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60 Day Update! Does hers Complete Hair Kit Really Regrow Fuller Hair?

Marne Orenich
ByMarne OrenichJan 27, 2022 | 65 comments
60 Day Update! Does hers Complete Hair Kit Really Regrow Fuller Hair?

Hers Complete Hair Kit Review

Does It Really Work? (New Update After 60 Days)

hers is a company that offers personal care products for skin, hair, wellness, and sex from anti-aging serums to birth control and many things in between. They are also the women's counterpart to brand hims, which offers a similar range of products for men.

I wanted to try hers' complete hair care kit because I've been seeing a gradual declining change in my already thin hair and have a family history of female pattern baldness. I've tried many other hair loss products already to no avail, so I thought hers would be worth a try, especially since they have a subscription.

About this Hair Regrowth Kit

The Subscription: hers Complete Hair Kit

The Cost: $44.00/month + $5.00 processing

What You Get: A 30-day supply of biotin gummies, shampoo, conditioner, and minoxidil topical treatment.

Ships to: The U.S. only

Learn more at a glance >>

My Subscription Addiction paid for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

Pros & Cons

The Pros
  • Smells nice.
  • Has auto-shipments.
  • Shows signs of making thin hair appear fuller.
The Cons
  • Hair regrowth will be lost if treatment is stopped
  • Regimen feels a little tedious
Is It Worth It?
  • As long as you have the money to spend and take the commitment needed seriously, I think hers is worth it. It seems to be making a difference in my hair and I'm excited to see how it continues over time.
I'd Recommend hers If
  • You are worried about thinning hair and haven't had luck with other treatments.
  • You are committed to using (and continuing) a series of products over time to make your hair appear fuller.

Why Did I Try the hers Complete Hair Kit?

I've never had thick hair, but the older I get (I'll be 40 in March) the thinner it gets. Both my mother (in her early 70s) and her sister (in her mid 50s) have very little hair left and my Mom began wearing wigs years ago due to severe hair loss. For me, it's not a question if I will lose my hair, it's a reality in the not-so-distant future. I try not to subscribe to society's unrealistic beauty standards for women, so I hate to admit how much it worries me, but it does. I figure I should do what I can now to slow down the process before it becomes too late for me to do anything at all. When I saw hers being advertised, I figured I had nothing to lose (but more hair), so why not give it a shot?

What the hers Complete Hair Kit Claims

Simply put, the hers complete hair kit says it "works to help regrow your hair, decrease shedding, and strengthen." Each product has its own claims and together they offer a complete system to *hopefully* whip my wimpy locks into shape. The shampoo claims to stimulate hair follicles and moisturize, the conditioner does the same with added shine, the gummies deliver heavy-hitting vitamins connected with hair health, and the minoxidil claims to chemically help regrow stronger hair. On their help page, they state that "results can start showing in 3-6 months, however, please keep in mind results vary per person". So- using this for only 1 month may not exactly show me the results I crave, but it should give me an inkling as to if my hair can benefit from it over time.

Getting Started

Ordering hers Complete Hair Kit is super easy. I simply navigated to the product page for the kit and hit the "try today" button.

Before checking out, you'll get a review order screen which explains this is a subscription that will auto-ship a new kit to you each month until you cancel. This is currently the only way to order the complete kit so I suggest adding a calendar reminder to your phone if you don't want it to auto-ship. Canceling is easy and can be done via email with no pushback.

You can purchase all of the items without a subscription but it will cost quite a bit more ($77.00). Alternately, you can purchase the shampoo and conditioner as a $33.00 subscription bundle and save $8.00 (as compared to purchasing them each separately).

My First Shipment


The kit arrives in a plain brown box with tape branded with the hers/hims "h" so that if you're bashful about receiving hair regrowth products in the mail, your privacy is kept. This goes for all of their products.


Inside the box, you'll find a booklet that gives an overview of each product in the kit and how to use it.


Plus, there's a postcard with an illustration by Queens, NY native, Cindy Lozito.


As a gift, they also include two cute branded hair ties in cream and baby blue. I am always in need of hair ties since they're so easy to lose so these can get tossed in my purse for when I need to get my hair out of my face.

What's Included in the Complete Hair Kit?

The hers Complete Hair Kit is comprised of four products: biotin gummies, shampoo, conditioner, and minoxidil- a topical hair growth treatment. You can purchase any of them separately, but this is the most cost-effective way to try them all together (and have them auto-shipped).


hers Multivitamin Gummies, 60 ct - Retail Value $16.00

I've never been a gummy vitamin kind of gal, but since these are part of the hair kit, I thought I'd give them a try. These sugar-coated gummy bears contain hair-essential vitamins like B12, B6, D & folic acid, along with biotin (which supports the production of the amino acid keratin). I do find the gummies to be a bit sweeter than I'd like, but the flavor is quite pleasant and fruity (watermelon mint). Two of these bears are needed each day to get what my hair needs to strengthen, and it helps my nails as well. I do want to point out that as with many gummies, these contain gelatin (an animal by-product) in them, so if you're vegan or a strict vegetarian, these will not work with your diet. There is, of course, no flavor associated with that ingredient and they do use grass-fed beef gelatin, but it's something to be aware of if you prefer cruelty-free/vegan beauty products.


hers Shampoo, 6.4 oz. - Retail Value $19.00

At first glance, I love the super minimal design of the bottle. It looks nice in my shower, and it doesn't scream "hair loss" at anyone. It also happens to smell quite nice, like a light botanical scent. The booklet says that buildup of excess hair oil can actually make thinning worse. Yikes! So this shampoo aims to clean excess sebum from the scalp and also contains biotin, saw palmetto, and pumpkin seed oil to moisturize and stimulate hair follicles. The directions say to use this once a day but then also says to use on your normal schedule. I happen to wash my hair every day, so it's one and the same for me, but if you only wash yours every 2-3 days, it seems like you should stick to that. When first shampooing, my hair immediately felt like it had a little more body to it and overall it felt clean.


hers Conditioner, 6.4 oz. - Retail Value $22.00

The next step is to condition my hair with this blend of amino acids that will help damaged hair and boost strength and shine. It smells just as nice as the shampoo but even more subtle. It has a really creamy formula that feels like lotion for my hair. In addition to the amino acids, it has star ingredients for hair like argan oil, coconut oil, and sunflower seed oil. After rinsing, my hair feels smooth and is easy to comb after my shower. It looks shinier over time as well and the pleasant smell continues throughout my day.


hers Minoxidil Topical Solution USP 2%, 2 fl. oz. - Retail Value $15.00

The hair regrowth solution contains the active (FDA approved) ingredient minoxidil 2%, along with alcohol, propylene glycol, purified water. It's used to help with the main issues connected to women's hair loss and "promotes hair growth by shedding old hairs and replacing them with new ones." It comes with a dropper that has 1 mL clearly marked which is the dose I use twice a day on what they call the "affected areas" of my hair. At first, I thought "Well, it's all affected, right?" and that small 1 mL amount really doesn't cover a lot of surface area at once. I decided to concentrate on the sides of my hairline where I notice my hair is the thinnest and my center part. Over time, I would switch it up and jump around to try and get even placement throughout the month. It does have a semi-harsh chemical scent if put right up to my nose, but once it's on my scalp and my hair dries, I didn't notice a smell at all (neither did anyone else). It's important to note that women who are pregnant or nursing should NOT try this, but since I am neither, I'm all good. The main common side effect is possible irritation at the application site, but even though my skin can sometimes be sensitive, I didn't have any problems.

My New Daily Hair Regimen

While each product has its own directions, hers doesn't really give you a solid regimen to follow in a certain order each day. Here's what I came up with which seemed to work for my schedule.

Step 1: I keep the multivitamin gummies on my nightstand along with my other supplements so that I can take them as soon as I wake up. I take two gummy bears each day to start the regrowth process from the inside.

Step 2: I shower in the morning, and have always washed my hair every day. Not everyone thinks this is a good idea, but since I have such thin, fine hair, it works for me and keeps the greasiness at bay. I shampoo my hair first thing once I get in the shower. The directions say to leave it on for at least one minute, so while that is sitting in my hair, I get to scrubbin' the rest of my body. After the minute, I rinse and immediately move to step 3.

Step 3: I add the conditioner to my hair, making sure it gets onto my scalp and then work it through to the ends of my wet tresses. This needs to sit for a minimum of three minutes, so I'll take that time to shave before rinsing it out.

Step 4: Once I'm out of the shower (I wash and exfoliate my face last if you are curious), I part and comb my hair while it's still wet. I then take the first 1 mL dose of minoxidil I'll use in a day and slowly apply it to my scalp where it's needed. Since I'm extra aware of the fineness of my hairline around my temples, I pay close attention to this area. I do try to switch it up each morning though since 1 mL is not very much and I want to apply it evenly over time. Once I've used the whole dropper of the solution, I softly massage it in, and dry and style my hair as usual. The solution needs to stay on for a minimum of four hours, so figured this is the best way to do it since I won't wash my hair until the next morning.

Step 5: Before bed, I apply the 2nd dose of 1 mL to my dry hair. Again, I try to switch up where I apply the solution onto my scalp and gently massage it in. It's also important to remember to thoroughly wash hands after applying this solution since it's a chemical and I don't want to end up accidentally ingesting it or transferring it elsewhere. To be honest, I did find this to be the most tedious part of the treatment, but it's also probably the most important. I can be a little lazy with my evening routine and adding drops of this to my scalp before bed wasn't always high on my list. But when I weigh thinning hair against roughly 2 minutes of time for each application, it was enough to push through.


When I began the hers hair loss treatment, there were a few areas in which I wanted to see progress. Mainly, I notice thinning hair at the crown of my head/my hair part and sides, near my temples. I took photos of the length of my hair overall, the crown of my head, and sides to see how things progressed. The first photo of each set is my "before." Simply scroll through to see the changes after a month/one complete product delivery.


The first set of photos shows the length of my hair. To be honest, I'm not sure how fast my hair grows on its own so I can't vouch for how much hers potentially boosted it in length. But lately, a lot of my friends have been saying "Whoa- your hair is getting so long!" and it does feel that way all of a sudden.


Next, the photos of the crown of my head and my part show that things are looking a little more full. Granted, my part isn't always perfect, but I have to say that these photos are compelling. I find the last photo to look a lot healthier than the first in terms of body and shininess.


The final view is the one I am most conscious of. I tend to tuck my hair behind my ears a lot which exposes my side hairline at my temples. This is what I worry the most about when I see how thin it looks after a shower or when I have my hair in a headband while washing my face. While the front of my hairline is still thin, Megan pointed out that the size (meaning, front to back) of the thin part seems to have decreased, or shortened. Sort of like the fuller hair is moving its way closer to the front.

The Results

I want to first point out that since I am human, there were days that I forgot a gummy dose (though not often) or found myself a little too lazy to do my nighttime dose of minoxidil. That's why you'll see that the photos go to day 35- I decided to use the minoxidil and gummies until they were gone. They did happen to run out at the same time, while I had almost half a bottle of both the shampoo and conditioner left at the end. (Check out the two-month update below!)

After one month of use, I've been getting more compliments on my hair and I think it does look healthier overall. hers really seemed to help my hair show signs of fullness in certain areas and perhaps even made it grow faster. I personally have seen more results from hers than with Nioxin and I find the shampoo and conditioner to be much more pleasant. I'm still seeing the same amount of shedding hair in my shower drain each morning but hers does say that it's normal and I may even see more shedding before seeing less due to my thin hair being replaced by new thicker hair. I don't think I can expect full results in just one month, but I definitely see promise in hers' treatment. However, I did forget to cancel the auto-shipments and got a second month of the complete hair kit, so I'll be continuing use and will update this post after two full months of treatment since I think that may give a more rounded idea of what these products can do.

60 Day Update

As I mentioned at the end of the original post, I still had a whole second month's worth of products to try, so I figured I'd keep going to see if I got even more results. I will admit that I got a little more relaxed on my regimen and there were more days I forgot to put the minoxidil on my hair, but I still continued using the gummies, shampoo, and conditioner quite regularly. Again, I am human, so there will be days that I'm just not as good as I should be.

As you can see here, my hair grew quite a bit longer! As I mentioned originally, I don't know how fast my hair normally grows, so I can't be sure if this really made it grow faster, but I'm pleased with the results none-the-less.

I think that this view is the most impressive and clearly shows a nice progression with how much fuller my hair looks at my part.

This view was showing real progress in the first month but then seemed to sort of fall off. It's still arguably better than the before photo, but there isn't much change between 35 and 65 days here. I'm not sure if this is due to my laziness or if my hair just reached its limit on the sides. It's where I notice my hair loss the most, so it is kind of a bummer.

To wrap up, here are things that I noted after two months of usage:

  • I noticed slightly less hair in my drain, but I'm not sure if that really equates to the kit since we all normally shed and it's just part of our body's process.
  • I didn't even use the second bottles of shampoo and conditioner and was still using the first month's bottles throughout this process, so it seemed like a waste to have those in the kit every month. Some people with more hair may have a different experience though.
  • For someone like me who loves trying new products, I did feel a bit stifled by the regimen. When I completed the second month, I was excited to go back to using diff shampoos, conditioners, and losing the minoxidil step in my morning and nightly routine.
  • While I can't quantify it, I do feel like my hair grew a lot quicker than it normally does. I just keep remarking on how long my hair is these days and it's been a while since I've felt that way.

I think the hers Complete Hair Kit is a product that really can help regrow hair, but it comes with a decent amount of work. For those who easily stick to a routine, this will be a simple process. For those of us who want to switch things up every so often, it will be more difficult to stay on track (and feel a little like Paul Rudd's character in Wet Hot American Summer being forced to clean up his own mess). I suppose it all depends on how badly we want that thicker hair!


Have you tried hers or other hair loss treatments? How quickly do expect to see results from something? I want to know!

Marne Orenich
Marne Orenich
Marne is a lipstick connoisseur, record collector, and twice over cat mom. She loves discovering new clean beauty brands and has quite the collection of beautifully packaged serums and moisturizers.

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hlw am anusha. im using this useing this product over a month
its seen i ll get a good outcome

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Thank you so much!! This was extremely helpful!! I tried the promo code you added and it says it’s invalid.. Is this no longer available??

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Great review. Love the pictures and the honestly of the entire article. Thank you, you answered all the questions I had.

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Ann Massa

Hi I just stumbled upon your review of HERS which I am using, stopped using and now restarted. Please don’t get offended or upset but looking at your eyes (which are like mine) have you had your thyroid checked? I have a thyroid problem since my 20’s (in my 60’s) and your eyes remind me of mine! Part of hair loss, thinning and just plain hair issue is part of a thyroid problem. Although, HERS or any other products states it won’t help if you have a thyroid issue, my hair grew back in the patch where I had none! Silly me, stopped using it and well the bald patch is back UGH I have a wedding in July and want to look and feel good so back to using HERS. Stay well be safe and thanks for the review.

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Hi Thank you for your review. I am desperate to find something to help with my hair. A question anout the Minoxidil …Is it greasy or does it leave a film on hair making it har to style or looking greasy? How much hair did you shed while using as I habve seem people freak out when using Minoxidil because the hau=ir sheds when they can’t afford to lose hair? Do you still use it? Have you tried once a day and does that keep loss at bay?

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Wow thanks for this review! Very helpful and the before/after pics are awesome. I’m looking forward to trying it!

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Is there still a promo code for this?

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Mallory @ MSA

Hi Farrah! We unfortunately don’t have an updated coupon code for this brand.

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Laurie Rogerson

This is so helpful! Very interesting to read your review, thank you! Have been eating the Hers gummies and considering trying out the full treatment but am not great at sticking to routines haha.

I have a strange question to ask you — did you happen to receive your box in February with a postcard of a bedside table scene with flowers and birth control? I’m the artist of the postcard included in the Hers February boxes and have been looking for photos of it online but have yet to come across any. I’d love to see it if you have one (no worries if not). I actually ordered the gummies in February but they sadly ended up shipping in a little sleeve instead, with no postcard.

If I’d seen your promo code in time, I’d have sprung for the complete kit and my problem would have been solved! <3

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I’m curious how it’s going for you now? I’m about a month in and think I might be seeing some results, but wonder what I have to look forward to. 🙂

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Marne, thank you for this fabulous review. I am going to subscribe because of this, as I also have thinning in my temples…and that’s new. I never thought about losing what hair that I had as I got older, but it seems to be happening.

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Thank you for the thorough review. I am anemic, but my hair loss is inherited. My Dad is bald. That Father to Daughter thing… I don’t take iron as I should, because when I did, there was virtually no pooping. And when it happened, along cane other issues. The struggle is real. I am trying those scalp cleansing shampoos, but no real improvement. I am hoping to fit this into my budget. Thank you, again, for the great review and photos.

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nancy weller

for non constipating iron, you should try Floravital by Flora. I used to work for the company and it works really well. It’s a liquid and it tastes fine. It may also come in pills.

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Dawn, you can buy the kit at target for 39.99, and purchase individual pieces as well- for cheaper than on the herd website 🙂

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Thanks Rachel
I checked Target out already for the product and found that same results. I’m a first- timer.


I have quite severe anemia and I can absolutely relate to the um, bathroom issues you mentioned. If I may, I highly recommend Floradix liquid iron. It is readily available at The Vitamin Shoppe or on Amazon. It’s a bit pricey (around $35 for a large bottle), but it made a HUGE difference in my iron levels without any nausea/stomach problems and much improved BMs. My doctor gave me softeners (NOT laxatives or stimulants), but I have rarely needed them. Hope that helps. Anemia sucks.

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Marne Orenich

My pleasure! I hope it was helpful, Dawn. I wish you luck with your hair journey, I know it isn’t always a fun one.

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Let's Swap

What an amazing review and post! Brava!

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Marne Orenich

Thank you!!

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Speaking of hair loss systems has anyone tried Nutrafol or Rene Furterer? I would love to know what you thought of it.

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nancy weller

I’ve tried both…so am here looking at this line since those 2 didnt work

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I have used Nutrafol before for about a year and had amazing results and I loved it. My hair would not grow was thinning badly started taking it and after 6 months my hair went from the middle of my back down to my waist my hair dresser was asking what I did to get my hair so healthy and long so fast. I quite using it due to price but wish I never had. Now it’s been a couple years my hair is suffering from thinning and breakage and I just started taking it again on my first month and hoping for the same if not better results than I had before. I have my hubby taking Nutrafol men’s system also

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It can definitely be a placebo effect, but I have seen my hair getting less sparce with just four weeks of treatment with their serum(one per week). I’m currently on week five with the serum. Ive been using their fortifier shampoo for more than that, but the shampoo didn’t work for me. So I’d give serum the try

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I have had hair loss since my early 20’s (I’m 40 now) and saw a dermatologist and womens hair loss researcher for a decade. She put me on a regimen of spironolactone and 5% minoxidil (she said never bother with the 2%) and at one point I was also on finasteride. They worked in the beginning but plateaued after. The one thing that grew more hair than anything Ive ever tried is a prescription iron pill. I was not anemic but on the low end of normal so my doctor said why not? I couldn’t believe the hair growth. Sadly, they are very hard on the stomach so I could only tolerate them for 3 mos. For the past 5 years I haven’t taken anything at all but only wash my hair every 3 days and it is stable. Contrary to what is said by professionals about washing everyday, I have less hair loss when I don’t and my scalp feels much healthier. Thank you for the fabulous in depth review. I may give this a try as you said you got better results with this version of the minoxidil than rogaine.

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This is a fantastic review!! I’m a licensed Esthetician in the state of Florida. I’m also a practicing Laser Hair Removal Technician. I was diagnosed with perimenopause at 37 and placed on HRT. (Hormone Replacement Therapy). Much to my shock and utter dismay one day I compared my old bottle of estrogen cream (which comes in an applicator dial similar to a twist up deoderant) and realized that the pharmacy in charge of compounding my bioidentical hormones screwed up royally for several months and had my testosterone nearly FOUR times higher than what was considered in the normal range. I was fairly clueless at the time but I do recall losing clumps and clumps of hair in the shower or whilst brushing my hair. I’m absolutely convinced this is the reason for my hair loss. It’s been extremely difficult for me to come to terms with, especially since I was grappling with myself wether or not I was actually hallucinating about my hair thinning by (my guess) about a THIRD of what I previously had. I never had thick hair but I had lots of shiny, healthy, long, pinstraight hair and there was plenty of it.
I just wanted to urge you to continue with the program. Your results speak for themselves. I’m so skeptical being an Esthetician with all the gimmicks out there. Here’s the deal though. Whoever said 2% is a waste of time and money was CORRECT. I’m SO annoyed with myself for ordering a kit containing 2% because it’s the same thing with skincare. 2% won’t get you any noticable results, which is why everything over the counter is 2% or less. You MUST use the Minoxidil ( which is the brand name for Rogaine btw to the other confused reader) to see the best possible results!! Now, here’s the downside… As with most products, once you discontinue using the product (Minoxidil in this case) all your new growth you worked so arduously for, will fade away once more. Sadly, this product is our best hope for now and then only if you’re a perfect candidate to use this medication. The leaflet is very honest about the type of results one can expect, BEST case scenario. It’s not going to be miracle grow for our noggins but until science can finally start trials on cloning human hair, I’m afraid this is our best HOPE until then! Btw… I, like you, get bored very quickly using the same products over and over as well as knowing that products plateau and it’s best to take small breaks but I’m going to do my best to stick with the entire system because the products are specially formulated to combat hair shedding and stimulate new follicle growth. All systems are designed to work synergistically as a whole to give the client the best possible chance for results!! Good luck girls!!!

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Michelle Grzechowiak

Hi, I’m confused.
You say the 2% is pointless, but then say to continue with the system. People don’t have access to the 5% unless you spend hundreds at a dermatologist and on prescriptions. Its frustrating all around.


I posted a comment above about an iron supplement that may help you. It hasn’t posted yet, but I hope they allow it. I have severe anemia and Floradix liquid iron is incredible. No stomach issues at all and huge boost in my iron levels. Iron pills made me so sick!

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nancy weller

i posted the same info

Marne Orenich

Thanks so much for sharing, Bex. I’ve always been told NOT to wash my hair every day but I just can’t help myself. It gets greasy so quickly. Everyone is so different so I’m glad you found a routine that works for you. I didn’t know that iron could be so hard on the tum, so thanks for that info. Good luck to you!

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Thank you so much for this! Do they have a package/subscription without the gummies? I’m vegan, but I already take a b supplement.

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Marne Orenich

Hi Laura!
You can subscribe to a set of the shampoo & conditioner for $33.00/month as well as the minoxidil for $15.00/month. 🙂

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Hi Marne, thank you for the update. The program really seems to be working, and well within the timeframe in which I’d hope to see some results. I think it would be great for hers to give you a 12 month supply if they really want to show the long term benefits. They need to be able to demonstrate that it doesn’t plateau at the stage you’ve reached. I think that long term study, read by the highly-engaged and connected MSA readership, would be well worth it to them! Come on hers, you can’t expect Marne to do all the hard work for your marketing department. Marne is a trusted reviewer. Don’t think you could find a better advertisement for your product than her, particularly if the results continue to improve over time!

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Marne Orenich

Mimosa- you’re too sweet! What a lovely thing to say. I appreciate that I am trusted and that makes me feel good!

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With all the kindness in the world, and great sympathy as a ” mature woman who could be a 2020 version of a Golden Girl”- You know it’s the Minoxidil that’s causing the regrowth most of all, right?

I am also happy that you’re getting vitamins. Biotin and the B vitamins will help, never hurt as they are water soluble.. ( you excrete them in urine, they do not stay in adipose tissue for days, thus no overdosing).

Whatever makes you happy is the best. I can see a lot of results in the first 35 days ” after” but if you have slacked up on the Minoxidil application, you are undoing what it will do. As you said, you stop, hair loss starts again.

Best of luck always and you are a strong beautiful woman with a beautiful soul, and that’s what matters most!!

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Marne Orenich

Thank you for your kind words, Lily. I absolutely understand what you’re saying about the minoxidil and you’re totally right. It’s the most important if not the main reason for the results. It is a bummer that I’d have to continue treatment until the end of time to really reap the benefits for good.

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Marne, I got excited when I saw that you posted a 60-day update! I think that your hair looks healthier and fuller. I think without direct comparison pictures, it would be hard to notice if it was making a profound difference. But the pictures are certainly promising.
Thank you, very much, for sharing this with all of us.

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Marne Orenich

Of course, Ashley! I hope this was helpful to you (or anyone) considering trying it and showing a realistic view of what it’s like!

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Once I zoomed in on your pictures, I could really see the difference. I’m going to give this a try! My hair looks about like your before and I’d be happy with your 65 day later. 🙂

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Marne Orenich

It can feel tedious at times, but if you’re willing to stick with it for the long haul, I do believe it will show results. Thanks for reading, Suzanne! Best of luck to you!

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Hi Marne,

My hair loss looks EXACTLY like yours, although your hair is fuller than mine. My hair is super fine and thin and I have my hair loss around my part and by my temples. My blood work doesn’t show anything wrong and no one in my family has/had this issue, so it’s super frustrating. I’ve been on spironolactone for a year and I use Rogaine 5% foam once a day. It’s not making a huge difference, but anything helps. I appreciate this review and post for SO many reasons.

Thanks so much!

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Marne Orenich

Happy to hear that you liked this post, Lauen! I hope you can find a solution because I know how frustrating and helpless hair loss can feel. Thanks for chiming in with your experience!

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Mary B.

An interesting review, thanks! Did you have a medical workup before beginning treatment? Don’t answer, it’s none of my business, but I wanted to throw the idea out there because from one of your photos I would suspect thyroid issues. I’m not a doctor, but would recommend that anyone thinking of going this route get a good physical and lab workup first.

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Iron deficiency can also cause increased hair loss, similar to how you lose it with thyroid issues. (In my experience this has been hair loss all over body, not just scalp, and my scalp hair that falls out usually has a white bulb at the end).

I’ve been losing hair at a higher rate since thyroid surgery 18 months ago, but I’ve had both thyroid hormone and now anemia issues probably contributing. If you have hair loss and other symptoms (like being cold all the time, and more tired than usual, especially in the afternoons), I’d recommend getting thyroid and iron levels checked out because they can have similar symptoms, and both can cause hair loss.

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Marne Orenich

Hi Mary- I actually have had my thyroid tested but my hair loss is connected to good old fashioned hereditary issues. I appreciate the concern!

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Mary B.

Genes! What can ya do?!? 😉


Great review. I admire your courage and willingness to share your concerns with all of us. I think your hair looks great, both before & after and hope you get the results you want!

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Marne Orenich

Thanks, Cindy!

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I have never tried this, but I once had very fast thinning hair due to stress. Like, the drain would be completely clogged and would need to be cleaned each time I washed my hair. The hair brush was also always full. I took Viviscal pills for 9 months. It was easy, not too expensive and worked like a charm. After about a month I started seeing tons of those annoying tiny hairs around my hairline. I would recommend the pills if this is too much or gets too pricy.

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Hi Gintare. I looked at vivscal and it said they it promotes existing hair growth and not new hair growth which I do t think would work for hair loss. I am curious if you saw any new hair growth with it in balding spots. Ty

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Great review! Thank you for sharing the photos.

I currently went through a lot of shedding and breakage from thyroid issues (and maybe genetic, the dermatologist isn’t sure without a biopsy but he thinks it a little of both types of hair loss–TE and AGA). It has slowed down, with a combo of Nioxin, biotin gummies, a multivitamin, and thyroid meds. The derm said I could try minoxodil and/or Finasteride if it starts back up again.

This kit looks good and I think it’s less than purchasing those products individually at retail. I couldn’t use the conditioner because of the coconut unfortunately.

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Marne Orenich

Thanks for sharing, Carol. Glad to hear that your hair loss has slowed down! Sounds like you’ve been super diligent.

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I’m trying the new Curlsmith morning and evening scalp serums along with my vitamins as a last ditch effort before trying out minoxidil treatments. Your results are amazing!

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Dani G.

I’m about to try those as well. My hair is the absolute opposite of curly but hopefully that won’t matter. Good luck!

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