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The Best Quilting Subscription Boxes in 2025

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7 results match your filters

  1. Quilty Box

    When you sign up for Quilty Box, every month you will receive a box in the mail with four or more items to get your Quilty on. Each box has a theme and will include fabric, patterns, notions, or thread with a retail value over $50. Past boxes have averaged over $60! Whether you're looking for a way to find new fabric and products or expand your talents, Quilty Box will deliver inspiring products right to your door. When you're done oogling over your box chock full of amazing-ness: Get creative and share your projects on our Facebook page or Instagram! Here at Quilty Box, we know the joy of a warm handmade quilt and would like to spread this joy to others. Quilty Box donates 5% of the profits of multi-month subscriptions to Quilts for Kids, an organization dedicated to turning fabrics into patchwork quilts that comfort children in need. All boxes are shipped on the 11th of each month and will arrive on your doorstep in 3-5 days for a fun Quilty surprise!

  2. StitchyBox
    Each themed box contains two cuts of stitching fabric along with a variety of threads and embellishments to get your creative juices flowing.
  3. Sew Sampler Box
    At least 5 specially chosen items which may include fabric, notions, patterns, thread and anything in between. The retail value of your items will always be more than your monthly cost! Each month you will also receive a Block Recipe to make a quilt block with three size options; 8”, 12” and 16”. Collect all twelve of the recipe cards plus a bonus card with instructions for putting them all together in an adorable quilt!
  4. Quilters Candy Box
    "When you sign up for Quilters Candy Box, you will recieve the newest fabric, patterns and unique quilting treasures every month! Plus, every box comes with a yummy dessert. What quilter wouldn't want a surprise like that?"
  5. Patchwork Parcel
    Patchwork Parcel is a monthly recurring quilting subscription. Every month you will receive a pattern, batting, any special notions, and all the fabric (including backing) needed to complete a small quilting/sewing project - delivered to your door! Everything you need to complete a small quilting/sewing project. Patterns are carefully reviewed and fabrics are all quilt-shop quality fabrics.
  6. SewBusy Box

    "SewBusy Box is a monthly subscription sewing box that automatically delivers all the supplies you'll need to make a complete fabric based project. Along the way you'll discover new products, techniques, and fun new ways to use fabric! We'll have a different type of project every month like mini quilts, home decor, table runners, bags, and accessories. Most months the project will be made using cotton quilting fabric, but occasionally we will expand your horizons with different types of fabric like cork, wool, flannel, the possibilities are endless. SewBusy Box is great for beginners to advanced sewers. In addition to all the supplies needed, each month's box will include detailed instructions and tips to help you be successful with your latest project. The retail value of your items will always be more than your monthly cost!

    Most projects will require that you already have a sewing machine and basic sewing supplies (rotary cutter, mat, ruler, scissors, iron, and hand and machine needles)."

  7. Darn Good Yarn of the Month
    Each month Darn Good Yarn of the Month sends "a skein of premium yarn, a knit & crochet pattern, and a mystery gift."

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