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beTWEEN the Bookends Early Reader Review: “Happiness is a Good Book” February 2025

Becca Peterson
ByBecca PetersonFeb 23, 2025 | 0 comments

beTWEEN the Bookends is the first monthly book and lifestyle box created for kids by a teen herself! Boxes follow a monthly theme and contain age-appropriate books and lifestyle items that have been read and hand tested by Jillian, the 16-year-old creator. Full-sized boxes contain 2-3 books and 6-8 lifestyle items, while mini boxes include 1 book and 3-5 lifestyle items. The new gender-neutral boxes will contain the same 2-3 books as the full-sized boxes but will have only 3-5 gender neutral lifestyle items.

The Cost: $45.00 per month for the gender-neutral box + free US shipping (on a 12-month subscription). Save with longer subscriptions.

This review is of the beTWEEN the Bookends Early Reader gender-neutral box. 

These boxes were sent to us at no cost to review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

February is here and I am definitely looking for all the positives I can find! With crummy weather and illness on the rise, I am very excited for the arrival of spring. Charlie has new reading goals this month and it includes a genre bingo game, so we couldn't wait to dig into this month's beTWEEN the Bookends box. Packed with exciting new books and fun lifestyle items, this box was just what he needed to cross off a couple of bingo spaces all while becoming a more fluent reader. Keep reading to see what we discovered!

First Impressions

The contents of this box are packaged neatly in turquoise tissue paper and sealed with a sticker featuring clip art of a boy and girl. The anticipation of seeing what's underneath this tissue paper always has us on the edge of our seats. We just can't wait to check it out!

Here's What's Inside

Welcome Pamphlet

To start off the box, we go through the included pamphlet. Describing the month's theme and the contents of every Between the Bookends version, this little book lets us know exactly what the box contains, along with a bookish quote, social media info, and a hint about next month's theme. "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get- only with what you are expecting to give- which is everything." - Katharine Hepburn

"Show How Guide: Pop-Up Cards"- Retail Value $6.99

Show-How Guides: Pop-Up Cards is a primer for curious minds with a clear, fun graphic style that invites any kid to get started designing cards for their loved ones. This pocket-sized 101 includes a curated collection of 12 essential designs. Every step is illustrated, allowing kids to easily master the basics, regardless of how they learn. Readers will learn to design, fold, and decorate pop-up cards in both classic and unique styles.

This book is super cute! I am a crafter, and have made plenty of pop-up cards in my day, but love that this little book includes 5 techniques with specific, detailed instructions to create some really fun versions for kids and adults alike! Pretty in pink, we have received other books in this series, and the boys have really found them interesting and fun. This book offers different levels of difficulty and can be utilized with multiple age groups!

Horrible Harry Says Goodbye by Suzy Kline - Retail Value $14.99

The last day of third grade is approaching fast, but a farewell to Room 3B isn’t the only goodbye Doug has to say this year. Song Lee and Mary are busy preparing an end-of-year present for their favorite teacher, Mrs. Flaubert, but their excitement can’t distract Doug from Harry’s suspicious silence. When Harry finally admits that his family is moving to a whole other town, Doug can’t believe his ears. How will he survive fourth grade without his best friend?! But Harry has a more pressing question: who’s that moving in to the empty house across the street from him? And what could these new neighbors mean for their friendship?

We love hardcover books, just because they are more durable and easy to tote around, but it makes them feel a little more special to receive, too. Charlie enjoyed reading about Harry and Doug and liked the composition notebook look of the cover. The large font was easy to read and was a great fit for a 4th grader to read on his own while getting a good grasp of the story. Charlie read this under the dining room table to cross out that specific bingo square on his card for the month of February and smiled the entire time. Fun!

Harper and the Circus of Dreams by Cerrie Burnell - Retail Value $9.99

Late one evening as the stars begin to twinkle, Harper and her friends are flying on the scarlet umbrella when they see a girl running on air, skipping along a tightrope. She leads them to the Circus of Dreams, suspended in the air by hot air balloons. There, they meet the mermaid acrobat, the spectacular circus baker, the mysterious fortune teller and the acrobatics troupe, all more spectacular than one could dream. But as they learn more about the Circus of Dreams, Harper learns a secret about her past that is more than magic. . . . Harper and the Circus of Dreams continues the adventures of Harper and her friends in a magical mystery like no other. An enchanting story of friendship, music, and magic featuring a diverse cast, brought to life through stunning illustrations, this is a book to be shared and treasured.

Charlie was into this book and found the diversity of the characters really fun and interesting. This book is quite magical and he loved the idea of the flying umbrella. While he hasn't finished this book yet, he has gotten more than halfway through via flashlight, hitting multiple bingo squares which is super exciting!

Rose Pen

While Charlie doesn't utilize pens often, I sure do, so this rose pen was a very exciting inclusion for me. With spring on the horizon, this was a happy little dose of sunshine, and I enjoy using this pen to jot down notes and carry with me from classroom to classroom. A fun little inclusion, this did bring me some happiness, and was just plain cute. (Though I have to keep my eye on it - all of the kids want to take it!!)

Monthly Sticker Pack

Charlie loves stickers, and appreciated the variety this month, though thought they were a little too girly to put on his folders. This batch was put in our sticker folder and will be probably used on envelopes to grandma in the near future.

Smiley Face Beanie

This morning on our way to school it was -35 degrees not even including wind chill! To help out battle the cold, we received this black knit smiley face hat. With a cute simplistic design, this was gender neutral and a great inclusion for a February box! Charlie appreciated this hat and packed it in his backpack to utilize at recess and thought it was "cool" and comfortable, all while keeping him warm.

Stuffed Octopus

Charlie is obsessed with stuffed animals and this reversible octopus was his favorite lifestyle item in the box. Featuring two sides, this blue guy has a smiley face side and mad face side, and is ultra soft and squishy! Charlie has been toting this guy around and flips him from side to side depending on his mood, ultimately finding a permanent home in Charlie's bed. Small and portable, this was a great inclusion that offers comfort and cuteness all in one!

Emoji Flinger

This box definitely had Charlie in mind when they sent this poop emoji flinger! Blue in color and hand size, this flinger is a fun toy that zips around and is extremely entertaining for both young and old. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I had a fun time aiming this emoji at our stuffed pillows and practicing my shot. What a fun little inclusion!


beTWEEN the Bookends is a fantastic way to keep kids engaged in reading, and this month Charlie was obsessed. Charlie enjoyed both book choices this month, and was happy with the variety. And as far as lifestyle items goes, there were a few definite winners this month including the flinger, beanie, and stuffy. Overall, this month was extremely exciting and we are hoping for more fidgets in March!

The beTWEEN the Bookends Gender Neutral box costs $45.00 per month (on a 12-month subscription track), including shipping. While the books are valued at only $13.98, the lifestyle items had a higher value this month. I find the $45.00/month cost extremely reasonable, as the lifestyle items help shape this box into an entire experience.

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

Other Things You Should Know

Can I still get this box if I sign up today? beTWEEN the Bookends tends to ship the first week of each month. Order now to receive the March box.

What did you think of the beTWEEN the Bookends gender-neutral box? 

Starting at $20.00
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beTWEEN the Bookends is the first monthly book and lifestyle box created for kids by a teen herself! Boxes follow a monthly theme and contain age appropriate books and lifestyle items that have been read and hand tested by Jillian, the 14 year old creator. Full size boxes contain 2-3 books and 6-... read more.

Becca Peterson
Becca Peterson

I am a wild and crazy mom of 2 boys and work in the public education system as an Indigenous Support Advocate. I love all things outdoors, beauty, crafts, and food. Living the simple life in the country, we spend a lot of time hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting. Oh, and I absolutely adore my high school sweetheart aka my husband of almost 17 years!

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