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Universal Yums Offers Alternatives to March 2022 Russia Box

Kai Green
ByKai GreenFeb 26, 2022 | 8 comments

Universal Yums
4.3 overall rating
43 Ratings | 33 Reviews

Universal Yums, the monthly international snack box, is offering new and existing subscribers an alternative to their March 2022 Russia box.

Existing subscribers will receive instructions about changing to another box; if you don't receive an email, reach out to [email protected].

New subscribers, who always get to choose the country of their first box, will now choose Russia, Scandanavia, Poland, France, or their Holiday box. (Right now the site shows France, Poland, Scandanavia and the Holiday box.)

"We understand you that you may have mixed feelings about receving a box from Russia, which is why for March, we are offering you an opportunity to switch your box to another country," the brand said, adding that they'd worked on the box in Summer 2021, not recently. "We are shocked and saddened by the actions taken by Russia's political leader. Should you decide to receive the Russia box, we encourage you and your family to use it as an opportunity to discuss how the citizens of Russia, like all people of the world, are individuals who may or may not agree with their political leader's actions."

Universal Yums is a monthly snack subscription box that delivers a variety of international snacks from all around the world--a new country every month. Each delivery brings an unforgettable experience that mixes the fun of food, travel, and learning in one tasty box. Subscribers can choose boxes of varying sizes or pick specific items in their online shop.

The Box: Universal Yums

The Cost: $17/mo for the Yum Box (5-7 snacks), $28/mo for the Yum Yum Box (10-12 snacks) or $42/month for the Super Yum Box (18-20 snacks). Save by prepaying for longer subscriptions.

The Products: Snacks and guidebook with trivia & interactive games

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Universal Yums is a monthly snack subscription box that delivers a variety of international snacks from all around the world. Each delivery brings an unforgettable experience that mixes the fun of food, travel, and learning in one tasty box!

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Kai Green
Kai Green
Kai Green is a freelance writer who loves happy surprises, which is why she loves subscription boxes. She has a favorite box every week and gets almost TOO excited about packaging. When she isn’t thinking about subscriptions she thinks about entertainment, pop culture and BTS. Her most fervent wish is that a BTS box becomes a reality.

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I wish they’d made it more clear regarding if they’d already paid the companies they are sourcing the snacks in full or if getting the box means more money will be going to Russia. It’s a tough spot to be in for them.

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I missed the email to change the box. Admittedly, I was really annoyed to receive the box. I wish they would have automatically changed it to a mix of previous items. And, the note to subscribers that they choose the box in 2021 should have been included. My inclination is to drop this subscription due to the insensitivity.

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Mary L.

They did mention that they chose the box in 2021. It was in a note on the inside cover of the booklet. It might have been better for them to include a separate card to make the info more visible, but it was there.

Like Heather, I think they did the best they could with an awful situation.

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They had the info all over social media, in addition to the email. Can you imagine how much product they purchased already for the box? They notified customers right away and offered a choice to swap. I think they did a great job trying to mitigate a horrible situation.

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I will most likely never order from this company again. If I am buying a gift for someone for 6 months and trusted that company to be conscious, I am not going to look and see what gift they receive every month before its delivered. I did not receive my alternative box and would not have even known about this major mess up unless my (gift receiver) let me know

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I appreciate the offer given the situation. The alternative selections are all boxes we have already received. We chose one we would be glad to have a repeat of but are hoping they will at least change out a few items. We support universal Yums and hope this will work itself out.

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Heather S.

I really appreciate their sensitivity to the situation.

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Kudos to UYs for offering alternatives.

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