beTWEEN the Bookends is the first monthly book and lifestyle box created for kids by a teen herself! Boxes follow a monthly theme and contain age-appropriate books and lifestyle items that have been read and hand-tested by Jillian, the 16-year-old creator. Full-sized boxes contain 2-3 books and 6-8 lifestyle items, while mini boxes include 1 book and 3-5 lifestyle items. The new gender-neutral boxes will contain the same 2-3 books in the full boxes but will have only 3-5 gender neutral lifestyle items.
The Cost: The Full-Sized box is $55 per month + free US shipping ($50.00/mo for the 12-month subscription track) while the Gender Neutral box is $45 per month. Save with longer subscriptions.
This review is of the beTWEEN the Bookends Tween Full Size Box.
This box was sent to us at no cost to review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

November is here and I just can't believe how fast the 2024 year is coming to a close. With basketball season starting up, our free time is a thing of the past, but with so much extra car time, beTWEEN the Bookends showed up to help keep boredom at bay. Filled with fun lifestyle items AND two books, this curation was a great way to start off the month and add to our daily reading goals. Read below to find out what November's fun theme included.
First Impressions
The contents of this box are packaged neatly in bright pink tissue paper and sealed with a sticker featuring clip art of a pigtail-donning girl. The anticipation of seeing what's underneath this tissue paper always has us on the edge of our seats. We just can't wait to check it out!
Here's What's Inside
Welcome Pamphlet
Each month we receive a pamphlet describing all items included in each box. It is color coordinated and laid out very nicely. Featured on the back is a quote by Rachel Carson - "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life." Also included is a hint about next month's theme - I'm thinking winter wonderland?!
The Umbrella Maker's Son by Katrina Leno - Retail Value $16.99
Oscar Buckle lives in a city where it’s always raining. And when it isn’t raining, it’s about to rain, so the townspeople have learned to embrace it. Oscar’s father is an umbrella maker—appropriate for a place where you can’t leave home without one!—but while Buckle Umbrellas are strong, reliable, and high quality, they’re expensive. Because of this, people are buying from the competitor instead, which is threatening Oscar’s family’s business. To make ends meet, Oscar is forced to quit school and work in his father's shop as an apprentice. But when extraordinary events start to occur in their rainy town, Oscar becomes suspicious of their competitor. Desperate to save his town, Oscar must enlist the help of his best friend, Saige, to discover if there's more than nature involved in their city's weather. This charming story is packed with adventure, lively illustrations, and unforgettable characters determined to survive in a world where the weather is a mysterious, magical force.
Hank started this book during a November rain here in Minnesota. He found the character's to be very engaging, and enjoyed the sub notes throughout the chapters. There is a bit of a mystery aspect right from the get-go, and it was quick to get into the "good stuff." While he hasn't quite yet finished the book, he is about halfway through and is really enjoying it. Another plus to this book is we received the hardcover copy, which is always exciting!
Osmo Unknown And The Eightpenny Woods by Catherynne M. Valente - Retail Value $8.99
Osmo Unknown hungers for the world beyond his small town. With the life that Littlebridge society has planned for him, the only taste Osmo will ever get are his visits to the edge of the Fourpenny Woods where his mother hunts. Until the unthinkable happens: his mother accidentally kills a Quidnunk, a fearsome and intelligent creature that lives deep in the forest. None of this should have anything to do with poor Osmo, except that a strange treaty was once formed between the Quidnunx and the people of Littlebridge to ensure that neither group would harm the other. Now that a Quidnunk is dead, as the firstborn child of the hunter who killed her, Osmo must embark on a quest to find the Eightpenny Woods—the mysterious kingdom where all wild forest creatures go when they die—and make amends. Accompanied by a very rude half-badger, half-wombat named Bonk and an antisocial pangolin girl called Never, it will take all of Osmo’s bravery and cleverness to survive the magic of the Eightpenny Woods to save his town…and make it out alive.
What an intriguing story! While Hank hasn't yet gotten to this book, I took a peek at it, and am a few chapters in. I had to promise I wouldn't share the secret straight from the beginning! A fun way to start a book, this honestly gave me some Court of Thorns and Roses vibes without the gore, romance, and adult themes. I am really liking the fairy tale aspect, and though Hank might not be too into it, I know my mom will be too! I can't wait to really dig in and see how things pan out!
Star Pen
To start off the lifestyle picks for this month's "Magical Mysteries" box, we received this sparkly blue star pen. With a turning mechanism that pops the pen tip out, the black ink flows easily onto the paper, is easy to tote around because of its small size, and works well.
Glow For it! Journal
Hank is 11 and really likes writing down stories and sports stats. While he does have a Google Drive full of these things that he has typed, he also really likes putting the pen to paper. This journal is so bright orange it looks like it is glowing. It features a slew of neon lined pages and is great for jotting down story ideas and lists. Hank appreciated the fun color from the get-go and nabbed it up as soon as I opened the box. A great inclusion, I can't wait to read what he writes next!
Monthly Sticker Pack
Hank always enjoys stickers, and this month's versions were really bright and happy. Great for decorating notebooks and folders, these stick well and look great! A fun addition we look forward to each and every month.
Bath Dust
So far this box is hitting it out of the park, and when we discovered this bath dust, we knew it was one of the best curations of all time. Hank will take a shower now and again, but his true love is a long hot soak in the tub. Bath additions are his absolute favorite, and this Raspberry Tart dust created the most fun bubbling bath ever! Featuring sprinkles AND frog figurines, this made for a great Saturday night bath time, and Hank is begging for Between the Bookends to include this again soon.
Custom Wooden Bookmark
Bookmarks are always handy, and this fun wood layered one is extra cool. My kids have a bad habit of dog-earring pages when a bookmark isn't around, so I like to have them everywhere. Paper ones are fine, but he is definitely more apt to use one that is more substantial and fun. The brown tassel adds a touch of sparkle, and the "Lights, Camera, Read" quote is really cute.
Umbrella Bracelet
Look at how cute this bracelet is! While Hank obviously wasn't too into this inclusion, I sure was. Made from pink thread, there are five knots on each side and pink beads with two charms. Fitting sweetly with The Umbrella Maker's Son book theme, this was a great inclusion, and makes for a great little accessory.
Geometric Socks
Socks are always fun to receive, and this earthy toned pair was perfect for fall! With a nordic feel, these are definitely gender neutral, but Hank was nice enough to let me have them. Fitting a variety of foot sizes, these crew socks are warm and cozy all while looking spiffy.
Light Up Star
This star light is so cute! With little cartoon eyes and a smirk, this lights up and changes colors. A fun addition to a magical box, this small light brightens a room at night while being fun to look at. Charlie and Hank both liked this item, so that is a definite win.
beTWEEN the Bookends is one of our favorite subscription boxes of all time, and this month was another hit. Like I mentioned above, this is the full-sized box which is aimed towards girls, but fits a mother/son duo just fine. The included lifestyle items were a great mix of fun and functional all fitting the "Magical Mysteries" theme well. Overall we thought this box was curated nicely and loved the useful items like the journal, bath dust, light up star, and bracelet. We already can't wait to see what's in store for December.
The beTWEEN the Bookends Full Size box costs $50.00 per month (on a 12-month subscription track), including shipping. Because the books alone are valued at over $25.98, I find the $50.00/month cost extremely reasonable, as the lifestyle items help shape this box into an entire experience.
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
Other Things You Should Know
Can I still get this box if I sign up today? beTWEEN the bookends tends to ship the first week of each month. Order now to receive the December box.
What did you think of the Full Size BeTWEEN the Bookends Tween box?
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