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FabFitFun Fall 2019 Box Add-Ons Spoilers!

ByMSAJul 24, 2019 | 62 comments

FabFitFun Fall 2019 Box

3.7 overall rating
1036 Ratings | 177 Reviews

We have spoilers for the FabFitFun Fall 2019 Add-Ons! (These are just SOME of the items that will be available). If you aren’t familiar, these are items you can add to your box and discounted rates.

We also have the Add-On + Spoiler schedule for the FabFitFun Fall 2019 box!

Here are all the dates you need to know:

  • Spoiler 1: July 24th  11 AM PT
  • Add-Ons for annual subscribers: July 27th at 9 AM PT
  • Spoilers Round 2/Box Customization opens to annual subscribers: July 29th at 9 AM PT
  • Add-Ons for all subscribers: July 30th at 9 AM PT
  • Spoiler 3: July 30th 11 AM PT
  • Box Customization opens to all subscribers: August 1st at 9 AM PT

Here are some of the Fall 2019 Add-Ons:

FujiFilm Ultimate Bundle

Dot Dash Python Tote

Plush Fleece-Lined Neckwarmer


Craft A Brew Hefeweizen Craft Beer Kit

Elements Truffles Turmeric Infused Dark Hot Chocolate

Summer & Rose Pumpkin Spice Soy Wax Candle

PJ Salvage Give Love Pajama Set

Sundream Coffee Aztec Blanket

xo, Sienna Graphic Impact Mug

KORRES Wild Rose Vitamin C Active Brightening Oil

APTO Spirulina Mask

Cailyn Red Snail Mask

T3 Featherweight Luxe 2i with 2.5" Round Brush

Dogeared Beautiful Moments Necklace

Chic & Tonic Deluxe Chrome Low Ball Glasses

The sponsored add-ons are available when you spend $15 in the sale. The Fall sponsored add-ons are:

Barilla Chickpea Rotini

Mint Mobile - 3 months of free wireless

If you haven’t signed up for FabFitFun yet, use coupon code SPLASH to save $20 off your first box!

Check out our FabFitFun reviews to see what you can expect with this quarterly subscription box for women.

Starting at $54.99
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"FabFitFun is a seasonal lifestyle subscription that sends subscribers 6-8 items every season, worth up to $300 in value. Boxes include amazing products that are trend-savvy ranging from full-size skincare and beauty products, to wellness products, to accessories, to decor and more every season. ... read more.

At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.

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Tammy Ikonen

Another subscribers on fabfitfun community commented that they should not even begin this summer add-on sales considering they can’t even send out the summer edit sale solutely agree with this and I’m going to stick to my guns and Order nothing zero nothing it’s going to be hard but I’m going to do it

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@liz I got an email with more add on spoilers [with prices]. Just a heads up!

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I got this email recently on the bill/ship dates:

August 7
If you meet any of the criteria below:
– Purchased Add-Ons
– Purchased an ADDITIONAL customization option

You will be charged $49.99 USD for your Fall Box (plus taxes and shipping, if applicable), in addition to any Add-Ons or additional customization items added to your cart.

August 20
All other members
You will be charged $49.99 USD for your Fall Box (plus taxes and shipping, if applicable).

Ship Dates
Bill Date: August 7
Your box will generally ship by September 7, or sooner.

Bill Date: August 20
Your box will generally ship by September 20, or sooner.

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I bought that neck warmer in an add-on sale in 2017 or 2018. I never wore it and just donated it to goodwill. It’s mire if an Arctic winter item than a fall item.

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Can anybody tell me about how many items you get in each box and what type of stuff ?? Thinking about signing up but know nothing about it.

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You usually get 7-10 full size products in all boxes. Annual subscribers can customize 5 of those items. Seasonal subscribers can select three; the other 2 items (from the customized options annual subscribers have) will be randomly selected by FFF. Of the customized selections, you can also add-on another of the featured items for an additional cost (usually $7-15). Example: if there were 2 items you really wanted in the first grouping, then you would select one and could add-on the other item for another $15. Additionally, there are 3-5 items that come in every box. Products frequently include totes, scarves, skincare, makeup, mani/pedi stuff, hair care, tech accessories, wellness stuff, seasonal use items, and home items. To have a better idea of products, you can google past boxes although the boxes will be different. Plus, there are two additional sales each season (add-on sale and edit sale) that you can buy items for 30-70% off retail. This post is showing a few of the items that will be available in the add-on sale. Hope this helps.

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Look at some past boxes to get an idea. Maybe start with Fall 2018.

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I still haven’t gotten my summer box, which I ordered either in May or June. It’s so frustrating. I almost want to cancel it. But I really want the items. Are there still others waiting?

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Yes, still waiting for mine 😢 and my first box. Not the best impression.

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Yeah that’s insane. I ordered like July 5th and got mine last week. You definitely should have gotten yours way by now.

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Misty Ruddell

Yes! You’re not the only one.

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I ordered June 15th and still waiting.


Still waiting on 3 shipments from the Summer edit sale… Hard to get excited about the fall sale when you’re still waiting on $240 worth of stuff still.

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Venessa smorodin

I am still waiting. Ordered June 24

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I’m still waiting. Tracking says I should get it on the 29th, so fingers crossed! I ordered last week of June.

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I ordered mine June 21 and just received it today. I would chat with customer service. They didn’t include an item in my box so I used the customer service chat and they are sending me a replacement. Great customer service!

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I received mine a month ago! That’s ridiculous that you haven’t received yours yet!

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I received mine a month ago! That’s ridiculous that you haven’t received yours!

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I like these items, but … Saturday onsale? And is it gonna take them over a month to ship again? I may opt out this time

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Just realized that add ons open on a saturday…. what in the holy mess are they thinking?! They can’t handle the traffic on a weekday.

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No matter when they open add ons people cry. Either they cry about having to get up early on a weekend or not being able to get anything early because they’re at work on a week day. Plus it always crashes no matter what. That’s what happens when thousands of materialistic minded people rush to get everything all at once.

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I think they had lots of complaints from annual members about the summer add-on sale, and this is their “correction”. People said they couldn’t shop while working.

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Molly Honchell

These are the best add on spoilers ever! There’s usually to much skin care & make up. I’m loving all the accessories, pjs. I sub a few beauty & make up boxes already. But, my favorite thing I bought from the last same was the beauty blender cleaner. That stuff works so amazingly. I just cleaned my brushes & it made them look brand new.

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Agreed! Love the candle and pjs!! Also, the necklace. Good brands too

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Does anyone know when the fall box ships out, or whether I can skip the fall box? I will be out of the country from end of September to mid-December. :/

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Last year I received my fall box at the end of August, and I even purchased add-ons. But I’m in Canada and an annual subscriber so my boxes always ship in the first batch.

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Haha! The masks are scary! I love them 😂 This will be my first time getting to do add ons since I just subscribed for the summer box. Are the prices usually really good like 50% off or just okay? Looking for Christmas gifts is a great idea!

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The prices are super good! 50-70% off everything!

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I got those masks at the Dallas indie beauty expo and I think they may be my OG sheet mask, not drippy, mostly fit my face and my skin felt amazing (and not sticky!) for a whole day, which if you’ve tried a lot of sheet masks like I have (I sheet mask 3 times a week), that is pretty rare.

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I wish we could get the items from the last sale before they would have another. One time, I think it was an edit sale, I had my entire order canceled. If I had known this, I’d have more money to spend on other things. I still haven’t even gotten a shipping notice for the edit sale. I used to love fff. Sigh.

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I got mine it was a Fed Ex email stating my box will be delivered tommorow July 25

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Same here. I wonder if our add ons will beat our edit items to us? LOL

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yeah I’m not understanding why it is taking so long

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Geordana R

I am loving these spoilers!!! I love FFF- their add-ons and their Edit Sales are seriously my favorite shopping events!! You get so many useful and awesome things. I couple of these have my eye!

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Clarissa Smith

I actually like these. The pjs look awesome but I’m only 5’1 so there is no way they would fit.😪The face masks are freaky, I know they would terrify my dogs and husband. My sons would think they are awesome!

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You could move into the tote with me and we can use the PJs as blankets!

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PM look great if they have plus size, but I have sever blankets from Mexico. They are warm if you need one.. Please no more Rose anything !

Clarissa smith

Jen, I love that idea!


When will they charge my account for the box? Not the add-ons.

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I got this email recently on the bill/ship dates:

August 7
If you meet any of the criteria below:
– Purchased Add-Ons
– Purchased an ADDITIONAL customization option

You will be charged $49.99 USD for your Fall Box (plus taxes and shipping, if applicable), in addition to any Add-Ons or additional customization items added to your cart.

August 20
All other members
You will be charged $49.99 USD for your Fall Box (plus taxes and shipping, if applicable).

Ship Dates
Bill Date: August 7
Your box will generally ship by September 7, or sooner.

Bill Date: August 20
Your box will generally ship by September 20, or sooner.

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I’m wondering the same thing.

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This is the last box guaranteed to get to us before Christmas, so I’ll be looking for gifts and stocking stuffers!

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Geordana R

That’s such a great point!!! They should have a lot of really cute options for gifts.

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Agreed about wanting to see prices, but I am tempted by the hot chocolate mix, the pajamas and the Dogeared necklace – love their jewelry!!

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Yeah, definitely about the prices – and getting the items I want before they’re all gone, which historically has been the biggest problem for me. So far, though, the stuff looks great. Love the face oil and PJs, and I can always use another blanket…

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Excited about the spoilers! Great options. Now just need FFF to ship my summer box … that I ordered a month ago. 🙁

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Yeah…I ordered on July 5th and still nothing. Disappointed that it’ll be mid August before I get the box I ordered for summer.

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Same here. I went ahead and asked them to cancel and refund my order which they did. As much as I wanted it, I got tired of waiting since I placed the order on 6/4 and we are approaching August already.


Love the Add Ons but the prices is what I want to see!

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Cheri Stevens

I love all of these. And I currently use the Korres Viatamin C oil. Its AMAZING

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This is the one thing I REALLY hope is still available when customization opens for everyone. I absolutely love the Korres sleeping mask that I got in a past FFF box and my skin loves face oils. So this looks like a winner to me. So fingers crossed.

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If only it wasn’t a flowery scent. I know that’s what’s hot right now, but anyone with allergies, asthma, or migraines is definitely not going to be able to use that…unfortunately

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I have extremely severe allergies, but the scent of that oil doesn’t affect them. Heavily scented products can and often do trigger the conditions you mentioned. However, each of those conditions are treated with an individuals unique circumstances.

FTR, I also used to have chronic Migraines and have been migraine free for seven years now.

Natalia Baage

This is the product I’m hoping to get in the Add-Ons!

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Yes it is!

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Well I’m sure I would terrify the hubs and dogs with those sheet masks! 😱.

I Like the tote and neck warmer, the beer crafting kit could be a fun gift. I always say that I won’t get anything and then I find a few things that I just can’t pass up!

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I was just thinking how scary those masks too also – not for me, haha!

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Can’t wait 😊

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As someone under 5′, I’m pretty sure I could completely fit into the Dot Dash Python Tote and live there very comfortably! 😂

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Perfect for awkward gatherings.

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hahahaha you are too funny – thanks for making me laugh – I needed that

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