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Beauty Heroes Beauty Discovery Review + Coupon June 2024

Christen Russo
ByChristen RussoJun 1, 2024 | 1 comment

Beauty Heroes is a clean beauty subscription box that focuses on non-toxic ingredients for $58.95/month. Each month they send you one new full-size “hero” product in the face, body, hair, or sun care category accompanied by "deluxe sidekicks."

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

First Impressions

The monthly Beauty Heroes delivery comes in a white box with a red-dotted sticker sealing it. Inside, both our products of the month fit perfectly.

This month features Ayuna, an innovative skincare brand founded by a master esthetician and a chemist who specializes in the science of the skin, biochemical and biophysical mechanisms. The result of their expertise and deep-dive approach into skincare is profoundly healing skincare that not only does what it says it's going to do—it does it in ways that rely on miracles of natural ingredients that are rarely seen elsewhere.

Beauty Heroes always includes this card showing one way of incorporating your new skincare products into a daily rhythm. You'll typically see products you've received in past boxes on the list, but this month it features all Ayuna products. If you've been with Beauty Heroes since 2019, you'll have experienced at least one of the products featured in this routine already.

The Products

Ayuna Velo [x], 50 ml - Retail Value $145

It's a two-hero month with Beauty Heroes, and the first showstopper is this supraserum offering extra environmental protection to your skin as you move through your days. This Velo[x] serum is an upgrade to the former Velo solution, which is beloved but a bit heavier to wear. Ayuna has lightened this daily serum up so it melts into the skin and shields against pollution, contaminating particles, and harmful light, while working to visibly reduce dyschromia and smooth the skin's appearance.

I'm generally wary of tinted products, as my complexion is very fair and speckled with freckles that really amp up in the sunny seasons. For this reason I've never been a foundation-user, as the result looks unnatural on my skin. But Velo[x]'s pigment is wonderfully sheer with great absorption, making for a post-moisturizing protective layer that feels light and natural, but looks visibly evening from the moment it's applied. The incredible quality is so evident as I apply it, and it's an absolute joy to wear daily.

Ayuna Need-Le Brightening Microchanneling Nectar, 50 ml - Retail Value $225

Ayuda defines this formula as a brightening micro-channeling nectar. With powerful natural ingredients both in their purest form and engineered to be most beneficial, it addresses hyper-pigmentation with incredible efficacy using a phyto-cellular fusion of pomegranate and Arabian cotton, rainbow algae cellular concentrate, and two innovative ingredients to this updated formula: acsorbyl glucoside and bearberry concentrate. It also exfoliates with of-the-earth ingredients including spongilla spicules, which are silicon-based microneedles extracted from freshwater sea sponges, and granatis, a pomegranate enzyme.

Ayuna describes this product is Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL) in a bottle. IPL is a non-surgical approach to easing hyper-pigmentation, and this is an accessible-from-home version with results that have skincare enthusiasts shouting from the rooftops. You can use it morning and night after cleansing and toning, and it's natural to feel a tingling sensation, though I didn't feel anything.

When I first squeezed some of this product out onto my arm, I found myself looking closer to examine the slightly holographic look of it. I can't say for sure why it's so subtly vibrant, but my imagination is running wild with possibilities, as this potent cream is made to activate the skin's photodefense by nourish the microbiota, it activates the skin's self-repair and self-regeneration mechanisms, and so much more—while carrying a light botanical scent that's simply a pleasure to apply to my face.


Beauty Heroes costs $58.95. This box contained a whopping $239 worth of super-high-quality skincare products. Beauty Heroes is always, always a great value, but this month's double-hero situation is extra impressive. Price tags aside, these products are simply mind-blowing in their careful innovation and incredible efficacy.

Keep track of your subscriptions by adding Beauty Heroes to your wishlist or subscription list!

To Wrap Up

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Yes, but act fast!

Value Breakdown: This subscription costs $58.95/month.

Here is what each item's cost breaks down to: 

  • Velo[x] supraserum: $35.76
  • Need-Le microchanneling nectar $55.50

Each of the items has an average cost of $29.47.

Are you excited to receive your Beauty Heroes box this month?

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Beauty Heroes offers a curation of beauty, lifestyle, and wellness that's good for people and planet. Beauty Heroes holds the most rigorous ingredient standard in the industry and stocks over 100+ of the healthiest beauty, lifestyle, and wellness brands from all over the world. Their monthly beau... read more.

Christen Russo
Christen Russo

Hi there, I'm Christen. I am all sorts of things: a writer who loves to convey feeling, an outdoors-lover who prioritizes spending time outside, a low-maintenance self-carer, a mother who wants to have just as much fun as my kids do, and an always-hungry person with an unstoppable sweet tooth & a love for creativity in the kitchen. Through my reviews and articles I show where I genuinely connect with products, sharing my experience with energy, earnestness, and smiles.

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1 comment


Beauty Heroes says the value of the box is $370. Can’t wait to get these. Live your description of them!

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