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Swaps Secret Santa: Sign-Ups Are Now Open

Lindsey Morse
ByLindsey MorseDec 1, 2021 | 14 comments

’Twas the month of December, and on MSA,

swappers were gathered and ready to play.

Their closets were filled with subscription box things,

from lipsticks and serums to cookies and rings.


“I know!” said one, as she studied the contents,

“some of these goodies would make perfect presents!”

She had tons of stuff that was perfect for gifting,

lots of great swag others might find uplifting.


But where could she find a good holiday swap?

Where she could gift her sub items and not have to shop?

Well, great news, dear swappers, today is the day,

we’re launching Secret Santa right here on MSA!


We're thrilled to announce that sign-ups for Swaps Secret Santa are now open! To participate, fill out the form below (or follow this link), and we'll match you with a Secret Santa swapping buddy. This holiday gift exchange is open to all Swappers with a 95%+ user rating. You must have an MSA swap profile to participate. Sign-ups will remain open through December 9th, and matches will be revealed on December 13th.

Rules + guidelines:

  1. You must have an MSA swap profile and a 95%+ feedback rating.
  2. At least one item you include in your gift should be from a subscription box.
  3. Products sent should still be in date and not within 6 months of expiring. They should also be unopened, unused, and unswatched.
  4. The recommended price range for gifts is $30- $50. For items received in a subscription box, the MSRP is a good price guideline. You are welcome to go over the limit, but please do not go under.

Signups for Swaps Secret Santa are now open! Any questions? Let us know in the comments!

Lindsey Morse
Lindsey Morse
Lindsey is a professional baker, cold brew coffee addict, and rosé aficionado who loves writing about food and wine. When she’s not sharing her love of subscription boxes with the world, you’ll find her in the podcasting studio, perfecting her cake decorating techniques, or cursing her way through the New York Times daily crossword puzzle.

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oh, no, now all my comments popped up and I look like a crazy person 🙈🙈🙈 how embarrassing!!

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Ok, this is the 5th time I’ve tried posting in this chat and for some reason it’s not going through 😭😤🤪🤣Fingers crossed the 5th time is the charm?? LOL

But I need some help, please. I submitted my secret form several days ago. When I clicked submit, it took me to a screen saying I could fill out another form. I assumed I’d receive some kind of confirmation email that I was officially entered, but to date, nothing. So I’m not sure if I’m actually entered.

I’d be so upset if I wasn’t. And am very tempted to submit another one just to be safe. I plan on absolutely spoiling my person. But if I submit another and end up with 2 secret santas, I won’t be able to do that. And I don’t want to be a lame, mediocre secret santa for 2 people. I’d much rather spoil 1, ya know?

So basically, how can I find out if my form was actually received and I’m entered?

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I’ve tried posting 2 other times, so I’m testing to see if it will now go through

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Can someone help me out with a question please?

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Hey y’all, I have a question. I signed up for the secret santa several days ago. I filled out the questionnaire and submitted it, but I didn’t receive any kind of confirmation that it was received. After I submitted it, it took me back to the questionnaire page and said I could fill out another one. I assumed I’d get a confirmation receipt in my email, but to date nothing. So I have no idea if I’m actually registered. I’d be so upset if something went wrong and I didn’t get to participate. And I’m tempted to submit another questionnaire. But I want to absolutely spoil match! And if my 1st questionnaire DID go through, I wouldn’t be able to do that for 2 people. And I’d much rather spoil 1 person, than be a lame, mediocre secret santa. Can anyone tell me if you got any kind of confirmation that you were officially entered after you submitted your form? Thank you so much in advance! 😊

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Lindsey Morse

Hi Jaq! I just popped into the form, and I can confirm that you are signed up and good to go! Matches will be made on Friday, and I’ll be in touch as soon as they’re made so you can get to secret santa-ing. Thanks so much for your excitement! I’m glad I’m not the only one doing a little happy dance in anticipation of this whole thing. 😊

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Whoop whoop! Yay! You just made my day 😊 now if only those other postings of mine would vanish so I don’t look like TOO much of a 🤪😊🤗

Gabbi B

I’m excited about Secret Santa, but is it weird I’m equally excited to see the old school Golden Tote clothes you have for swap? 😂

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Hahaha I’m glad you got a kick out of that! They’re probably considered vintage by now, right?

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It might be good to add to the “rules” that items must be new (as in never used or swatched), especially for beauty items…

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Lindsey Morse

Absolutely. Great point. Done!

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Kate K

This is such a great idea!! And the rhyme at the beginning is very creative and adorable!

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Lindsey @ MSA

Thanks so much, Kate!!

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Hi Lindsay, I’m having trouble trying to post comments for help with the secret santa exchange. I want to participate but need help. This is the 4th attempt of posting in this chat. Hopefully it will go through!