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I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.
I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.
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I find Ipsy overall very confusing. I had 2 memberships and just canceled both. The customer service is confusing as well; totally missing any kind of human touch. No idea what I’ll be getting this month since I never got the option to select anything.
Does anyone know why there are no spoilers out yet for May?
I think mine was pretty good. Did I want eye patches? No, but I will use them. When it came to things I would like, some were in the same category to choose from, but can’t hav everything I want. They only get so much product so I can’t expect to get every item I want in a subscription box. I have never received a duplicate item unless it was from another subscription.
I am super excited for my April box. I have makeup this month which I really wanted to have including the foundation. I can not wait to try, review and post on my blog.
I really wanted to try the Yensa foundation. I was offered it as a choice, but it wasn’t the right shade. I would need the lightest shade Yensa offers, which, it appears, wasn’t even available.
Same old stuff, different month. I agree that there is a lot of private label garbage here, or brands like 111 that outsource their sub box ingredients and manufacturing to China, which is not where it’s made and not the same quality product you would get if you bought it directly from 111 Skin. Neither of those are good things. Private label isn’t the same as an indie label and generally means someone starts a company, buys a bunch of crap off of wish, Alibaba and sites like it and then re-package and label it. It’s stuff none of us would actually go out and buy. The higher end products are the same everytime and in just about every box. Tell me you haven’t had the chance to try them all already, because I know I have. I’ll admit to receiving some really nice palettes and mascaras, but beyond that I am interested in mostly skincare, so I switched to See New Skin Care Box and I am so happy I did. If you’re looking for skincare, that’s your box. I cancelled Ipsy a few months back after seeing too many repeat products and I don’t regret it one bit. Same price for better products.
María Ruiz
What is the price of the subscription??
Exactly….💯! There’s a lot of confusion between private label and indie brands and they’ve (private label companies) done a bang up job of confusing most folks. Huge difference. The word “indie” means nothing anymore as it’s so misused.
I cancelled Ipsy last year, I was so tired of all the made in China private labeled junk. There’s plenty of companies who private label but formulate and manufacture in the US/Europe. I have no issues with these brands. However, if a company manufactures in China they’re doing it for one thing only…profits. There’s no concern about ingredients or safety, none of that. It’s about buying the cheapest products so you can make the most money.
I also love See New! For beauty boxes I sub to See New, Boxwalla and Beauty Heroes only.
This sounds like an Instagram ad written by See New Skin Care… you have less than 10k followers on Instagram so I’m assuming you’re a new ‘privately owned’ business?
Wow! Really? We all know the saying about people who assume. Actually, no, your assumption is wrong, as they usually are. I am a private citizen who could care less about Instagram followers (I don’t even use it, had you paid any attention). Shallow much? I feel sorry for you that you seem to care so much about social media…like that’s what matters most? How many subscribers one has?
I just happen to really love the products and value of the See New Box. I was sharing that with the countless unhappy Ipsy subscribers that may be fonder of skincare, because it’s a great box and they may enjoy it as well. You don’t get to judge my opinion or praise of a box based off of my Instagram followers, that’s just immature. Grow up.
And I think this is the worst selection ever, at least for me. Grateful it’s now three months of no fomo after finally cancelling.
Tiffany Nicole
I canceled in January and I haven’t had any fomo. Each month just keeps getting worse and worse. I wouldn’t want any of this. Its funny how they acted like adding choice was such a huge upgrade for GBP when in reality all of the choices are awful. If there are any good choices they all end up in the same category so you can only choose one of them. It would’ve been so much better if they gave you the ability to choose all three products from the entire selection of that months products instead of breaking them up into groups like this. Then it would be first come first serve and when products are out of stock they remove them from the list of choices. I might have stayed subbed if they did it like that and had decent products
Ipsy bought BoxyCharm so I know most of their item are in ipsy know.
Yikes! Almost all the choices are private labeled, made in China junk.
Ahh Stephanie – you clearly must not get it… arguing would imply that I’m heated and angry which I’m not in any way but your implication and divisive nature would make it clear who is.
I now understand now that you have issues with companies drop shipping specifically from China, got it. Good luck with anger management
Thanks June – that was precisely my point.
I hear you Stephanie, and sadly I agree with you. I read the whole comment thread, and I still agree with you. I really don’t mind if someone yucks my yum…everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I’d like to stop getting that 111Skin rubbish in my boxes. I keep subscribing anyway!
We get it Stephanie – it’s not your thing but you don’t have to call what someone else may enjoy ‘junk’
I also suggest you do your research outside of what just Sephora sells.. even though the majority of my picks are sold at Ulta, Revolve, or Sephora. While your insistent need to tell us that these companies are private label I hope you’re aware that IKEA, Tesco, & Great Value are all actual private label companies.. Refreshments and Complex Couture are Ipsy’s private label. I’m confused as to why a beauty subscription box wanting to create their own beauty products is a bad thing? It’s an extremely smart business move. Kimchi, Beauty For Real, Sandbar, PYT, Belle En Argent are not private labels but privately owned. There’s a huge difference. Study business management and due your do your due diligence in research before you come on here to display your ignorant negativity. Some of us like coming here to share or see the excitement of what everyone else is receiving.
@June Ikea is a private label, because they produce their own merchandise. They don’t buy their furniture from a manufacturer and resell it like Sears or Macy’s. I think Bailee’s point is that just because something is a private label doesn’t make it junk.
I get it Bailee, you like to argue but I can’t understand what you’re trying to say. Just because a business is privately owned, has nothing to do whether a company private labels products…. So what you’re saying is, if a company is privately owned it means they make their own products?
Kimchi, Beauty For Real, Sandbar, PYT, Belle En Argent are all private labels. In fact, you can go online and see the import records for Kimchi coming straight from China. Then you can find this company on Alibaba selling these products for dirt cheap.
Did I say that a sub box creating their own line was a bad thing? Nope, I just mentioned they were private labeled. You added the rest.
Take your own advice “Study business management and due your do your due diligence in research before you come on here to display your ignorant negativity”. I’m not the one who thinks you can’t have private labels if your privately owned.
Dr. Brandt, Ahava, Rodial, Yensa, Ciate, Belle En Argent, Maapilim, Kate Somerville, TheBalm, and Juice Beauty are private label junk? I don’t think so.
Geez. Just because something is made in China doesn’t automatically make it “junk.” A lot of high end brands like Smashbox and Stila make some of their items in China. If you look at your clothes, shoes, and home electronics, there’s a good chance 90% of them are made in China. PYT, Seraphine Botanicals, and Hipdot are not private label brands if by “private label” you mean they are owned and/or commissioned by Ipsy. They are widely available outside of Ipsy.
Looking at the choices: Kimchi, Beauty For Real, Sandbar, PYT, Belle En Argent, MOTD, Zoe A, Complex Culture, Farrah, Sera Botanicals, and Hipdot are all made in China, private labeled.
Ciate, Laura Geller, & 111Skin products that come in sub boxes are made in China.
Last month was a complete dud for me (AND the warehouse sent the wrong item, second month in a row), but this month is stellar. ipsy picked for the the Kimchi powder (I love loose powder and use it daily) and the Haus Laboratories lip gloss (I’ve been wanting to try out this brand, and I love lip glosses). I picked the Yensa foundation, Sandbar Mirage palette, and Rodial eye gel. All stuff that I will use up and enjoy (provided the warehouse actually sends the correct items this time).
Granted, I didn’t have trouble making choices because I only desired one item from each category, but I’m really happy with those three choices.
Our reviewers research, test, and recommend the best subscriptions and products independently; click to learn more about our editorial guidelines. We may receive commissions on purchases made through links on our site.
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