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Why This Smart Scale is in My Weight Loss Toolkit

Shannda Baker
ByShannda BakerFeb 8, 2023In Partnership With WeightWatchers

 Losing weight will never not be top of mind for many. Every year when the calendar resets, we start off with the best intentions to work out more, eat healthier, and have all that energy we desperately crave. But the struggle lies in how easy it is to give up on your goals as the year goes on. I can’t lie–I’m guilty of this.

My weight loss journey has been all over the place, and I’m no stranger to things like “no track” days, where I let myself completely off the hook. This year, though, I finally have a tool that will make tracking all my progress effortless: the WeightWatchers Bluetooth® scale.

Now, I know what you’re thinking–how can a scale be the thing that makes progress effortless when it is clearly public enemy number one? Allow me to explain:

Tracking your progress leads to greater weight loss

We are conditioned to fear the scale. In fact, many people don’t even own a scale because it’s a constant reminder of the things we are actively avoiding–tracking what we eat and exercising regularly, to name just a couple. But the truth is, the scale is the best way to get an accurate picture of where you are in your journey.

WeightWatchers is reimagining the scale, associating a positive tone with something normally so negative. The scale allows you to:

  • Collect more data about yourself
  • Separate normal up and downs from a meaningful weight change
  • Take the pressure off any one day or number
  • Reduce mental effort by creating a habit
  • Lose more weight and keep it off

Choosing one day to weigh in takes the pressure off and reduces the anxiety around getting an accurate picture of your progress. The scale measures your weight and BMI–pretty novel, right? Shame is not the name of the game here–the goal is strong routine building, which leads to more weight loss in the end.

The scale syncs with the WeightWatchers App

Tracking is an intimidating idea because it sounds like work. Who wants to add writing down what they had for breakfast and lunch to an already-lengthy to-do list? I’m a busy woman over here! But this scale makes tracking easy.

The WeightWatchers scale is the only scale that syncs with the Apple Health, Google Fit, and the WeightWatchers app–which, I should mention, is the most frequently used app on my phone. The fact that the app syncs with the scale means there is one less thing I have to manually track.

It will change your mindset around weighing yourself

It’s easy to say “I want to lose weight,” but much harder to actually take the steps to make it happen, let alone check in to see how you’re doing. WeightWatchers equips me with what I need to actually look forward to my health goals.

Weighing yourself regularly is like a mile marker on the road to lasting weight loss. The fact that I can set a goal weight and watch the numbers on the app trickle down towards it made me go from dreading my weigh-ins to looking forward to them! It sounds unbelievable, but creating this habit of checking in with myself has really turned my mindset about weigh-in day around.

Add the WeightWatchers Scale to Your Weight Loss Toolkit

It can be so frustrating trying to get healthy. There are so many options and so much–mostly unsolicited–advice on offer that it’s far easier to convince yourself you don’t really want to lose weight in the first place. But we both know that’s not true. You want to get healthy this year and so do I! Add the WeightWatchers scale to your toolkit and by this time next year, we’ll both be celebrating our success!