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Color Curate Reviews

Is Color Curate Right For You?

Updated February 20, 2025 | Verified Since 2023

Color Curate
Color CurateVerified by MSA
4.1 overall rating
Starting at $20.95
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Color Curate Overview

About the Brand

Color Curate is a beauty subscription program with a mission. We deliver 4 highly-edited, innovative, color-intense beauty products right to your doorstep every month. Each product is carefully packed by hand in a luxurious, limited-edition makeup bag with inspiring quotes to revitalize both your beauty regime & your spirit.

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Color Curate Reviews

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User Reviews

Subscriber Ratings

4.1 overall rating

Subscriber Reviews

Alicia D
Alicia D
9 reviews
Jul 13, 2019
I just got my first box, and the quality of everything is excellent. Cute, fluffy contour brush, two lovely highlighters, and while the Red Velvet cupcake is not my usual color scheme, it's still lovely and good quality.
4 reviews
Apr 6, 2017
I got my first so Susan lip love, in March, and I loved all the products, high pigments, and more natural ingredients than most!! I loved the cute packagings as well, I do agree with the other review slow shipping, but that is ok! For 21 $ a month it is worth it!!
9 reviews
Sep 1, 2015
I got July's Lip Love. I really liked it. Four full sized products in a cute canvas bag. The extra was Eh... but I am not a fan of costume jewelry. Shipping was rather slow from Europe but when I contacted the company, they responded within a few hours. It did arrive on the longer side of shipping time, but it could be that I am on Ohio. Will be ordering more
4 reviews
Nov 7, 2017
I just got my first bag, and it got sent so fast! (like the 3rd of the month) I really was happy with the bag! The brands are vegan, CF, and of great quality. If I could pick one thing to be picky about, I'd say that the range of brands featured is low. So Susan, Trifle Cosmetics, and Jelly Pong Pong products are usually what you'll receive. Overall though I really like this bag a lot!
Dawn Sullivan
Dawn Sullivan
1st Time Poster!
Aug 31, 2015
This subscription was a huge dissapointment and I can't find a contact so that I can cancel it. After the initial signup, there is zerocommunication. My first bag was barely worth the $25 it cost me. I received one good brand of lipstick in a bright pink I would never wear. The other items were two more very cheap bright pink lipsticks and a small bottle of orange nail polish. There is not one thing in the bag that I will ever use and I can'tfigure out how to cancel my supscription.
2 reviews
Mar 8, 2018
Just got my first bag March 2018. I'm in love with the bag just beautiful!! The products are also nice. Shipping was surprisingly fast.

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Color CurateVerified by MSA
4.1 overall rating
Starting at $20.95
Active Deal
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