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Swap Site Rules

ByMSASep 2, 2020

Thanks for your interest in using MSA swaps! This page was last reviewed on 6/24/2020 for accuracy.

Swap Site Rules

MSA reserves the right to update or modify the Swap Site Rules at any time.

1. Only list items you received in a subscription box. (This can include add-ons from boxes like FabFitFun, POPSUGAR, and Birchbox, but may NOT include items you purchased with a gift card/coupon that came in a box.) Any non-subscription box items will be removed, and swapping status may be suspended. If MSA posted about a particular box or the box is listed on the swap site, you can list items from the box. If you want to have a box added to the swap site you don’t see listed there, please email information about the box to [email protected] to see if it can be added.

3. Only upload your own photos or MSA’s photos. You are welcome to link to other photos so they are properly credited.

4. No PayPal transactions or other monetary transactions.

5. Do not create new listings for items that already exist. Instead, use existing item listings whenever possible. This helps keep the swap site clean and easier to use for everyone.

6. If you are listing an item you will be receiving in an upcoming box, but don’t yet have the exact item in your possession, you must indicate this in your description of the item. (The reason for this is so that both parties are aware of this situation since the item could end up being delayed, arrive accidentally damaged, etc., and it is important to know this up front. This can help avoid issues that could otherwise come up later.) Once you have the item in your possession, you may update your listing to reflect that.

7. Only describe a product as "New" if it is a completely new, unused, unopened product. If you have swatched a makeup product, that is considered used. If you have removed a protective seal, that is considered used. (Feel free to add the specifics of how the product was used in the extra details section.

8. Banned listing categories. Do not list or attempt to swap any of the following on the swap site: weapons (knives, etc.), anything drug related, adult toys, and alcoholic beverages.

9. Do not swap items that you have modified in any way. For example, no DIY, recycled, or upcycled subscription box items, etc.

10. Do not create multiple swap accounts. This will be cause for immediate removal from the swap site.

11. Cancellations. Either party may cancel a swap as long as neither party has shipped their items. If someone requests to cancel a swap, and you haven’t shipped your items, please accept the cancellation - the other party does not want to do the swap with you. (We require both swappers to agree to a cancellation so that we do not have a situation where someone takes advantage of the system and cancels a swap after the other person has shipped.)

12. All comments/discussion of swaps must follow the MSA community guidelines. Use of insults, profanity or other harassing language will be cause for immediate removal from the swap site.

Swap Site Best Practices

1. Periodically go through your swap listings and make sure everything is up to date. Remove expired products, gift cards, etc, or products that you no longer wish to swap.

2. List specifics about your items that the other party would want to know. For example, if you have an item that comes in a box that is not in perfect condition, but the item is new, make sure you include this information in your listing.

3. Ask questions if something is important to you. For example, if you plan to gift an item and need the box to be in pristine condition, make sure you confirm this with the person you are swapping with before the swap is made.

4. Make sure you confirm you have the swap item in your possession before accepting the swap.

5. Please leave accurate feedback. This benefits everyone on the swap site.

6. If something unexpected comes up or an issue occurs with a particular swap, please try to work this out with your swap partner. Most issues can be quickly resolved by both parties communicating with each other.

Need Help Getting Started?

Check out the Swap FAQ!

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