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Uvlizer UV Lights vs. Air Purifiers: Which Is My Winner in the War Against Allergies?

Amy Richards
ByAmy RichardsJun 28, 2024Sponsored

As a 55-year-old RN with three rambunctious rescue dogs and what feels like all the allergies, maintaining a clean, healthy home is a top priority.

Over the years, I've experimented with various air purifiers, but I was still on the search for something to better relieve all of the coughing, sneezing, and itching I came to accept as an annoying, but unavoidable, part of everyday life.

In my search for another product, I came across Uvlizer’s UV Lamps and must say I was pleasantly surprised. Here’s how they stack up against air purifiers:

For the Best Allergy Relief… Uvlizer

No matter how or where you live, dust and pollen will always find you. While I do my best to keep a clean house, it’s never enough. 

I first turned to air purifiers, which capture airborne particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander. While they’re great at making the air feel fresher and keeping surfaces a little cleaner, they often miss dust mites.

These microscopic critters are one of the biggest triggers for my allergy symptoms, so while I got some relief from my air purifiers, it wasn’t complete.

Uvlizer uses UVO254 technology, combining UV-C light and ozone to kill up to 97% of dust mites. Within an hour of plugging mine in, I felt a noticeable difference. My eyes itched less, my nose stopped running, and I wasn’t sneezing every 2 seconds. It was incredible!

Winner: Uvlizer Lamps provided significantly more allergy relief than my air purifiers did.

For Odor Elimination at the Root… Uvlizer

As any pet owner will tell you, washing pups is a pain and that freshly-bathed scent only lasts for a day or two. (Honestly, why do they have to rub their bodies on smelly things? It’s so gross!)

My last air purifiers had activated carbon filters for pulling odors out of the air, and they actually worked pretty well. But with 3 doggies underfoot, those purifiers were working overtime and the replacement filters were expensive! 

Thankfully, Uvlizer’s UV technology doesn’t just catch the smells—it kills the bacteria and mold that cause them. 

Winner: Uvlizer Lamps win by a hair. UV and air purifiers are both good for eliminating smells, but air purifiers require expensive replacement filters.

For Superior Sanitation… Uvlizer

Air purifiers do just that—purify the air. While that can be great—they have their limitations. 

Air purifiers pull air in, have the filter catch the particles, and then blow cleaner air out. Their effectiveness depends on the quality of the filters you use. Unsurprisingly, the finer the filter, the more expensive it is. 

Uvlizer Lamps go a step further. The UV-C light technology provides hospital-grade disinfection. They don’t just catch but actually kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces (!!!) and in the air. Plus, they shine on week after week, month after month.

Now I don’t have to remember to order new filters or replace the old ones!

Winner: Uvlizer UV lights. Air purifiers basically “dust” the air, but UV lights do the tough scrubbing. 

For the Most Bang for Your Buck… Uvlizer

My air purifiers were over $100 each (I went for low-mid range models) and then, after the initial purchase, I had to keep buying HEPA filters. Before Uvlizer, I was spending at least $30 a month on replacements.

Compare that with a $79.95 plug-and-play Uvlizer Lamp that requires zero upkeep. They even give you an option to bundle and save – you can get 2 lamps for 139.90 or 3 for 194.70!

Plus, since Uvlizer actually disinfects, I don’t have to keep an arsenal of cleaning sprays anymore. In short, my house is cleaner and I’m saving money. It’s awesome! 

Winner: Uvlizer has a modest upfront investment cost compared to most air purifiers, offers free shipping, and doesn’t require expensive replacement filters. 

UV Will Set You Free

If you're on the hunt for a family-friendly air-cleaning solution, I highly recommend giving Uvlizer's UV Lamps a try. Since I got mine, I’ve been sneezing and itching way less—all while cleaning less, less often, and with fewer chemicals!

But, don’t just take my word for it—Uvlizer has racked up over 20,000 5-star reviews from happy customers. Plus, they offer a money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

Experience what allergen-free air can do for your quality of life. It has been a total game-changer for mine!