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Now’s the Time to Get These Subscriptions to Start 2022 Off Right

Geraldine Orentas
ByGeraldine OrentasNov 24, 2021

As we look forward to 2022, I’m sure we’re all making exciting plans that involve finally getting our life together. Thankfully, here at MSA, we know how to hack our lives using subscription boxes. After all, subscription boxes are here precisely for that – to help us simplify the aspects of our lives that take time and effort. 

So, listen to me when I say if there’s a resolution in your 2022 wishlist that involves eating healthier, focusing on wellness, or finally finding your personal style, a subscription box can help with that. As you sit down to think about what you want to do next year, make sure to include room in your resolutions for these subscription boxes. 

2022 Will Thank You For Subscribing to these Boxes Now

In the blink of an eye, 2022 will be here, so start it off right by subscribing to one of these subscription boxes that will make next year a successful one. 

1. Blue Apron to Start Eating Healthier

The Box: If you want to ditch fast-food and junk food meals in 2022, this meal kit subscription box is perfect for getting started. Blue Apron is one of the earliest meal delivery service subscription boxes. They create bistro-inspired meals, sending subscribers everything that they’ll need alongside easy-to-follow instructions. They have vegetarian options and have collaborated with Whole30, Chrissy Teigen, and other foodies to help create new menus. 

The Cost: $39.96. Subscribe here!

Check out our Blue Apron reviews to learn more.

2. Stitch Fix for a New Look

stitch fix clothing on a rack

The Box: If your motto in 2022 is going to be “New Year. New Look,” you have to give a fashion subscription box a try. Stitch Fix brings you an online personal stylist to help you find your inner fashionista. Every month, you’ll be sent outfit ideas and staple pieces that go with your newfound style. The best part is that you only purchase what you like and send back what didn’t hit the mark. This way, your wardrobe is ever-evolving, you can keep track of new trends, and still work with a professional stylist who can help you find your style. 

The Cost: $20 per month. Subscribe here!

Check out our Stitch Fix reviews to learn more.

3. Public Goods to Be More Sustainable-Conscious Next Year

The Box: If you’re anything like me, spending more time in your house in 2020-2021 made you realize all the plastic and not-so-sustainable materials we use every day. Public Goods is a subscription box that delivers household, personal care, and grocery items straight to your door. They’re all about delivering products that contain healthy ingredients, cutting out the middlemen, and promoting a more sustainable approach to household items. Not to mention, finally getting your household goods shopping list taken care of for you is a way to encourage productivity next year. 

The Cost: $79 per box. Subscribe here!

Check out our Public Goods reviews to learn more.

4. The Lift Box to Motivate Your Fitness Goals

Contents of The Lift Box displayed with woman working out in background.

The Box: Whether you want to get back to the gym or find the motivation to kickstart your fitness journey in 2022, The Lift Box will help you get there. This fitness subscription box sends you supplements, energy drinks, gym gear, healthy snacks, and apparel to keep you motivated and committed to your fitness goals. It’s a great way to receive a monthly box with everything you’ll need to push yourself harder and start the year of right. 

The Cost: $40 per month. Subscribe here!

Check out our The Lift Box reviews to learn more. 

5. FabFitFun for a Bit of Self-Care in 2022

The Box: No matter your end goals, saving some time for self-care in 2022 is a must. Whether self-care means sipping a glass of wine in the bathtub, trying a new face mask, or journaling every night before bedtime, this box is for you. FabFitFun is a seasonal lifestyle subscription box that sends trendy skincare, wellness, accessories, and decor products. This is a quarterly subscription box, but it has everything you’ll need to make self-care part of your routine next year.

The Cost: $49.99 per box. Subscribe here!

Check out our FabFitFun reviews to learn more. 

6. Decocrated to Style Your Home

all included items

The Box: I absolutely adore shopping for home decor. But, whenever I go to the store, I either want to bring everything with me, or I feel overwhelmed. Decocrated is a home decor subscription box that sends you handpicked seasonal items. If stepping up your home decor game is important to you, consider a quarterly subscription box that can send you cute finds to upgrade your home decor without the hassle of going to the store and feeling overwhelmed like me. 

The Cost: $79.99 per box. Subscribe here!

Check out our Decocrated reviews to learn more. 

7. Nurish by Nature Made To Meet Your Wellness Resolutions

The Box: Every year, we all pledge to start living a healthier lifestyle and focus on our wellness. Nurish by Nature Made is a subscription box that sends you personalized vitamin and supplements packs every month. This box is designed to meet your specific nutrient needs and delivers everything you need straight to your door. This subscription box is almost like your accountability buddy to start 2022 off right and finally prioritize wellness. 

The Cost: $30 per box. Subscribe here!

ACTIVE DEAL: 25% off first order

Check out our Nurish by Nature Made reviews to learn more. 

8. Celebrate States to Travel Without Moving

contents of celebrate state box

The Box: We all want to travel the world and explore new places. But, that’s not always possible. Celebrate States makes travel part of your 2022 and doesn’t require you to take a plane. Each month, this subscription box sends unique and fun items from small businesses in the featured state. You get travel brochures and information about the state, so you can hopefully plan your next trip. If you really want to start traveling more next year, this subscription box will definitely give you ideas of where to go next. 

The Cost: $45 per box. Subscribe here!

ACTIVE DEAL: First box 30% off with three month subscription

Check out Celebrate States details to learn more. 

9. BREO BOX to Keep Up With Gadgets

Breo Box Fall 2021 blue box

The Box: It seems like every new year, there’s a myriad of new gadgets out there. I love to discover new gadgets, but I don’t really know what’s the best out there most of the time. BREO Box is a subscription box that sends quarterly curated selections of the coolest products out there. So, suppose one of your resolutions for 2022 is to become more involved with technology and explore new products. In that case, this is a must-have in your new-year subscription boxes list. 

The Cost: $159 per box. Subscribe here!

ACTIVE DEAL: Save $15 off your first box!

Check out our BREO BOX reviews to learn more. 

10. Cloth & Paper to Master Productivity

Cloth & Paper Subscription Box

The Box: Finally, you need to get a subscription box that will help with productivity. Cloth & Paper is a subscription box that sends stationery, pens, and planning supplies to help you keep track of your resolutions. I’m a sucker for stationery, so this is definitely a box that can help me kickstart the new year. Whether you’re working from home or preparing to head back to the office in 2022, this subscription box will help you stay on top of your to-do list – in style, of course. 

The Cost: $18 per month. Subscribe here!

Check out our Cloth & Paper reviews to learn more. 

What’s a subscription box you’ll be using to start your 2022 the right way? Share with us in the comments! 

Geraldine Orentas
Geraldine Orentas

I'm a Miami-based copywriter and content creator who is healthily obsessed with skincare and wellness. I share my acne-healing journey and brand reviews without filters and let you in on my vibrant life in the city. When I'm not testing a new sunscreen or lost in another K-drama, I'm cuddling, trying a new fitness class, or cooking something with my husband.