11 results match your filters
GIRLS CAN! CRATE is a toolkit for future world changers introducing them to world changing women! A subscription box or mini-mailer delivered monthly for future world changers ages 5-10 introducing them to diverse women who have made history. Each crate comes with the GIRLS CAN! Activity Book, hands-on STEAM challenges, and inspiration galore! The mini-mailer is a smaller version of the original crate and jam-packed with the same BIG inspiration. Gift girl power!
"The journey begins with the World crate, where you'll meet travel buddies Anya and Milo. Explore your world map and master basic navigational skills. Build a real spinning globe! Collect Atlas cards to make your own travel book, filled with fascinating facts and photos."
"Story time just got better with Prime Book Box, a subscription that delivers hand-picked children’s books every 1, 2, or 3 months. Discover new favorites that inspire a love of reading—new adventures await in every box!"