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DateBox Club August 2022 Review

dateclub box august 2022 items

DateBox Club
2.5 overall rating
2 Ratings | 0 Reviews

DateBox Club is a monthly subscription box that delivers everything you need for a creative date to help you reconnect with your partner and spend some quality time together.

This box was sent to us at no cost for review purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

DateBox Club August 2022 Review


This is my first DateBox Club package, so I wasn't sure what to expect. When I opened the box, I wasn't as excited, but probably because it was just another box inside of a box. Once I went through the tiny boxes inside, I was a bit confused because a portion of the date night was about asking questions and the other was about creating string art. While I thought the two were cute ideas, I didn't see the relation to one another. Still, the box included a scented candle and some candy, so I was ready to give it a try!

The Date


My husband and I like arts and crafts, so I was excited about this box. The main focus was the string art project. The box included everything we needed to create string art pieces.

The hammers weren't as heavy as they needed to be to help us set the design on the wooden blocks. It took me over 30 minutes for the cactus outline. Eventually, we took out our home hammer, and it became easier.


However, as soon as I lifted the paper, more than half of the nails came out with the paper. I felt so defeated and tired – I now have a new level of appreciation for people who do this as a hobby.

Eventually, I went at it again, this time with our hammer, and most of the nails stayed in place, but some were still moving as I started threading the strings. Which, by the way, is a much more challenging experience with loose nails than you might think. As you can see from my failed attempt, I got frustrated with this project and aborted the mission.

To be fully transparent, I was over the arts & crafts portion of this date night experience, and so was my husband. It was much more complicated than we thought, and despite our best efforts, we never finished the art project as it was shown in the pictures.

The Ambiance


This box included a scented candle, licorice lace gummies, and some cards for the second portion of the date. The game was "Connect." While we aren't big fans of card cues, we tried it. It was a fun questions game that served as a good conversation starter. This would be a fun game to play if you're in a new relationship.


Our box included a card game called "let's travel the USA together." This deck of cards had trivia questions about the country paired with traveling and relationship questions. We enjoyed this one. After a couple of wine glasses, the answers kept getting funnier.

dateclub box august 2022 candy

We paired this with the licorice candy, which was so delicious that we couldn't stop eating it! This was a great addition to the box, and I loved how it complemented the string art theme.

The Verdict

I think this box is well thought-out, but it could use better materials. I'm not sure if it was the wood or the hammers, but adding in all the nails to the wooden outline was an uphill battle. However, this date night would be great for new couples, friends, married couples, and even those with kids based on the creativity and the questions! I would recommend this box.

To Wrap Up

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? If you order after the first of the month, you may receive next month's box as your first box, depending on availability.

Check out our DateBox Club reviews and more date night boxes!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

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DateBox Club is an at-home date for couples. Every month we plan a super creative date night and deliver it to you. Everything you need is in the box – simply open and enjoy! Each month is different but focuses on a fun way to engage, interact and communicate with your partner.

Geraldine Orentas
Geraldine Orentas

I'm a Miami-based copywriter and content creator who is healthily obsessed with skincare and wellness. I share my acne-healing journey and brand reviews without filters and let you in on my vibrant life in the city. When I'm not testing a new sunscreen or lost in another K-drama, I'm cuddling, trying a new fitness class, or cooking something with my husband.

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Did I miss the cost of the box?

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