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Sensory TheraPlay Box May 2022 Review + Coupon

Brandi D.
ByBrandi D.Jun 15, 2022 | 0 comments

Sensory Theraplay Box
5 overall rating
1 Ratings | 2 Reviews

Sensory TheraPlay Box is a monthly subscription service for children on the autism spectrum, or with sensory processing issues. Each box is filled with sensory toys or games that help develop motor skills or address varying sensory needs through therapeutic play. We always love the fun and unique items they send each month!

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

First Impressions

There were a few familiar items in our box, but also some exciting new ones!

What's Inside This Box


Each box comes with a one-page insert with photos of the items on the front and a brief description with their values on the back. It also includes contact information and a disclaimer about how it is the responsibility of the adult to determine whether the items included are appropriate for the child. As someone with a Special Education background, I love that they include this since every child is unique and responds to various stimuli in different ways! There are some items that may not be appropriate for every child depending on those needs.

They also included a motivational card for us. 

Mad Mattr Burger Activity Set by Relevant Play - Listed Value $12.99 (subscribers could have also received the Shape + Mold Play Set))


This was probably the best item in the box for us! We love to play with dough, sand, or any squishy substance and the fact that we got to create our own burgers and fries was pretty fun! Included in our set were 3 different colors of Mad Mattr (similar to kinetic sand, but a little lighter and softer), boxes for our burger and fries, and several molds for making cheese, buns, burgers, lettuce, tomatoes, and fries.


Our instructions came with some directions for mixing our colors to get the right shades for some of the items on our menu which I thought was a great fine motor activity since you really had to mix them well. Then my daughter used the molds to make the ingredients. There were even two cute boxes to put our creations in for some pretend play. All 3 of my big kids loved this set!

Smoodle by Cassidy Labs - Listed Value $3.99 (Buy a set of 4 for $15.99)


Since we have been long-time subscribers to this box, this little Smoodle is a repeat item for us, but we did receive a different style. Sprinkle here is super cute and very bendy! He has a silicone coating, but inside he is made of something firmer that helps him really hold the shape well. This is a great fidget toy that is silent and fun for adults, too!

Everfloat by Warm Fuzzy Toys - Retail Value $5.99 (check out a similar style here)


My oldest son was very excited by this cool float! It's a great little paperweight that would be perfect on a desk. You can shake it and get a few bubbles, but what is neat about this is that the fish always stay at the top. Turning this toy round and round makes the water swirl and it almost mimics little waves. I found it to be very calming myself!

Fluffy Friends by Toysmith  - Retail Value $7.00


This "fluffy" friend is so cute! His little spikes are a super soft silicone that just wobbles all over the place making this a really fun toy for playing catch with to work on those hand-eye coordination skills. They also recommend using the little strings to pull and tug on as a behavior replacement. His air-filled body is also just fun to squeeze and play with, too since it makes his body bubble out when you do!

Push and Pull Tubes by Ja-Ru - Listed Value $3.99


This is another item we have seen before and I love playing with them. The outside is a firm mesh and inside is a marble that moves back and forth within the tube. This is definitely a stress-reliever for me and the small size means you can place them in your bag or pocket to take anywhere for a discreet little fidget session.

Dinosaur Squishimals by Toysmith - Retail Value $8.99 (found here for $4.99)


Our last item is again a repeat item and I was so hoping we would receive a different version, but we received another blue triceratops. My children were not bothered by this at all, however, and they were eager to reconnect him with his long-lost brother. This dino toy has lasted through many hours of play! His rubbery body on the outside is an interesting texture that stretches and he is filled with small beads that make him perfect for squeezing. While he is an ideal fidget toy, he has become just a regular toy for open-ended play amongst our other dinosaur toys!

Value - Was This Box Worth It?

The Cost: $42.00 + shipping (Save with longer subscriptions)

The total retail value of our box using a mix of listed and found retail values comes to $42.95, which feels a little low in value to me since we had to pay shipping as well. I think just one more item would have made it feel a little better value-wise.

Key Takeaways

While the value is a little on the lower end this month, the excitement was not! My kids all had fun playing with our new Mad Mattr set and they were very excited about the other toys, especially the Everfloat and the Fluffy Friend. I really enjoyed the Smoodle and I was happy to see some more of those push and pull tubes because they are something I just love to pick up and play with when I find them!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, but order by June 30 at 11:59 pm EST to receive the July box. From Sensory TheraPlay:

Boxes ship out the 1st week of each month.

What do you think of Sensory TheraPlay Box Click below to write a review!

Starting at $42.00
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Sensory TheraPLAY Box offers monthly deliveries of fun and therapeutic sensory items. Boxes are thoughtfully curated with children on the autism spectrum and those with sensory processing needs in mind. Makes a unique and memorable gift for children ages 5-9.

Brandi D.
Brandi D.

I am a homeschooling mom to 4 kids; 1 girl and 3 boys. While I have been reviewing boxes since 2018 and I love the luxury of trying new products, I'm also balancing it out by dabbling in a little bit of homesteading, too. We now have 4 chickens and a rabbit and my sourdough starter is going strong! I love learning about new brands and sharing the great things I find with others in hopes that they find something new to love or to fit their needs!

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