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Enchanted Crystal Variety Review December 2023

Kate Kemp
ByKate KempJan 18, 2024 | 1 comment

Enchanted Crystal Subscription Box
3 overall rating
5 Ratings | 1 Reviews

Enchanted Crystal is a monthly subscription for crystals, hand-picked and uniquely curated to offer a truly enchanted crystal experience.

This box was sent to us free of charge for review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

This is a review of the $42.00 Crystal Variety Box.

First Impressions

How cute is the crystal covered tape that wraps this sturdy box? Such a lovely presentation!


The crystals were carefully packaged: nestled in sturdy paper and (separately) enclosed in bubble wrap. Unsurprisingly, the crystals arrived in perfect condition!

Enchanted Crystal includes an insert in their variety subscription box. On it are several QR codes that link to various letters on their blog. One links to a letter to new subscribers, another to their Crystal Library, and one to the current month’s newsletter.

In the December blog post, Enchanted Crystal shares their love that this time of year brings people together. They also add, “This month's crystal selections have been intentionally chosen to bring warmth and joyful energy to all of your homes and spaces.” I think that’s fantastic!

The Crystals

Peach Selenite


I received a peach selenite sphere from Enchanted Crystal in the August 2023 box. It's kind of strange that they repeated a crystal so close together. Like the previous sphere, it glowed from within. Selenite is chatoyant; which means it has a cat’s eye quality. The name, selenite, even reflects this glow; which is why it comes from the Greek word for “Moon.” Since I have a very similar sphere, this one will go to my sister. She’s been wanting to bring more crystals into her home, and this sphere will make a lovely addition.

The Crystal Library states that, “Selenite is prized for its metaphysical properties and is considered a powerful cleansing and purifying crystal. It is believed to have a high vibrational energy that can clear negative energies, promote mental clarity, and create a calm and peaceful environment. Selenite is often used in spiritual practices and energy work to cleanse and recharge other crystals, as well as to facilitate new connections with them. A common practice is to place selenite in multiple locations around the home to create a protective barrier from external influence or negative energies. Peach selenite has all the energetic properties of white selenite but it's believed to work closer with the heart chakra, promoting additional healing properties.”



This interestingly shaped stone is stilbite. Its color is similar to that of the peach selenite sphere, but, even in this unpolished piece, you can see a luster. Stilbite is formed by minerals seeping into cavities created by solidifying lava. According to the stilbite entry in the Crystal Library, “The unique crystal structure of stilbite, characterized by its sheaf-like aggregates and pearly luster, is a product of this slow and steady mineral deposition.” It really does have a creamy, pearly sheen; combine that with its unusual shape and it’s lovely.

The Crystal Library adds that, “In metaphysical terms, stilbite is highly regarded for its calming and soothing properties. It's believed to foster clarity of thought and to aid in decision-making processes, particularly in circumstances requiring emotional intelligence….This gentle energy is also considered helpful in overcoming grief or loss, providing support in the journey of healing and emotional recovery.”

Chrysoprase Palm Stone


This gorgeous stone is called chrysoprase, and it has a striking green color running throughout it. Enchanted Crystal’s Library explains that, “Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony that contains small quantities of nickel, which causes its striking green color….As a result of this specific formation process, chrysoprase deposits are somewhat rare and have been discovered in locations such as Australia, Brazil, and Kazakhstan, each offering stones with unique hues and qualities reflective of their local geochemical conditions.” The Crystal Library adds that this palmstone is from Goiás, Brazil. I think it’s fantastic to know exactly where my stone came from.

I really love the shape and feel of this stone in my hand. It fits perfectly and it’s soothing to run my fingers over its smooth surface. According to the Crystal Library on Enchanted Crystal’s website, “In metaphysical circles, chrysoprase is cherished as a stone of the heart. It is believed to bring with it the vibrancy of life and the energy of growth and renewal, akin to the fresh green of springtime. The stone is said to encourage joy and optimism, helping to release negative emotions and fostering a sense of forgiveness and compassion.”

Mookaite Jasper


This next stone is mookaite. I’ve been using it as beads for jewelry for a decade but it’s really cool to see it in its natural form. According to Enchanted Crystal, “Mookaite is a type of jasper that was originally found in Western Australia. It is named after the Mooka Creek where it was first discovered. Mookaite is a sedimentary rock formed from the deposition of ancient marine sediments….” Mookaite is known for its rich mix of warm colors. It's commonly composed of brown, yellow and red swirls, making no two pieces alike.

The Crystal Library adds that metaphysically, “In addition to its striking appearance, mookaite jasper is said to have a grounding and stabilizing effect on the body and mind. Some believe it can boost creativity and motivation, making it a popular stone for artists, writers, and other creative individuals.” Reading this now, I realize it’s been an appropriate stone for me to work with!

Fenster Quartz (Rare)


This next crystal, fenster quartz, is absolutely fascinating. According to the Crystal Library, “fenster quartz forms through a combination of natural geological processes. It starts as a regular quartz crystal that experiences periods of growth and dissolution due to shifting environmental conditions. As the crystal grows, some areas experience dissolution, leaving behind intricate patterns of open spaces that give the crystal its distinct appearance. The result is a crystalline structure that appears to have "windows" or "skeletal" formations within it.” I’ve never heard of such a unique formation of crystal.

The Crystal Library goes on to explain, “Its name "fenster" comes from the German word for "window," which aptly describes its unique appearance. This quartz variety is characterized by its intricate internal formations, often resembling windows or openings within the crystal.”

Interestingly, the Crystal Library adds, “Metaphysically, fenster quartz is believed to be a stone of self-discovery and transformation. Its intriguing appearance is thought to reflect the idea of looking within oneself, as if through a window, to uncover hidden aspects and gain insights. This stone is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to enhance introspection and aid in self-awareness. Fenster quartz is also associated with the concept of growth through challenges, as it showcases both the strength and vulnerability inherent in transformation. Its energy is believed to encourage personal evolution and a deeper understanding of one's journey.” Intriguing, isn’t it?

Fluorite & Calcite, St. Eulalia, Mexico (Rare)

Last but certainly not least, my favorite specimen in the box is actually a combination of crystals: fluorite & calcite from St. Eulalia, Mexico. This crystal duo is incredible; I must have taken dozens of photos of them! I think this piece of crystal is intriguing, and I’m not alone. Crystal enthusiasts prize specimens from St. Eulalia, Mexico because of the presence and quality of both of the fluorite and calcite minerals together.

According to the Crystal Library, “Fluorite and calcite found in St. Eulalia, Mexico, are unique and renowned for their exceptional quality and vibrant colors. St. Eulalia is regarded as one of the world's premier localities for fluorite, which often exhibits a remarkable range of colors, including vivid purples, greens, blues, and even multicolored specimens. This fluorite is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts for its stunning aesthetics. Additionally, calcite from this region is notable for its transparency and well-formed crystal structures.”

The Crystal Library adds, “Metaphysically, fluorite is prized for its ability to enhance mental clarity, focus, and intuition. It is believed to facilitate the flow of energy within the body and promote balance. Calcite, on the other hand, is associated with grounding and cleansing energies. Together, these minerals from St. Eulalia are often used by individuals seeking mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Their vibrant energies are thought to aid in decision-making, increase self-awareness, and provide a sense of overall well-being.”

Hand-Crafted Cloth Grid


Each month, a new grid design is printed onto a sturdy, hand-sewn cloth with water-based, PVC-free ink. The grid came with a QR code with a link to its backstory along with suggestions on how to best use it.

According to the blog post on Enchanted Crystal’s page, “This month's crystal grid includes a variation of one of the most prominent contemporary sacred geometry symbols, Metatron's cube. If you're not familiar with this symbol, it is a complex two-dimensional geometric figure made up of 13 equal circles with lines from the center of each circle extending out to the centers of the other 12 circles. This figure encompasses several shapes that are fundamental to sacred geometry, including the five Platonic solids, which are believed to be the building blocks of organic life.”

This is the first time I’ve heard of Metatron’s cube or the Platonic solids, so I’m happy that they’re explained further. Enchanted Crystal adds that the five Platonic solids are: Tetrahedron, Cube (or Hexahedron), Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. “In sacred geometry, these shapes are believed to be the building blocks of the universe, with each solid corresponding to one of the above mentioned elements.”

To get the best use of this grid, Enchanted Crystal further explains, “In crystal meditation or grid placement, Metatron's cube can be utilized with a simple and direct approach. Placements on the 13 circles allow multiple pathways of connection to a primary central crystal. The harmonious structure and perfect symmetry of this design is believed to amplify both charging or cleansing of crystals. A fantastic example of a cleansing crystal is selenite, which when connected to others in crystal grid work, is believed to reset and potentially bind another crystal to a person's unique energy.”

If you’re fascinated, there is more information on this unique grid in their blog post. I’m so happy that Enchanted Crystal now explains each grid. I now have an understanding of their design, the significance behind them as well as how to use them effectively. Wonderful!

The Verdict

December’s variety box from Enchanted Crystal had some really fascinating and beautiful crystals. While I did receive one repeat crystal, I still got five new ones; two of which are rare specimens. All are beautiful and I’m excited to watch my collection grow. I’m especially thrilled about the fluorite and calcite piece, because the crystalline formations covering it are unique and really eye-catching. The fenster quartz is also a favorite of mine; the story behind it is as unique as the crystals themselves.

I’m so elated by the Crystal Library that Enchanted Crystal has created (and continues to update). The crystals themselves are beautiful, but the story behind each one is equally fascinating. Though I’m still not a firm believer in all of the metaphysical powers attributed to crystals, I really do enjoy admiring and studying them. I love learning about how they’re formed within the earth, their historical significance and how they’re currently used throughout the world.

I’m always excited to check my mail and see a new box from Enchanted Crystal!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

To Wrap Up

Can you still get this box if you sign up today?

No, your first box will be January's box. However, Enchanted Crystal does have an online store that you can visit to browse and purchase specimens that are in stock.

Value Breakdown: This is the Crystal Variety box that costs $42 a month. That’s only $7 per specimen (not counting the cloth grid)! When you consider that shipping is free, that’s a surprisingly good value!  Want to start small?  Enchanted Crystal also offers a smaller box, containing one crystal (and a bonus baggie of small crystals) each month for $16.

What do you think of the Variety box from Enchanted Crystal?

Starting at $16.00
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Experience the magic of crystals and minerals curated by experts with a life-long passion and fascination with the crystal and mineral kingdoms. Every crystal is hand-picked especially for you from sources all around the world! Enchanted Crystal's mission is to share beautiful crystals with the w... read more.

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1 comment

Anita F

I discovered this box thanks to your excellent reviews. I’ve loved all the crystals I received and agree with you on being skeptical of the metaphysical properties but they are so gorgeous to display!

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