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The Mindful Box Subscription Review + Coupon June 2024

Christen Russo
ByChristen RussoJun 21, 2024 | 0 comments

The Mindful Box is a monthly subscription from Mindful Souls, a landing place for those interested in spirituality, personal growth, crystals, and more. Mindful Souls focuses on simplifying and demystifying the concept of spiritual improvement, making it more accessible and understandable for everyone. The Mindful Box is meant as a holistic self-care delivery. Each box contains 6-8 mindful items such as crystals, aromatherapy, and other self-love tools.

The Cost: $39.97 per month + free shipping to the US.

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

First Impressions

Monthly deliveries come packed in this beautifully branded box. Inside are a bunch of canvas pouches that hold your goodies. You can preview what's inside them by opening the info pamphlet first, or you can take the path of surprise by peeking in each one. I usually do the latter!

Details about the monthly curation are inside this tri-fold pamphlet. This month's also includes a "30 Days of Harmony" mindfulness challenge. Each week is assigned a topic, like "mindfulness and awareness" or "gratitude and appreciation," with a brief idea of how to lean into these concepts. There are boxes so you can check off your time spent in mindfulness each day, and at the end the hope is that you'll feel an increased sense of peace.

On the back is always a teaser into your next box. This subscription is a little different than others, in that the boxes are set up to be sent in a sequence — everyone receives boxes in the same order, no matter when they subscribe. So the teaser on the back of the booklet will be about what YOU are going to receive, and might differ from what you see here.

Here are our sticker and mantra of the month.

What's Inside the June 2024 Mindful Souls Box

Icelandic Spar Cube

See similar for $7.00

I had never seen an Icelandic Spar Cube before, and it's really cool to hold such a translucent piece of stone in my hands. The pamphlet advises to place it outside or near a window to absorb the sun's energy, and then throughout the day you can briefly hold it during moments of stress to soothe your mind. How special. To have something of the Earth to soak up the sun's glory, and then to use it for healing has the potential of being a powerful practice.

Raw Apatite Circle Triangle Necklace

I appreciate the variety of jewelry that's sent in this box—it just goes to show the endless possibilities of what you can do with stones. This one has a chunk of blue raw apatite at its center—a stone connected to the throat chakra and meant here to remind you to embrace the day instead of worrying about the future.

Here it is at its shortest length. A very eye-catching piece.

Rose Quartz Bracelet

See similar for $16.97

This bracelet is simple and pretty, and my favorite part is the silver lotus bead. Rose quartz is a stone of love (including self-love) and harmony. I have an herbalist who has shared so many healing teas, created beautiful altars for group gatherings, and most recently actually put together a cleansing bath for beads while we had a shared evening of making together. She told me she's been looking for a rose quartz bracelet to wear as she works toward the intention of manifesting abundance, and so of course this one went straight to her. Where it belongs!

Clear Quartz Energy Generator

See similar for $16.99

How eye-catching is this energetic tool? The rainbow stones are so vibrant and the radiating way the quartz stones are arranged is so dynamic. Our info card suggests placing this piece near a window to charge up with energy, and to hold in your hands when you need to reconnect with what's important. I showed it to a friend, and her reaction was to place it on her chest—wow, it not only looked so beautiful with that placement, but it also seemed like a very connective spot to place it while lying back and meditating, or even just relaxing.

Moss Agate

See similar for $3.44

I've always liked moss agate. I associate it with a darker green color and sometimes you'll see iridescent streaks through it. This is a slightly lighter piece, and its white markings throughout remind me of churning waves in the ocean. Really cool. It's a good stone for anchoring, one that you can hold and take deep breaths to ground yourself.

Blue Sage & Lavender Smudge Stick - Retail Value $15.97

Finally, we were sent this giant smudge stick. I don't think I've ever seen one so thick! Smudging is a practice borrowed from Indigenous American cultures for cleansing or purifying energies. White sage is a common herb you'll see in smudge sticks, and this one has lavender in there too. I haven't lit it yet but even just holding it in my hand the sage and lavender are very aromatic and soothing.


The Cost: $39.97 per month + free shipping to the US.

For the "Finding Inner Peace & Harmony" theme of the Mindful Box, we were provided 6 tools to use toward that intention. This box costs $39.97, and I was sent 6 items. Only one is available in the Mindful Souls shop right now, the smudge stick. For the others (except the Circle Triangle Necklace), I was able to find similar items elsewhere on the Internet, and using those estimated values I added our total contents up to $60.37. That of course goes up when you add the necklace in. I'm happy with that value!

Keep track of your subscriptions by adding The Mindful Box to your wishlist or subscription list!

To Wrap Up

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Possibly. Boxes are set up to be sent in a sequence, with varying start points. While this may not be your first box, it may be your second or fourth.

What came in your Mindful Box box this month?

Starting at $39.97
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Mindful Box from Mindful Souls

Mindful Box is a subscription service that delivers a curated selection of self-care and spiritual tools to your doorstep every month. Each box contains 6-8 genuine, handpicked items, worth over $100, including:

Christen Russo
Christen Russo

Hi there, I'm Christen. I am all sorts of things:

🌳 a writer who loves to convey feeling

🌲 a mother who wants to have just as much fun as my kids do

🌳 an outdoors-lover who prioritizes spending time outside with my family

🌲 a low-maintenance self-carer

🌳 a general hungry person with an unstoppable sweet tooth

You'll find me collecting stationery and squirreling away stickers, riding bikes and swimming with my family, creating outfits in colors and silhouettes that make me feel amazing, wearing big earrings, drinking beer and asking my husband to feed me harmonies to sing, taking my vitamins, living for dancing to live music, roping everyone into a craft, being human and vulnerable, and celebrating the phenomenon of being alive.

...and doing it all with energy, delight, and jokes along the way.

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