Little Passports is a subscription box that helps kids explore the world through fun and educational activities and is one of the best subscription boxes for kids as voted by MSA readers. They offer a range of subscription options for ages 3-8+, as well as "Individual Activity Kits" that can be ordered along with any subscription at the time of purchase.
This review is of the new subscription line Little Passports: Space Quest (recommended ages 5-8) for $24.95. This box includes a comic item, poster, and activity kit pertinent to each month's theme.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes
Space Quest: Glowing Galaxies
As an educator, I am all about encouraging my students and own children to try new things and be curious. One of my favorite ways to incorporate learning into our daily lives is through fun, and what better way to do that than via subscriptions? Little Passports has a variety of boxes for every age range, and I have tried almost all of them. When I discovered they had a new subscription line coming out, I couldn't wait to see just what we might discover. Little Passports: Space Quest is geared towards kids ages 5-8 and guides them through space science with fun hands-on projects and information they are sure to enjoy. Read below to discover what our first box included.
Space Comic and Information Sheet
The first item we checked out in this month's box was an informational comic that featured a group of 6 kid astronauts. Not only did we learn space terminology, but we also received background information for our first projects. Filled with interesting facts and engaging illustrations, Charlie and Hank were kept entertained, all while learning. Also included was a link to learn more about your finished project's constellations which was a really neat inclusion.
Life Cycle of a Star Poster
Instead of receiving a traditional pamphlet with project information and trivia, we received a giant poster. Capturing the attention of my boys, they loved the hilarious clip art of the different star stages, and really wanted to keep reading the descriptions. To me, some of the concepts were a little hard to grasp at first, but with the pictures and arrows, we ended up learning a lot - all while giggling at the silly pictures. Hank decided if he were a star, he would be a "Red Supergiant", while Charlie wanted to be a "White Dwarf". Terms I may have heard in passing but didn't understand now are a little clearer with the help of this fun poster.
The boys really enjoyed this poster and hung it up in their bedroom for future reference.
On the backside of the poster, we were greeted with this month's project instructions. Featuring a list of necessary materials, we received everything we needed to create a Planetarium and a Galactic Light Pen. Nicely arranging the instructions step by step, my boys were able to complete all of the steps without any adult assistance.
To be sure we were properly prepared, Hank and Charlie read through the instructions to make sure we had all of the necessary supplies to create this month's projects. Being easy to read, we appreciated the layout, and also enjoyed the extra info presented at the bottom of the poster.
Project 1: "Build a Planetarium"
To build a Planetarium, we received 6 dome strips, frame supports, 2 circular caps, 2 small frame tabs, and a tea light. All of the pieces were well-made and fit together like a glove. No other supplies were necessary, and the instructions were laid out nicely.
After laying out all of the materials, the boys started building the Planetarium. The first step was to create the frame using the supports and tabs. Fitting together perfectly, this process went very smoothly. Once the frame was finished, we set it aside and started working on the dome strips.
After we stacked the dome strips on top of one another from longest to shortest, we added them to the frame support and held them into place with the circular caps. Spacing out the strips to create a dome shape, we then added the tealight to the nest on the frame and were finished. Aren't those constellations cool? I love how they are labelled to help kids grasp what they are looking at in the sky.
Taking the Planetarium up to their tent, we struggled to get the tea light to project very far. One suggestion listed on the poster is to slide a smartphone flashlight under the dome for more power. This definitely helped, and the constellations were illuminated throughout the tent. Because I was using my phone as a projector, I was unable to get photos of the finished project, but it did turn out really cool.
Project 2: "Make a Galactic Light Pen"
Our second project included in this kit was a Galactic Light Pen. We received a cardboard tube, decorative sticker, foam strip, tube connector, image disk, tea light, and small brad to complete this project. All materials were designed to match the look of the Planetarium and were of decent quality.
With only seven steps, this light pen was easy to create. After removing the decorative sticker backing, we wrapped it around the tube. Setting it aside, we removed the backing from the tube connector and folded it in half, adhering the sides together. This was Charlie's job, and he struggled a bit, not fully aligning the sides, which ended up being fine. Fanning out the triangular flaps, we stuck it in the tube and added the image disk with the brad. Placing the foam strip around the tea light, we inserted it into the bottom of the tube, and went back to the bat cave!
Because the connector was a little off, we had a bit of extra light shining through, but could still see our images. While we have some light pens that reflect on the ceiling, Hank and Charlie were so proud that they made this one themselves. With 4 different images, we practiced making the designs bigger and smaller, and had a lot of fun hanging out in the dark.
Coupling perfectly with the Space Quest box, nature gave us a bit of a show to round out our space experience, and the kids were absolutely thrilled. Space rocks!
I have reviewed several versions of Little Passports, and I have to say, this new subscription line might just be our new favorite. Between the engaging poster, detailed comic, and fun projects, the boys and myself learned and retained more knowledge about stars than I did as a college student. Between the well-designed supplies, and educational aspect, we really enjoyed this box, though we would have liked to have seen another project added at the $24.95 price point. All in all, we had a great time discovering more about space, and can't wait to see what next month's box might include. What do you think about this new subscription line? Are space adventures in your future?
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
To Wrap Up
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Yes, your first activity kit will include the Glowing Galaxies kit.
What do you think of this month's box?
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