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Gut Check: ColonBroom vs. AG1 – Which Fiber Supplement Actually Works?

Molly Hendrickson
ByMolly HendricksonOct 14, 2024In Partnership With Colon Broom


After months of struggling with persistent bloating and low energy, I was desperate to find a solution that worked. Like many people, I tried adjusting my diet and drinking more water, but nothing seemed to help. That’s when I decided to test two well-known supplements, ColonBroom and AG1 (formerly known as Athletic Greens), to see which could finally give me some relief. Here’s what I found after trying both products for two months.

If You’re Looking for Trustworthy Ingredients: ColonBroom's My Choice

Both products offer digestive support, but their ingredients set them apart. ColonBroom contains only 20 calories per serving and is powered by psyllium husk, a high-fiber ingredient that:

  • Softens stool and promotes regularity
  • Makes you feel fuller longer
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels by lowering LDL cholesterol

After about two weeks of using ColonBroom, I noticed less bloating and constipation, along with a boost in energy. Overall, I felt lighter without the constant stomach discomfort.

AG1, on the other hand, offers a broader spectrum of nutrients with 50 calories per serving and 75 ingredients, including:

  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Probiotics and adaptogens
  • Superfoods

While AG1 supports overall nutrition, the inulin fiber it contains can cause bloating and gas for some. After using AG1 for a month, I didn’t notice improvements in my bloating, although my nutrition was better balanced.

If You’re Looking for Bang for Your Buck: ColonBroom Wins

Who doesn’t want a good product at a fair price? A container of ColonBroom with 60 servings costs around $65, which breaks down to just $1.08 per serving. They also offer bundle deals that reduce the price even more.

In comparison:

  • AG1 costs about $99 for 30 servings
  • Per serving, that’s $3.30, almost triple the cost of ColonBroom

If your primary focus is digestive health, ColonBroom provides much better value for the price.

Ease of Use: It’s a Tie

Both ColonBroom and AG1 are easy to incorporate into a morning routine. One scoop mixes well into your drink of choice, although blending them into a smoothie works best. When mixed with water, both products tend to separate if left sitting too long, so it’s best to drink them quickly.

Neither product is difficult to use, and both fit well into a daily routine.

Taste Test: ColonBroom Takes the Lead

When it comes to taste, not all supplements are created equal. ColonBroom’s natural strawberry flavor was a pleasant surprise. It’s light, fruity, and:

  • Mixes easily with water or smoothies
  • Lacks the gritty or chalky texture common in fiber supplements
  • Doesn’t upset the stomach

AG1, however, was tougher to swallow. Its earthy combination of greens, algae, and herbs is strong and bitter, even with added stevia and natural flavors. If you’re not used to greens powders, the taste can be challenging to drink every day.

And the Winner Is...

Both ColonBroom and AG1 have strengths, but your choice depends on your goals.

  • AG1: Best for overall nutritional support, providing a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and adaptogens, but it comes at a higher cost and can be difficult to drink.
  • ColonBroom: Ideal for digestive health, offering an affordable and effective solution for bloating and regularity, with a pleasant taste and easier incorporation into daily routines.

For those primarily focused on gut health, ColonBroom stands out. After two months, I saw consistent improvements in bloating and energy, making it the clear winner for digestive support.

If you’re looking for a fiber supplement that’s easy on the stomach, gentle in taste, and won’t break the bank, ColonBroom is the better option.