbles and it comes with a wand similar to the one we received the supplies to make. Included were the bubble wands, two stoppers, yarn, and a plastic ring. Needed from home were the bubble solution and a ruler. How did our homemade version turn out? Read below to see!


Following the instructions to create our bubble wand was quite simple, but the pictures were worth more than the words. Once the wand was complete, we submerged it into the bubble solution and gently lifted it out. We discovered that a light breeze is helpful in the process, and it did take a little practice. In the end, we found our homemade bubble solution and the wand worked just as good as the boughten version!

Experiment #4: Bubble Foamer


Needed for this experiment was the precut bottle, towel, and rubber band. From home, we needed the bubble solution.


Like the other activities, this one is soapy and messy, so I do recommend heading outdoors for this one as well. To create our foamer, we laid the towel on the precut end of the included bottle - securing with a rubber band. Once complete, we dipped the toweled end into the bubble solution and gently blew into the top to create a stream of bubble foam. Charlie was enthralled with this activity and spent a good chunk of time chasing the foam as it whirled off our table in the wind.

Experiment #5: Fizzy Bubble Ball


Our final activity was the most time-consuming one, and actually needed a week to complete! To create our fizzy bubble ball we received colored baking soda, citric acid, a ball mold, and glycerin. From home, we needed measuring tools, a spoon, bowl, scissors, paper towels, and a small cup.


After all of the bubble fun, we had a bit of a change of pace with this experiment. To create our fizzy bubble ball, we mixed our soda, citric acid, and glycerin into a small cup. Looking back, the citric acid was pretty chunky, so I suggest breaking up those little pieces if at all possible. Following the directions very closely, we mixed the instructed colors to create our rainbow effect and packed it into the ball mold. There are 14 steps to this activity and three pages of instructions so it seems a little intimidating at first but is quite easy. Once the colors are created, you press your mold halves together to create a ball. This needs to sit for a week to dry.

Once the ball dried, we removed the other half of the mold and submerged it into a bowl of water to watch it disintegrate. As a side note, my kids are obsessed with bath bombs and wanted to put this in their tub, but we didn't as the instructions didn't mention that being okay. I have to say, this homemade version was very colorful, but didn't go as crazy as some of our boughten ones have. It did, however, inspire us to create a homemade bath bomb Pinterest board, so maybe we will discover ways to make bath-friendly ones!


After we completed our activities we were then awarded with the "Bubble Science" Badge, as a tribute to our hard work and play!

Verdict: After a bit of a letdown last month, the Bubble Science box has hit it out of the park! Both of my boys were excited to hear this month's theme and enjoyed creating their own bubble concentrate. All of our experiments worked exactly how they were supposed to, and we still have glycerin leftover for another batch of bubbles. As an educator, I am obsessed with learning through play, and this box is amazing at following through with that. At $27.95 a month, this subscription is a little on the pricey side. I would love to see more glycerin, soap, or experiments for that price, but I was impressed with the educational aspect and curation this month. What do you think next month's theme will be? 

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? You'll start with the Forensic Science box in the first month, followed by a different themed box each month thereafter. 

Check out all of our Little Passports reviews and other best subscription boxes for kids!

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Starting at $22.00
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Recommended for ages 9+, the Science Expeditions subscription will "help Sam and Sofia solve real-life scientific mysteries every month through experiments, hands-on activities and more!" Your first kit includes a science case and lab notebook that can be used with future boxes. "Our subscription... read more.

Becca Peterson
Becca Peterson

I am a wild and crazy mom of 2 boys and work in the public education system as an Indigenous Support Advocate. I love all things outdoors, beauty, crafts, and food. Living the simple life in the country, we spend a lot of time hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting. Oh, and I absolutely adore my high school sweetheart aka my husband of almost 17 years!

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