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Huel Daily Greens vs. Athletic Greens’ AG1: Who Wins in the Battle of Nutrition?

Shawn Dodd
ByShawn DoddJul 24, 2024Sponsored

Has anyone else noticed how busy life has gotten lately? Between work, family friends, and everything else, it feels like there’s no time for the basics. 

I’ve been swamped building my online business, and some days it’s a struggle just to make sure I’m getting all the nutrients and greens my body needs.  I can’t spend my morning cooking a full, nutritious breakfast every day! 

So, I started looking for a dietary supplement that could save me time, while still giving me the nutrition I need to power through these busy days. That’s when I found Huel Daily Greens and AG1. 

Knowing I’d need to choose just one, I decided to compare the two to see which one could best meet my needs — here’s what I found!

If you’re looking to keep costs low…

We all know it - eating healthy can be expensive, and dietary supplements are no exception. I wanted to find a drink that wouldn’t break the bank. 

Huel: This was an easy one. Huel Daily Greens is significantly cheaper than AG1. On Huel’s subscription model, 30 servings cost $45 (about $1.50 per serving). Even a one-time purchase is just $56.50 for the bag. 

Ag1: AG1’s similar subscription is currently $79, and a one-time purchase is $99. 

The numbers speak for themselves - for a lighter grocery bill, I give this round to Huel Daily Greens.

Winner: Huel

If you want to pack as much nutrition into your meal as possible…

For me, the goal of a green drink is to load up on nutrients while saving time. 

Huel: Huel Daily Greens is an impressive blend of 91 superfoods, nutrients, and plant-based ingredients. It’s packed with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and other superfoods, giving you a comprehensive nutritional boost. 

AG1: AG1 does have a substantial ingredient list, but at 75 ingredients, it didn’t quite match the nutrient density of Huel, especially for the higher price. 

Winner: Huel

If you want something tasty and not “vegetable-y”…

We all know we need to eat our vegetables (even if  I avoided that fact when I was younger). But, let’s be honest, the “green” taste isn’t for everyone. I wanted a shake that was flavorful, not just a drink that tasted like pure vegetables. 

Huel: After tasting both, I found that Huel’s Daily Greens has a delicious, full-bodied apple flavor. On top of that, the texture is fantastic, too. It goes down like a shake, and you can tell it’s packed with the good stuff.

AG1:  The taste was vegetable-heavy, and the texture was a bit too watery for my taste. I found myself putting off drinking it with my breakfast because I didn’t look forward to it. 

If I’m not excited to drink my drink, it defeats the purpose. So, this round goes to Huel Daily Greens for getting me excited about my servings in the morning! 

Winner: Huel

If you need travel packs…

I’m always on the go, but the nutrition game can’t stop. So, having portable options for my supplements is crucial. 

AG1: AG1 offers small, travel-sized pouches that are perfect for weekend trips and flights. Each pouch holds a few servings which is convenient. 

Huel: With Huel Daily Greens, I found a workaround by portioning it into small bags and bringing the scoop with me. It works, so it’s not a dealbreaker, but AG1 takes this round.

Winner: AG1

The big, green, winning machine is…Huel Daily Greens

I’m a social media guy, not a food scientist, so I have no idea how they pack this much into a single serving. I do know this: after adding Huel Daily Greens to my morning routine, I feel incredible.

My energy levels are through the roof, and I feel confident knowing that I’m feeding my body the nutrients it needs. Plus, I actually look forward to the taste every morning! 

If your mornings (or any meal of the day) could use a little more green, check out Huel Daily Greens and join me on my mission for better nutrition!