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Peaches & Petals Reviews

Is Peaches & Petals Right For You?

Updated February 21, 2025 | Verified Since 2025

Peaches & Petals
Peaches & PetalsVerified by MSA
3.7 overall rating
Starting at $20.00
Active Deal
10% off of your first month-to-month box (Peach10%) or Add a bonus vintage-inspired leather wrap watch in your first box (PEACHWATCH)
Use Coupon Code Peach10% or PEACHWATCH
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Peaches & Petals Overview

About the Brand

Experience Peaches & Petals' world of fun, flirty and fashionable vintage-modern lifestyle in a hand-curated box delivered to you each month. Peaches & Petals' love for fabulously flattering fashionable jewelry and accessories define the style, but they also love a variety of beauty samples to help keep their look. They live a life well-loved, and love things that help enjoy every moment. Don’t worry about shopping, let Peaches & Petals do it for you. Peaches & Petals' team will source relentlessly for fabulous products, so you just get to kick back, relax, and experience Peaches & Petals when it gets to your door!

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Subscriber Ratings

3.7 overall rating

Subscriber Reviews

7 reviews
Sep 27, 2016
This was the very first subscription box I ever signed up for, and I loved it from day one. The themes are always great and all of the items are usually extremely fitting for each one, with a really great variety of stuff. Some months have been better than others but I think that's true for every subscription box, depending on who you ask because everyone's opinion is different. Never have I been so let down by a box though that I canceled my subscription. It's one that I will keep getting month to month, and if I do stop for a while, I know I'll always return to it!
8 reviews
Oct 17, 2015
I had gotten the october box to try and I wasn't that impressed. The total value of the items in the box exceeded the price you pay, but there was nothing in the box that I really got excited about. Signing up, shipping, and canceling were all easy to do though.
1st Time Poster!
Feb 19, 2017
Currently subscribing. I started in November. I really liked that box, but it came 2nd week of December. My December one was initially delayed due to shortage of am item and then skipped all together because I was charged later (due to the box being incomplete) and put into different shipping cycle. I was suppose to receive my January box early on now, but that didn't come in til 1/25! It is after Valentine's Day, not word on a shipped box. If I get a Valentine's item it will be useless. They since changed their shipping to just one cycle rather then 3, but it's at the middle of the month which is kind dumb, and like I said I haven't gotten word on shipment. If anyone knows of a similar box please tell me. I actually like these, but shipping is terrible and customer service is just good enough to redirect to their FAQ, so pretty terrible too.
Colleen Henderson
Colleen Henderson
2 reviews
May 10, 2016
I adored this box, and had been with it/them since the beginning, but as they started becoming more popular, things started to fall apart with it; the last two months my boxes have come super late (and that's on top of the fact that I am in the last group scheduled to ship out each month); so now here it is, May 10th, and I am still waiting on my April box (and starting to see other people receive their May box). To make matters worse, instead of expediting it, or trying (in ANY form) to solve/make up for the issue, I just get what boils down to a "Sorry, but it wasn't our fault" response from their customer service; and amidst all this, they had the nerve to raise the price. SMH.. #Cancelled
Rikki Pfouts
Rikki Pfouts
1st Time Poster!
Sep 12, 2015
I found most of the items very cheap.
Amanda Goller
Amanda Goller
9 reviews
Dec 19, 2016
I tried this box for 2 months. There were I believe 5 items each month They were cheap items or items that you wouldnt really want. Very disappointed. I would have only gotten one box, but I didnt cancel in time and ended up getting two.
1st Time Poster!
Dec 15, 2016
I tried this sub for 2 months. I can honestly say that between the 2 months there was not 1 item I would have spent $20 on. Looks like a bunch of stuff thrown together from the dollar store mark down bin. Lip gloss was open (eww!) the UGLIEST earrings I have ever seen. While I will gift the electric scent warmer thing, the rest of the box is going in the garbage! Sub cancelled!
Laura Linabury
Laura Linabury
3 reviews
Nov 29, 2016
I was really excited to get this box because I had heard good things about it. However it took a really long time to get the box after I subscribed. I wasn't too thrilled to get the pink throw blanket. There was some unbranded sugar scrub that didn't look very fun to use and a random Cocoa pebbles lip balm. The 2 decent things in the whole box was the mug and socks. I just found the curation of this box to be a little odd and the products are definitely not high quality. Sadly, I canceled my subscription :(
Aimee Robles
Aimee Robles
10 reviews
Feb 24, 2016
I got my first box and I only got it cause of the coupon I then added Gloves and two of the extra beauty mystery items with my points and just got the box and no mystery beauty items the box was nice and for 13 bucks cause I added the gloves seemed worth it but I my self didn't like it I got a yellow scarf porcelain salt and pepper bird a cook book on how to make whoope pies two bars of sugar scrubs hand made they smelt nice too and a pillow case with xo on it but I gave it all to my grandmother she loved it but a canceled it I just will try a bother box but it was a good deal just not for me
3 reviews
Nov 9, 2015
The eyeshadow trio that I received was broken so bad that it isn't usable.....Very disappointed :(

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Peaches & PetalsVerified by MSA
3.7 overall rating
Starting at $20.00
Active Deal
10% off of your first month-to-month box (Peach10%) or Add a bonus vintage-inspired leather wrap watch in your first box (PEACHWATCH)
Use Coupon Code Peach10% or PEACHWATCH
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