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The Ultimate Guide to Faster Recovery: From Workouts to Hangovers (And Everything in Between)

Olivia Gartland
ByOlivia GartlandAug 17, 2023Sponsored

I’m an active person who loves the outdoors and rarely declines an invitation, especially during summertime. This go-go-go attitude usually serves me well, but I’m guilty of going just a bit too hard sometimes.

I’ve played around a lot with what I consider the “perfect recovery formula” after a particularly exhausting day or night (or sometimes both) filled with activities—especially when it comes to staving off the effects of dehydration. And because I think I’ve really nailed it, I’m going to impart some of my hard-earned wisdom to you. 🤝

Here are five of my best tips for a faster bounce-back:

1. You Need to Prioritize Rest

Your body cannot recover if you don’t stop moving! Rest is key to healing everything from your muscles to your ligaments to your brain. I know I certainly feel my best after a good night's sleep, and this is doubly important after a long, grueling activity.

Pro tip: dehydration can actually work against you here and prevent you from getting quality rest—even if you spend the whole night sleeping. I like winding down with Bubs Natural Hydrate Or Die Packs in Organic Coconut after a long night. All that extra hydration really enhances my sleep and saves me from waking up at 4am super parched.

2. Proper Hydration is Essential

My undeniable hero of recovery: hydration. I start to feel overheated, dizzy, and just overall unpleasant while dehydrated. It’s not a good look, and it’s really hard to accomplish anything (including some of the points on this list!) if I haven’t solved that piece of the puzzle first.

With 2000mg of electrolytes sourced from evaporated coconut water and Himalayan salt, BUBS Naturals Hydrate Or Die Packs keep my hydration levels up by properly balancing sodium, potassium, and sugar ratios, leaving me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated like I didn’t just spend half my day hiking in the sun. 🫠

The cherry on top is definitely the magnesium citrate from Aquamin, which comes straight from ocean plankton to increase hydration at the cellular level. Plus, these packets are made from nature, with no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or flavors.

Hydrate or Die comes in three tasty flavors: Orange, Lemon, and Organic coconut. I like to experiment by adding them to smoothies or drinking them as-is whenever I need hydration help.

You can score BUBS Naturals Hydrate Or Die Packs for just $13 per stick pack (18 servings). 

3. Mindful Eating Can Replenish Whatever You’ve Lost

A healthy man in the kitchen, cutting fresh organic oranges from the farmers market, for healthy breakfast juice preparation, vegan or vegetarian lifestyle

Whenever I’m trying to feel less like death warmed over after a long night, I tend to crave foods that are…less than ideal. I’m sure you can relate.

I like to start my day with a meal that focuses on protein, fat, and fiber to keep my blood sugar stable and my baser instincts at bay. Moderation is key, though, so I do still indulge. I just make sure that I’m fueling my body with actual nutrition, too.

4. Get a Good Workout In (even when you’re tired)

Woman exercise workout in gym fitness breaking relax holding apple fruit after training sport with dumbbell and protein shake bottle healthy lifestyle bodybuilding.

I’ve always loved how limber and comfortable I feel in my skin after a yoga session. Being able to bend my body and improve my reflexes has saved me from injury, kept me moving, and encourages blood flow which increases energy levels naturally.

Lately, I’ve been loving mobility stretches with deep breathing meditation to help regain my center and listen to what my body is telling me in the moment.

5. Spend Some Quality Time Outside ☀️

Unrecognizable muscular man running or walking on track field, low angle view of his running shoes.

Whether it's a leisurely stroll or diving headfirst into the ocean, nature has a way of making me feel better about life.

Fresh air awakens my senses, and the sun sends down all the vitamin D I need to boost my immunity and fight against whatever damage I just caused. 🤣

Don’t Let Recovery Drag You Down

Believe me, you don’t actually have to waste your whole morning in bed after an intense workout or a night at the club. If you follow these tips and give your body a little grace, you’ll be ready to plan your next adventure in no time—maybe even tonight. 😉

Happy hydrating!