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My Subscription Addiction

If You’re on a Weight Loss Journey, You Need This One Supplement

Hallie Rosenthal
ByHallie RosenthalJun 17, 2024In Partnership With Luma Nutrition

Is it just me, or does maintaining a healthy weight get harder every year?

I’m not sure if it’s another “fun” side effect of getting older or just a slower metabolism, but those pesky pounds keep coming despite all my best efforts—and they’ve been good, too!! Every morning starts with a brisk 5-mile walk, I follow a Mediterranean diet, and I limit indulgences like cocktails and cookies (to a reasonable level). 

But even with all that, the dang needle on the scale never seemed to budge. The extra padding on my tummy felt like it was just something I had to deal with, another scar from the battle against the years. But then I discovered Luma Nutrition’s Berberine Supplement, and everything changed for the better. 

Here’s why it’s become an indispensable part of my morning routine:

An Ancient Remedy with Modern Relevance

Transitioning into my forties has taught me the importance of being proactive with my health. Maintaining a healthy weight isn't just about looking good (though that’s a bonus)—it’s about feeling my absolute best so I can be the best Mom and C-Suite Boss Lady I can be. 

A big part of feeling tip-top means actually nourishing my body and mind, so I only put all-natural, healthy ingredients in my body. Jittery diet pills aren’t my jam.

Luckily, Luma Nutrition’s Berberine is extracted from a plant known as Berberis aeristata (a.k.a. Indian barberry). This plant has long been part of the Ayurvedic playbook—and with good reason. Even the NIH recognizes it as an impressive holistic healer with natural anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-oxidant, and anti-lipidemic properties.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Among its many benefits, the scientifically backed blood sugar lowering effect of Berberine is a big win. Adding this simple supplement to my daily regimen has helped me regulate my blood sugar and A1C levels so I feel more in control of my eating habits, and less tempted by that plate of cookies in the break room.  

Sustained Energy That Powers My Day

Since incorporating this potent supplement into my daily routine, I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my energy levels. Rather than reaching for yet ANOTHER cup of coffee, Luma’s Berberine has given me a natural boost that keeps me going all day long. No joke—my co-workers have started calling me the Energizer Bunny! 🐇

Heart Benefits Without the Cardio

As a potent source of antioxidants, Luma Nutrition’s Berberine also supports cardiovascular health. (Antioxidants have been proven to reduce LDL cholesterol and remove arterial plaque.) I like to think of taking it like I’m doing cardio without the treadmill—Berberine supports my heart and my waistline. 💪

Immunity: An Unsung Hero in Weight Loss

We rarely link immunity with weight loss, but think about it—every cold, flu, or infection can derail your fitness goals. That’s where the high 1200mg dose of Berberine comes into play, giving your immune system a hefty boost with its natural antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties.

While my whole team got the summer sniffles last week, I stayed fit as a fiddle. Honestly, I almost felt guilty about it!

Created With the American Medical System in Mind

Luma Nutrition is veteran-owned and founded, so they know firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate the American medical system – even as a military member. In fact, that’s what led them to creating the product in the first place!

I love that they offer natural, alternative health solutions for a myriad of health problems that can affect not just me, but millions of Americans. 

Easy on the Pocket, Heavy on the Benefits

With Luma Nutrition, you can rest assured that you’re receiving premium supplements—they’re 3rd party tested and made in the USA. I was skeptical about trying something new, but their 90-day, 100% money-back guarantee let me test the waters with zero risks. 

At just $29.99 per subscription, it’s a small price to pay for a wealth of health benefits. Plus, free shipping? Yes, please!

Not Just Another “Miracle Product”

Look—I’ve tried and tested numerous products claiming miraculous benefits, and most have fallen flat. So, how has Luma Nutrition’s Berberine truly earned its spot in my daily routine? Not through empty promises, but through real, tangible, feel-good results. I feel like I found the missing piece of the puzzle—since starting my regimen, I’m a healthier, happier, more energetic me.

So, whether you’re looking to manage your weight, support your heart health, or simply keep your energy levels on the up and up, Luma Nutrition’s Berberine could be the key to unlocking the best version of yourself. It was for me! 

Subscribe today for just $29.99 and get a jump-start on your weight loss journey!