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Fandom of the Month Club Review + Coupon – July 2017

Anna Reilly
ByAnna ReillyJul 27, 2017 | 2 comments

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Fandom of the Month Club
3.4 overall rating
32 Ratings | 6 Reviews

Fandom of the Month Club is a subscription box for accessory-loving fangirls (and fanboys)! Each month, this geek chic subscription box sends along jewelry and other treasures that fit a surprise theme. This month, the theme is...

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!


This box was sent to us for review purposes. Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

The Subscription Box: Fandom of the Month Club

The Cost: Choose from four subscription options: Month to Month ($13/monthly box + shipping), 3 Month Prepay ($36/every 3 months + shipping), 6 Month Prepay ($66/every 6 months + shipping), or 12 Month Prepay ($120/every 12 months + shipping)

ACTIVE DEAL: Get your first 3 months for $30! (plus shipping)

The Products: 3-4 handpicked fandom inspired jewelry items in a hand screen-printed bag, plus a custom magnet

Ships to: U.S. for $3.75, Canada for $8, everywhere else for $11.50

Check out all of our Fandom of the Month Club reviews and the Geek Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Fandom of the Month Club is great about covering a wide array of books, TV shows, games, and even classic movies, including this month's theme, Merlin! I've heard about this show, but I haven't seen it at all, so I may not get every reference in this collection of jewelry. With subscriptions like this, you always risk not relating to the random fandom that month. So I'm not upset by it or anything. Also, the items that this subscription features tend to be more inspired by the fandom, rather than directly and solely related to the show or movie. In other words, I can still get some value out of them without having to know the exact reference.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Canvas Pouch

Every box comes with a little white canvas pouch printed with a reference to the fandom. This time last year, the graphics seemed like really nice screen prints, but now, the images seem plasticy and "melted" on, if you will, almost like iron-ons. I don't know if it'd hold up the same way a nicer ink print would.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Merlin Magnet

Magnets like these are also always included in this box. It's been awhile since they've featured this kind of minimalist design, but I really like it, especially since it helps to grow a consistent collection. (I have a Princess Leia and a Frodo design from previous boxes that will look cool alongside this one on my fridge.) This is supposed to represent the titular character of the fandom. If you'd never seen nor heard of the BBC show before, you might be a little confused on who this was supposed to represent.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Dragon Quote Cuff Bracelet

This silver bracelet features a little wisdom from the Dragon. I like how the little silvery dragon charm acts as a subtle identifier for where the quote came from. The cuff itself is on the smaller side (it fit my small wrist relatively snugly). You can bend it a bit, but it's not easy. I get the vibe that it's not intended to be very adjustable either, so I wouldn't recommend messing with it a ton. (It might break.) It's definitely not real silver, nor do I think it's silver-plated. But the design is cute, despite the cuff not being the greatest quality.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

King Arthur Book Earrings

As a former English major, these book earrings have me smitten. Each one is about the size of a penny, so they definitely stand out on your ears. The book covers look like a print, but each one has a shiny coating to give them a hint of glint. My only qualm is that one of the books seems to be reversed—the gold spine of the book is to the right rather than to the left of the cover design. That's a tiny detail, and probably a good reflection of the quality of the things in the box in general—everything is super cute, but small details like that tend to get overlooked.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Sword in the Stone Pendant Necklace

The concept of this necklace is so awesome! I love that it incorporates the crystal trend that's been big for awhile now. The chain isn't my favorite—it's that kind of snake-like chain that likes to pinch. But the necklace looks so cool on that I'm not too worried about it. The pendant hangs down basically to where my bra band is, so the necklace is on the longer side. I love the idea of swapping this necklace in for the pendants I usually wear with tunic tops or breezy summer dresses.

I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017! I'm reviewing the Fandom of the Month Club for July 2017!

Camelot Castle Ring

The last item in the box is this awesome 3D castle ring. It's pretty darn big—the castle detail sits about an inch tall atop my finger. The many spires and details are really cool (you can see inside the bottom floor!), and it's good that it's adjustable. Again, I would've loved if this ring were just slightly higher quality (the ring itself has rough edges that make it kind of uncomfortable to wear, and it seems like the kind of metal that will quickly turn your finger green), but the concept is so cool that I'm definitely wearing it out and about ASAP.

Verdict: As usual, Fandom of the Month Club featured really clever, outside-the-ordinary products, but they really aren't that awesome quality-wise. Of course, this is an incredibly affordable box that only costs about $17.00 after shipping, which means each of the 6 items is only worth about $2-$3 each. So if you're not too concerned with quality and are looking for pieces that'll make you squeal with glee when you see them, then this box is perfect!

What do you think of this month's Fandom of the Month Club finds?

Starting at $13.00
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Get your first 3 months for $30! (plus shipping)
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Fandom of the Month Club is a subscription jewelry club! For only $13 a month, you will receive a shipment of fandom inspired jewelry with a surprise theme. Each shipment has a value of over $30.
Anna Reilly
Anna Reilly
Anna loves collecting little treasures, be they pop-culture finds, handmade mementos, or new potions to put in her makeup bag. Beauty boxes got her interested in the subscription world, but now she's swooning for all things kawaii!

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I wish there were an option to get good quality pieces with the same design, for $40-50/box. I would totally wear a castle ring like that pretty regularly (and I’d want it to not turn my finger green).

I agree though; these pieces DO make me squeal with delight.

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My daughter that was with me when I picked up the mail immediately snatched up the sword in the stone necklace. it’s sitting by her bedside now. This box is so much fun to receive! I love the themes and cute bags that come with the unique pieces!

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