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Enchanted Crystal Variety Review April 2024

Kate Kemp
ByKate KempJun 3, 2024 | 0 comments

Enchanted Crystal is a monthly subscription for crystals, hand-picked and uniquely curated to offer a truly enchanted crystal experience.

This box was sent to us free of charge for review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

This is a review of the $42.00 Crystal Variety Box.

First Impressions

How cute is the crystal covered tape that wraps this sturdy box? Such a lovely presentation!

The crystals were carefully packaged: nestled in sturdy paper and (separately) enclosed in bubble wrap. Unsurprisingly, the crystals arrived in perfect condition!

Enchanted Crystal includes an insert in their variety subscription box. On it are several QR codes that link to various letters on their blog. One links to a letter to new subscribers, another to their Crystal Library and one to the current month’s newsletter. 

In the April blog post, Enchanted Crystal shares several things, one of which is their belief in preserving crystals in their raw form as well as ethically sourcing and processing those stones. “Raw varieties also ensures we control how many hands the crystals have passed through before arriving to us… All our palm stones are hand processed by fair wage mine-sourced localities. No further after-market sale or modification between the mine sourcing, us receiving for organization, cleansing, and planning-- and their final journey to you.”

The Crystals

Bonus Crystals - Icelandic Spar & Black Obsidian

Each month, Enchanted Crystal includes a small collection of bonus crystals and stones in their Monthly Box. For the past couple of months, they’ve also included bonus crystals in their Variety Box. The bonus crystals I received were three pieces of black obsidian and five small pieces of Icelandic spar. 

The black obsidian pieces are a smooth, lustrous black. Unfortunately, Enchanted Crystal’s Crystal Library doesn’t have a listing for obsidian, but I easily found  information about it. According to The Crystal Council, “Obsidian was highly valued in the ancient world for arrowheads and blades as they were easily able to be worked with, yet very durable.  Obsidian’s most interesting fact about its past usage is that it was polished for the sole purpose of being used as early mirrors before glass was established.” The Crystal Council adds that, “Known as a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, black obsidian gets rid of all the junk and cleanses all negativity out of your auric field and environment. This stone has powerful grounding frequencies and will heavily assist in psychic protection when needed.”

I’ve received Icelandic spar in a past box, but it’s beautiful so I don’t mind a repeat. According to Enchanted Crystal’s Crystal Library, Icelandic Spar, “...is formed through a process called sedimentation, where calcium-rich waters deposit calcite crystals over time….Icelandic spar is transparent and colorless, allowing light to pass through it creating a double refraction effect.” What that means is that if your piece of Icelandic spar is clear enough, you might be able to see the effect by looking through it onto another object. This made it very difficult to photograph, but it’s an interesting stone to look at. I tried to test the double refraction effect by placing the clearest piece over the insert that came in the box, I’m not sure that I saw anything unusual.

“Metaphysically, Icelandic spar is associated with clarity and insight, helping to clear mental fog and enhance focus. The double refraction effect is said to symbolize the ability to see different perspectives and find balance in life. Icelandic spar is also considered a spiritual amplifier, enhancing one's connection to higher consciousness and aiding in meditation and spiritual practices.”

A great start. Now, on to the main event!

Mahogany Obsidian

The first crystal package that I opened contained a piece of mahogany obsidian. According to Enchanted Crystal’s Crystal Library, “This striking variety of obsidian forms when volcanic lava cools rapidly, solidifying into a glassy texture. What makes mahogany obsidian unique is the presence of iron inclusions or hematite, which create its characteristic mahogany-red streaks and splotches against a black or deep brown background.” It really does have a beautiful, smooth texture and glassy sheen.

The Crystal Library adds that, “In the metaphysical world, mahogany obsidian is a stone of strength and protection. It's believed to ground and stabilize, providing a sense of security and resilience. This stone is thought to be particularly helpful in times of stress, offering support by absorbing negative energies and promoting a sense of calm and balance… With its blend of protective energy and stimulating vibes, mahogany obsidian is a great companion for those seeking to navigate life's challenges with confidence and grace.”

Bloodstone (India)

This slice of Indian bloodstone is a beautiful, deep green with vivid orangish red splotches. Enchanted Crystal explains that, “Bloodstone from India, known for its deep green color with distinctive red speckles, forms from chalcedony quartz and is colored by iron oxide impurities. These iconic red markings against the green backdrop give bloodstone its unique, striking look.”

The Crystal Library adds, “Metaphysically, bloodstone is appreciated for its grounding and fortifying qualities. It's believed to boost courage, vitality, and strength, making it ideal for enhancing resilience and endurance. Linked to both the root and heart chakras, bloodstone is thought to balance emotional energies and promote healing and purification.”

Black Labradorite Tower

This black labradorite tower is quite stunning. I’ve used labradorite beads in the past, but I wasn’t in love with their watery gray color. This black variety is really beautiful; I love the contrast it has with the lighter inclusions.

According to the Crystal Library, “What makes black labradorite distinct is its higher concentration of magnetite or hematite, which gives it a darker, more opaque appearance compared to typical labradorite. The presence of these minerals results in the stone's characteristic black base, often accompanied by dark gray or brown undertones.”

Enchanted Crystal adds, “In the realm of metaphysical properties, black labradorite is a stone of transformation and adventure, known for its grounding and protective qualities. It’s believed to shield against negativity and offer strength during times of change or challenge.”

Mozambique Green Tourmaline

According to Enchanted Crystal, “The green color in green tourmaline is primarily due to the presence of iron, and sometimes vanadium or chromium, within the crystal structure. These elements are key in painting the stone with shades ranging from light, leafy greens to dark, emerald tones.” This piece of green tourmaline, from Mozambique, is a combination of several green hues; it has a very earthy look and feel.

The Crystal Library adds that, “In the metaphysical world, green tourmaline is a beacon of positivity and strength. It's believed to resonate with the heart chakra, fostering compassion, patience, and a sense of belonging. This gem is thought to bring a healing, rejuvenating energy, much like spending time in a verdant, natural setting. It’s said to encourage emotional healing, balance the mind, and inspire creativity. Green tourmaline is also associated with prosperity and abundance, believed to attract luck, success, and abundance, making it a popular choice among those seeking to manifest their aspirations”

Moroccan Yellow Fluorite

I tend to save my favorite crystal for last, so here it is, Moroccan yellow fluorite. I adore sparkly crystals and this one delivers. According to the Crystal Library, “The enchanting yellow color of this fluorite variety is typically due to the presence of impurities like iron within the crystal structure, which catch the light in a way that creates a spectrum of yellow hues, from soft, lemony tones to rich, golden shades. Found in Morocco's vibrant and mineral-rich landscapes, yellow fluorite often crystallizes in stunning, cubic forms, showcasing nature's artistic flair in each unique piece.”

I have always loved using rainbow fluorite in my jewelry designs because of the beautiful purple, blue and green shades it comes in. This is the first time I’ve seen it in a color other than those typical three. 

Enchanted Crystal adds that, “In the metaphysical realm, yellow fluorite is like a ray of sunshine for the soul. It's often associated with mental clarity, creativity, and positive thinking. This stone is believed to enhance the mind's ability to organize and process information, making it a fantastic companion for decision-making and learning. Yellow fluorite is also linked to personal empowerment, encouraging one to step into their power and act with confidence.”

Hand-Crafted Cloth Grid

Each month, a new grid design is printed onto a sturdy, hand-sewn cloth with water-based, PVC-free ink. The grid came with a QR code with a link to its backstory along with suggestions on how to best use it. 

According to the blog post about April’s grid, “This grid includes a very special symbol never before used this directly in an Enchanted Crystal grid. The Vesica Piscis! The Vesica Piscis is an ancient symbol formed by the overlapping of two circles of equal radius, with the center of each circle on the circumference of the other. Its name, derived from Latin, translates to "the bladder of a fish," reflecting its shape akin to a fish bladder. Which may seem a bit odd, but this symbol has held significant meaning across various cultures and spiritual traditions, often representing mystical and esoteric concepts.”

To get the best use of this grid, Enchanted Crystal explains, “Place a central stone at the intersection, chosen for its alignment with your intention, like rose quartz for love or amethyst for spiritual growth. Surround this with complementary crystals, such as clear quartz for amplification or black tourmaline for grounding.

Activate your grid by connecting each crystal energetically, starting from the central stone and moving along the Vesica Piscis pattern and placing anything additional on the outer arrow symbols. Visualize your intention being amplified and harmonized by the grid. This method not only enhances the power of your intention but also draws on the Vesica Piscis' profound representation of interconnectedness and harmony.”

If you’re fascinated, there is more information on this unique grid in their blog post. I’m so happy that Enchanted Crystal explains each grid. I now have an understanding of their design, the significance behind them as well as how to use them effectively. Thanks to the recent blog posts, I’ve learned that these aren’t just pretty designs on a piece of fabric, the symbols are a link to the history of humankind.

The Verdict

April’s variety box from Enchanted Crystal was fantastic. There was a mix of extremely beautiful stones such as the Moroccan yellow fluorite and the black labradorite, with a few powerful ones. In my circumstance, I’m particularly speaking of the mahogany obsidian. I think I’ll be keeping it on my desk to inspire stability, calm and balance. 

I’m still so impressed by the Crystal Library that Enchanted Crystal has created (and continues to update). The crystals themselves are beautiful, but the story behind them is equally fascinating. As is the explanation of the monthly grid. The more I learn about grids and crystals, the more I realize that I still have a lot to learn! 

Though I’m still not a firm believer in all of the metaphysical powers attributed to crystals, I really do enjoy admiring and studying them. I love learning about how they’re formed within the Earth, their historical significance and how they’re currently used throughout the world.

I’m always excited to check my mail and see a new box from Enchanted Crystal!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

To Wrap Up

Can you still get this box if you sign up today?

No, your first box will be June's box. However, Enchanted Crystal does have an online store that you can visit to browse and purchase specimens that are in stock.

Value Breakdown: This is the Crystal Variety box that costs $42 a month. That’s only $8.40 per specimen (not counting the cloth grid and bonus crystals)! When you consider that shipping is free, that’s a surprisingly good value!  Want to start small?  Enchanted Crystal also offers a smaller box, containing one crystal (and a bonus baggie of small crystals) each month for $16.  

What do you think of the Variety box from Enchanted Crystal?

Starting at $16.00
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Experience the magic of crystals and minerals curated by experts with a life-long passion and fascination with the crystal and mineral kingdoms. Every crystal is hand-picked especially for you from sources all around the world! Enchanted Crystal's mission is to share beautiful crystals with the w... read more.

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